Home Grown Wrestling Club

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Home Grown Wrestling Club last won the day on July 14 2021

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  1. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Halloween 14 & Under Youth Takedown Tournament

    There was a mistake on the Date of Births for our Halloween Takedown Tournament on the flier and in Track Wrestling. Somehow the wrong DOBs were used we have updated and corrected the error and mistake. I have corrected the mistake on the flier and in Track Wrestling. You can now register 14-year-olds who were born in 2009. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I have attached the link to the updated flier for everyone's convenience. if anyone has any question concerns or problems with registration, please let me know. Don't forget you can register wrestlers until Friday night. Please get everyone entered as soon as possible. We want as many wrestlers as possible to ensure everyone can get plenty of matches and mat time. This will be a fun tournament with all the wrestlers getting round robin matches and cool Halloween medals. Takedowns only no pins so kids will get the opportunity to keep wrestling and prepare for the upcoming wrestling season. Please help us make this a huge success and bring your wrestlers to our fun Halloween 14 & Under Youth Wrestling Tournament. updated Halloween take Down Tournament.docx
  2. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    2021\2022 Tournaments are scarce.

    Elizabethtown Ky near Fort Knox
  3. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    2021\2022 Tournaments are scarce.

    Hello Everyone, Hopefully Home Grown Wrestling Club will be hosting more Tournaments soon. We are working on dates now. We are are trying not to schedule on a date another tournament is already being run and we have to work around the avalability of the venues and schools we use. We just did a Tournemant a week ago and only had 100 wrestlers show up so that makes it hard to keep doing more. Some complained of the entry fee of $25 instead of $15 or $20. We are trying to make it afforable but also not lose money and the economy and inflation has made everything more expensive which of course causes prices to increase everywhere for everything. A small program running tournaments can't afford to lose money and anyone who hosts tournaments knows how much time and money goes into running and hosting it. We did offer discounts for teams with more wrestlers to help. As we go forward we will continue to do everything possible to keep the prices as low as we can without our team and program losing money and still making it worthwhile as a program to run them. Unlike some programs and teams who can get stuff for free or extremely discounted and keep prices at $15 we have to pay for venues and mats we use and yes even at the high school we pay a fee either to the school directly or to the high school wrestling program at that school who allows us to use the mats and their parents and wrestlers during the tournament. We have to pay for Officials at $30 per hour per Official at a mandatory minimun of 6 hrs.for each Offical ($175.00 ea.). We have to buy mat tape, mat cleaner, Medals, food for hospitality room, food and drinks for concessions. We have to pay for a tournament director and for Track Wrestling we also have to pay USA Wrestling to sanction the tournament to be covered by USA Wrestling for insurance purposes and the list goes on from there. The bottom line is it costs alot of money to host and run a tournament and you have to have the money up front to buy and pay for everything and than hope and pray you get the money back. Anyone who runs a tournament knows there is lots of risk involved and for a small program its a huge risk to take and to do it. Most of the upfront money and expenses are non refundable so if you cancel a tournament you are out the money for lots of stuff such as the medals the food and drinks all the supplies etc. and sometimes for the venue as well. We are talking hundreds if not thousands of dollars depending on the event. People who don't run tournaments or who haven't run them recently don't know or seem to understand all the time and costs involved and think its price gouging or "Getting Rich" I promise you that's not the case and we don't get rich doing this. We do it so kids can wrestle and have a good experience with a safe and well run tournament with quality medals food and drinks etc. As a small Program running a tournament yes we hope to see some profit to help build our own program and compensate the team hosting it for the time and effort they put in but we don't do it to get rich and we aren't getting rich. We want to ensure kids have places to wrestle and can have fun and be safe. We do it for the kids and to help grow the sport of wrestling we don't do it for the money. If we only cared about making money we would have cancelled our last tournament when we had less than 100 kids coming to wrestle. We continued with the tournament because as long as there were kids willing and wanting to wrestle we were determined to make sure they got to wrestle even if we broke even or lost a small amount of money. Thank you to all the teams and programs that helped us and continue to support us. Hopefully in the future other people will understand and won't let $5 or $10 stop them from coming to a wrestling tournament so kids can wrestle and get mat time and experience. Let's be honest most of us waste more than $5 or $10 a week on stupid stuff all the time and most of the people who wrestle spend much more money wrestling in out of state tournaments all the time and we seem to have no problem with that and lots of people and kids are willing to do that. They will spend money on hotels, gas, food and higher registration fees for out of state tournaments but for a local tournament won't go or complain over $5 or $10. Seems not to make much sense to me. Our team and program will continue to support everyone in the State and we will continue to travel and attend your tournaments and events and we hope we can get the same support in return. In the end its about the kids and the growth of wrestling in Kentucky. We can't have that growth and success that we need in this State without helping and supporting each other.
  4. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Veterans Memorial Tournament

