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Wrestling diet

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I wrestle so I have to make weight for my matches. To keep from being over weight I usually can't eat anything the day of a match. I usually have an hour or two between weighing and when I have to wrestle. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can eat after I weigh in that will give me quick energy for my match?

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I wrestle so I have to make weight for my matches. To keep from being over weight I usually can't eat anything the day of a match. I usually have an hour or two between weighing and when I have to wrestle. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can eat after I weigh in that will give me quick energy for my match?

That's a great question.  There is a good book out there, you can buy it through  It's called "A grappler's guide to sports nutrition".  I bought it and gave it to my son who has ignored it ever since.  But it will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about what foods to eat, how to eat throughout the season...etc.  It even has a section about "Ok, so you ignored all our good advice, and it's the day before your match and your 8 lbs over weight...what do you do".  It covers things like pre-match meals, post match meals, post work out meals....etc.  I'd recommend you or your coach buying a copy.  I do not have the book in front of me at the moment, but sometime this weekend i'll look up what it says on your situation.  I know there was something in there about the scenario where you haven't ate all morning, you weighed in and you have 1-2 hours before you wrestle....what to eat.  If i don't post a follow up response on here by Monday, please PM me so i won't forget.

btw - peanut butter & honey & a banana is probably a very good option.

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Peanut butter and honey bagels are great right after weight ins. Since you only have an hour or so after you weigh in to wrestle, it's best to take it easy on the first thing you eat, you don't want to wrestle on a full stomach the first match but you should replenish with about 20 ounces of water or Gatorade and eat something high in carbs such as honey on bagels as previously suggested.

You don't want to eat something that has a lot of grease or anything spicy that could upset your stomach.

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Peanut butter and honey bagels are great right after weight ins. Since you only have an hour or so after you weigh in to wrestle, it's best to take it easy on the first thing you eat, you don't want to wrestle on a full stomach the first match but you should replenish with about 20 ounces of water or Gatorade and eat something high in carbs such as honey on bagels as previously suggested.

You don't want to eat something that has a lot of grease or anything spicy that could upset your stomach.

So lard flavored jalopeneos are out of the question? :?

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Eating At Tournaments

There are a lot of common misconceptions about athletic nutrition. First, sugar is NOT good for energy. Yes, the brain gets a short-term "sugar high" that lasts only a very short time. But, this is followed by a long-term "low" when energy levels and concentration fall off. Sugar has been shown to be a depressant. Wrestlers should stay away from candy, and soda pop during the season. Second, caffeine is a stimulant but it also restricts fluid absorption by the body. In hot weather, this can literally be a killer. Most soft drinks are full of caffeine (Dr. Pepper has more than a cup of coffee). In addition, there is a long-held belief that carbonation is not good for the "wind", which is true because it absorbs oxygen. Third, at least for Wrestling, don't load up on carbohydrates. This helps if you are running the Boston Marathon, but in a 3 or 6 minute wrestling match where half the time is spent sitting in the stands, whatever advantage there might be will probably be lost.


1. Drink lots of water, especially in hot weather. Drink about 2 cups (16 oz.) of cool water about 2 hours before a match or practice. Drink 1 to 2 cups water 15-30 minutes before the event.

2. Eat lightly before a match. Eat light sandwiches (turkey, chicken, etc.) rather than hamburgers or hot dogs. Tuna is good. A few cheese cubes (4 or 5, not the whole package) provide calcium, a little fat for energy, and full feeling without being bulky.

3. Eat bananas. This fruit is high in potassium, which is lost through sweat and exertion. This will help prevent leg cramps. Don't "chow down" and eat the whole bunch, but 1 banana approximately 1 hour before or right after a game will help keep the body in balance.

4. Eat oranges. This helps replace electrolytes and carbohydrates without giving you a "full" stomach.

5. Try to maintain a normal eating schedule. Breakfast should consist of dry cereal and milk and maybe a piece of toast or muffin or eggs and breakfast meat if the athlete is carbohydrate intolerant. Stay away from pancakes, French toast, or other heavy foods. These sit in the stomach and can cause stomach aches and nausea. Lunch and dinner, especially if a game is to follow, should be light with some protein (meat), vegetables or fruits, and calcium (cheese or milk).

6. Save heavy meals and junk food for the post-tournament celebration.



1. Bulky foods, high-fat foods, or gas-forming foods (like chili or nachos) are a BIG no-no. For example, if a taco stand is the only food around, have a crispy taco with meat, lettuce, cheese, and tomatoes. DO NOT eat a bean burrito.

2. Popcorn is NOT a food group. You can have a handful after a game to help replenish your salt levels, but don't scarf down a bag right before or during the game.

3. Don't drink soda.

4. Don't drink sports drinks that are high in sugar. Read the label. You are better off with

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I wrestle so I have to make weight for my matches. To keep from being over weight I usually can't eat anything the day of a match. I usually have an hour or two between weighing and when I have to wrestle. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can eat after I weigh in that will give me quick energy for my match?