    UPDATE: WE WILL NOT CANCEL OUR TOURNAMENT TOMORROW IT WILL GO ON AS PLANNED WITH WHATEVER KIDS SHOW UP AND WANT TO WRESTLE. WE WILL ALLOW ON-SITE REGISTRATION TOMORROW BUT STILL PREFER YOU DO IT ONLINE BY TONIGHT TO HELP US PLAN ACCORDINGLY. WE WILL ALLOW WRESTLERS TO WRESTLE IN MULTIPLE WEIGHT CLASSES AND DIVISION AND HAVE ADDED A 16U DIVISION FOR THE 8TH GRADERS WHO WEREN'T ABLE TO PREVIOUSLY REGISTER DUE TO A CONFLICT WITH DATE OF BIRTH. WE THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN HELPING AND SUPPORTING US. Hello, Home Grown Wrestling Club is asking for everyones help and support to make the Veterans Memorial Tournament a success and to help encourage your wrestlers and teams to attend this tournament. We are working hard to get kids in our state opportunites to wrestle and get mat time. We do not want to see another youth and middle school tournament get cancelled due to low numbers. In addition to this Tournament being the first one in KY for the new season its also a tournament to honor our Military Veterans. We have invited all the service branches to come and be represented and be honored during our tournament. This Tournament will have many levels of wrestlers from brand new kids who have one or two practices to state placers and state champions. We need to get and keep our kids on the mat wrestling. Every cancelled event is another lost opportunity for kids to practice and get mat time with different kids. Unfortuntely with the rising cost of everything its becoming harder and harder to host and run tournaments at $15 like everyone is use too. Food has gone up costing more to run concessions, medals have increased in price as has shipping costs, the officials all get $5 per hour more each as well as the price to sanction the tournament with USA Wrestling has increased. All these factor into the cost to host a tournament. We did decide to charge $25 per wrestler to help cover the costs so we don't lose money, however in an attempt to avoid cancelling the tournament we have decided on the following. If you are a team bringing 10 or more Wrestlers we will charge you $15 per wrestler if you are a team bringing 5-10 wrestlers it will be $20 per wrestler and anyone with 1-5 wrestlers will pay $25. We will charge you the day of the tournament accordingly with cash or check as payment. We hope this will help make it more affordable for the larger teams and will help to get your teams and wrestlers to show up. I would love nothing more than to be able to charge $10 or $15 per wrestler but that's not practical anymore with the current economy so that is why we had to charge more. We aren't getting rich hosting this tournament and we are not trying to get rich however we can't lose money either or do all this work to maybe break even. We hope everyone understands. We also planned on having a big concessions and hospitality room available however until we see larger numbers for registration its hard to shop and plan accordingly so I ask everyone to please try to register or contact me directly with the number of wrestlers and coaches you will have coming asap so we can be prepared for the concessions and hospitality room. We have our local golden corral offering to donate food for our hospitality room but with our low numbers so far it would not make sense to have them do that. If we get enough people coming I will reach back out to them. This being the first tournament of the new year and a USA Wrestling Tournament we used the 2022 usa wrestling age and weight chart guidelines for this tournament. We realize its not a traditional youth and middle school tournament with middle school weight classes we did this to allow time for kids to get to the middle school weights later but still wrestle now. Please encourage all wrestlers of all ages experience and skill set to get on the mat and lets start this wrestling season out on a good foot and positive note. We hope to see everyone there Saturday. Any questions please contact me or the tournament director Chris Harrison I have attached the tournament flyer. The flyer doesnt have the team prices I mentioned so keep that in mind when telling your team and parents. Thank You again for considering attending our tournament. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=633621132 veterans memorial wrestling tournament.docx
  5. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Veterans Memorial Tournament

    UPDATE: WE WILL NOT CANCEL OUR TOURNAMENT TOMORROW IT WILL GO ON AS PLANNED WITH WHATEVER KIDS SHOW UP AND WANT TO WRESTLE. WE WILL ALLOW ON-SITE REGISTRATION TOMORROW BUT STILL PREFER YOU DO IT ONLINE BY TONIGHT TO HELP US PLAN ACCORDINGLY. WE WILL ALLOW WRESTLERS TO WRESTLE IN MULTIPLE WEIGHT CLASSES AND DIVISION AND HAVE ADDED A 16U DIVISION FOR THE 8TH GRADERS WHO WEREN'T ABLE TO PREVIOUSLY REGISTER DUE TO A CONFLICT WITH DATE OF BIRTH. WE THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN HELPING AND SUPPORTING US. Hello, Home Grown Wrestling Club is asking for everyones help and support to make the Veterans Memorial Tournament a success and to help encourage your wrestlers and teams to attend this tournament. We are working hard to get kids in our state opportunites to wrestle and get mat time. We do not want to see another youth and middle school tournament get cancelled due to low numbers. In addition to this Tournament being the first one in KY for the new season its also a tournament to honor our Military Veterans. We have invited all the service branches to come and be represented and be honored during our tournament. This Tournament will have many levels of wrestlers from brand new kids who have one or two practices to state placers and state champions. We need to get and keep our kids on the mat wrestling. Every cancelled event is another lost opportunity for kids to practice and get mat time with different kids. Unfortuntely with the rising cost of everything its becoming harder and harder to host and run tournaments at $15 like everyone is use too. Food has gone up costing more to run concessions, medals have increased in price as has shipping costs, the officials all get $5 per hour more each as well as the price to sanction the tournament with USA Wrestling has increased. All these factor into the cost to host a tournament. We did decide to charge $25 per wrestler to help cover the costs so we don't lose money, however in an attempt to avoid cancelling the tournament we have decided on the following. If you are a team bringing 10 or more Wrestlers we will charge you $15 per wrestler if you are a team bringing 5-10 wrestlers it will be $20 per wrestler and anyone with 1-5 wrestlers will pay $25. We will charge you the day of the tournament accordingly with cash or check as payment. We hope this will help make it more affordable for the larger teams and will help to get your teams and wrestlers to show up. I would love nothing more than to be able to charge $10 or $15 per wrestler but that's not practical anymore with the current economy so that is why we had to charge more. We aren't getting rich hosting this tournament and we are not trying to get rich however we can't lose money either or do all this work to maybe break even. We hope everyone understands. We also planned on having a big concessions and hospitality room available however until we see larger numbers for registration its hard to shop and plan accordingly so I ask everyone to please try to register or contact me directly with the number of wrestlers and coaches you will have coming asap so we can be prepared for the concessions and hospitality room. We have our local golden corral offering to donate food for our hospitality room but with our low numbers so far it would not make sense to have them do that. If we get enough people coming I will reach back out to them. This being the first tournament of the new year and a USA Wrestling Tournament we used the 2022 usa wrestling age and weight chart guidelines for this tournament. We realize its not a traditional youth and middle school tournament with middle school weight classes we did this to allow time for kids to get to the middle school weights later but still wrestle now. Please encourage all wrestlers of all ages experience and skill set to get on the mat and lets start this wrestling season out on a good foot and positive note. We hope to see everyone there Saturday. Any questions please contact me or the tournament director Chris Harrison I have attached the tournament flyer. The flyer doesnt have the team prices I mentioned so keep that in mind when telling your team and parents. Thank You again for considering attending our tournament. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=633621132 veterans memorial wrestling tournament.docx
  6. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Veterans Memorial Tournament