Eating and Competing


What you eat on a day-to-day basis is extremely important for training. Your diet will affect how fast and how well you progress, and how soon you reach competitive standard. But once you are ready to compete, you will have a new concern: your competition diet. Is it important? What should you eat before your competition? When is the best time to eat? How much should you eat? Should you be eating during the event? And what can you eat between heats or matches? A lot of research has been done in this area, and it is clear that certain dietary approaches can enhance competition performance. This page gives guidelines about eating and competing which will help you to perform at your best during competition.

What should you eat in the week before a competition?

During the week before a competition you should fill up your glycogen stores so that you begin your competition with a full fuel supply. This is especially important if you are competing in an endurance sport or competing in a number of heats over a short period. The way to increase your glycogen stores is to taper training during the final week before a competition, and to increase carbohydrate intake. Eat plenty of complex carbohydrate foods, especially those with a low glycaemic index to help boost your glycogen stores. For the last three to four days try to eat a small meal or snack every two or three hours. Plan each meal around high- carbohydrate foods, for example baked potatoes, bread or pasta. Your total energy intake should remain about the same as usual. Eat smaller portions of high-protein foods such as meat, fish and eggs. Keep fat intake to a minimum and eat larger amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods (i.e. potatoes, pasta, cereals, etc). During these last few days you should, ideally, be getting 60-70% of your energy from carbohydrates.

What should you eat before competition?

Hopefully, by the morning of your competition, the previous day's eating will already have filled your glycogen stores. Your pre-competition meal should be high in carbohydrate, low in fat, low in protein, low in fiber (i.e. not too bulky and filling), enjoyable and familiar. Eat complex carbohydrates as these release energy slowly. Avoid simple carbohydrates as these release energy quickly but trigger the release of insulin which can soon make you feel tired. Suitable types of food include: breakfast cereals, porridge, bread, rolls, toast, fruit juice, fruit, rice cakes, plain crackers, boiled rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, boiled pasta, dried fruit, oatmeal biscuits, plain whole meal biscuits, muffins and carbohydrate drinks.

Must you eat a pre-competition meal?

Many competitors feel nervous on the day of the competition and do not want to eat. However, it is not a good idea to avoid having a pre-competition meal. Your liver glycogen stores will be low and could adversely affect your performance in the last stages if you are competing in an endurance event (or in one that lasts over 1.5 hours). The liver can only store enough glycogen to last 12 hours, so if you eat nothing after the previous day's evening meal your liver glycogen stores will be considerably depleted. If you really do not feel like eating, try to have a liquid meal such as a carbohydrate drink, some fruit juice or commercial sports drink.

Should you eat just before the competition?

Studies have shown that eating a small amount (about 50 gms) of fast-absorbing carbohydrate just before exercise helps to delay fatigue and improve endurance. Carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index are absorbed relatively quickly into the bloodstream and cause a fairly rapid rise in blood-sugar levels. If you start exercising within about five minutes, an increase in insulin will be prevented and your blood-sugar levels will remain slightly raised for longer. Some people are more sensitive to blood-sugar fluctuations than others, so you may find that this last-minute snack does not suit you at all.

Should you eat or drink during a competition?

If you are competing for more than an hour, you may find that taking extra carbohydrate during the event helps to delay fatigue and maintain exercise intensity, particularly during the later stages. If you take small amounts of carbohydrate at regular intervals during the competition, blood- sugar levels will be boosted and glycogen stores will not be depleted so rapidly. If you are competing in a tournament or match which involves intermittent, high- and low-intensity activity, try to have some form of carbohydrate during the breaks.

Make sure you are well hydrated before the competition having your last drink about 15-20 minutes before the start. Drink at regular intervals (150 to 300ml), ideally every 15 minutes or whenever you have a break during competition. Do not wait until you feel thirsty, you will already be dehydrated. Water is fine or you may prefer to use a commercial carbohydrate drink (Sports Drinks) as this will also refuel your glycogen stores.

What should you eat after competition?

Following training & competition an athlete's glycogen stores are depleted. In order to replenish them the athlete needs to consider the speed at which carbohydrate is converted into blood glucose and transported to the muscles. The rapid replenishment of glycogen stores is important for the track athlete who has a number of races in a meeting. The rise in blood glucose levels is indicated by a food Glycaemic Index (GI) and the faster and higher the blood glucose rises the higher the GI.

Studies have shown that consuming high GI carbohydrates, approximately 2g/kg of body weight, and 40g of protein within 2 hours after exercise speeds up the replenishment of glycogen stores and therefore speeds up recovery time. It appears that the muscles are more receptive to and retaining carbohydrate during the two hours after exercise.

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What Should You Eat After Weigh-Ins?

You work so hard in practice. You bust your butt every day. You've learned how to properly cut weight. You drop the last couple of pounds with proper water manipulating.

Don't screw it up now by eating the wrong thing. Here's a list to get you on the right path.

* If it's a dual meet with only one match, eat a protein/carb/fat combination. The perfect meal for this situation? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The fat in the peanut butter will slow down the absorption of the sugar in the bread and jelly. Keep hydrated as well. Drink water.

* If it's a long tournament with many potential matches, stick to meat and salad. You will keep energy from the carbs that are already stored in your body. By consuming carbs early you will put your body in a groggy state.

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