    UPDATE: WE WILL NOT CANCEL OUR TOURNAMENT TOMORROW IT WILL GO ON AS PLANNED WITH WHATEVER KIDS SHOW UP AND WANT TO WRESTLE. WE WILL ALLOW ON-SITE REGISTRATION TOMORROW BUT STILL PREFER YOU DO IT ONLINE BY TONIGHT TO HELP US PLAN ACCORDINGLY. WE WILL ALLOW WRESTLERS TO WRESTLE IN MULTIPLE WEIGHT CLASSES AND DIVISION AND HAVE ADDED A 16U DIVISION FOR THE 8TH GRADERS WHO WEREN'T ABLE TO PREVIOUSLY REGISTER DUE TO A CONFLICT WITH DATE OF BIRTH. WE THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN HELPING AND SUPPORTING US. Hello, Home Grown Wrestling Club is asking for everyones help and support to make the Veterans Memorial Tournament a success and to help encourage your wrestlers and teams to attend this tournament. We are working hard to get kids in our state opportunites to wrestle and get mat time. We do not want to see another youth and middle school tournament get cancelled due to low numbers. In addition to this Tournament being the first one in KY for the new season its also a tournament to honor our Military Veterans. We have invited all the service branches to come and be represented and be honored during our tournament. This Tournament will have many levels of wrestlers from brand new kids who have one or two practices to state placers and state champions. We need to get and keep our kids on the mat wrestling. Every cancelled event is another lost opportunity for kids to practice and get mat time with different kids. Unfortuntely with the rising cost of everything its becoming harder and harder to host and run tournaments at $15 like everyone is use too. Food has gone up costing more to run concessions, medals have increased in price as has shipping costs, the officials all get $5 per hour more each as well as the price to sanction the tournament with USA Wrestling has increased. All these factor into the cost to host a tournament. We did decide to charge $25 per wrestler to help cover the costs so we don't lose money, however in an attempt to avoid cancelling the tournament we have decided on the following. If you are a team bringing 10 or more Wrestlers we will charge you $15 per wrestler if you are a team bringing 5-10 wrestlers it will be $20 per wrestler and anyone with 1-5 wrestlers will pay $25. We will charge you the day of the tournament accordingly with cash or check as payment. We hope this will help make it more affordable for the larger teams and will help to get your teams and wrestlers to show up. I would love nothing more than to be able to charge $10 or $15 per wrestler but that's not practical anymore with the current economy so that is why we had to charge more. We aren't getting rich hosting this tournament and we are not trying to get rich however we can't lose money either or do all this work to maybe break even. We hope everyone understands. We also planned on having a big concessions and hospitality room available however until we see larger numbers for registration its hard to shop and plan accordingly so I ask everyone to please try to register or contact me directly with the number of wrestlers and coaches you will have coming asap so we can be prepared for the concessions and hospitality room. We have our local golden corral offering to donate food for our hospitality room but with our low numbers so far it would not make sense to have them do that. If we get enough people coming I will reach back out to them. This being the first tournament of the new year and a USA Wrestling Tournament we used the 2022 usa wrestling age and weight chart guidelines for this tournament. We realize its not a traditional youth and middle school tournament with middle school weight classes we did this to allow time for kids to get to the middle school weights later but still wrestle now. Please encourage all wrestlers of all ages experience and skill set to get on the mat and lets start this wrestling season out on a good foot and positive note. We hope to see everyone there Saturday. Any questions please contact me or the tournament director Chris Harrison I have attached the tournament flyer. The flyer doesnt have the team prices I mentioned so keep that in mind when telling your team and parents. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=633621132 Thank You again for considering attending our tournament. veterans memorial wrestling tournament.docx
  7. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Veterans Memorial Tournament

    UPDATE: WE WILL NOT CANCEL OUR TOURNAMENT TOMORROW IT WILL GO ON AS PLANNED WITH WHATEVER KIDS SHOW UP AND WANT TO WRESTLE. WE WILL ALLOW ON-SITE REGISTRATION TOMORROW BUT STILL PREFER YOU DO IT ONLINE BY TONIGHT TO HELP US PLAN ACCORDINGLY. WE WILL ALLOW WRESTLERS TO WRESTLE IN MULTIPLE WEIGHT CLASSES AND DIVISION AND HAVE ADDED A 16U DIVISION FOR THE 8TH GRADERS WHO WEREN'T ABLE TO PREVIOUSLY REGISTER DUE TO A CONFLICT WITH DATE OF BIRTH. WE THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN HELPING AND SUPPORTING US. Hello, Home Grown Wrestling Club is asking for everyones help and support to make the Veterans Memorial Tournament a success and to help encourage your wrestlers and teams to attend this tournament. We are working hard to get kids in our state opportunites to wrestle and get mat time. We do not want to see another youth and middle school tournament get cancelled due to low numbers. In addition to this Tournament being the first one in KY for the new season its also a tournament to honor our Military Veterans. We have invited all the service branches to come and be represented and be honored during our tournament. This Tournament will have many levels of wrestlers from brand new kids who have one or two practices to state placers and state champions. We need to get and keep our kids on the mat wrestling. Every cancelled event is another lost opportunity for kids to practice and get mat time with different kids. Unfortuntely with the rising cost of everything its becoming harder and harder to host and run tournaments at $15 like everyone is use too. Food has gone up costing more to run concessions, medals have increased in price as has shipping costs, the officials all get $5 per hour more each as well as the price to sanction the tournament with USA Wrestling has increased. All these factor into the cost to host a tournament. We did decide to charge $25 per wrestler to help cover the costs so we don't lose money, however in an attempt to avoid cancelling the tournament we have decided on the following. If you are a team bringing 10 or more Wrestlers we will charge you $15 per wrestler if you are a team bringing 5-10 wrestlers it will be $20 per wrestler and anyone with 1-5 wrestlers will pay $25. We will charge you the day of the tournament accordingly with cash or check as payment. We hope this will help make it more affordable for the larger teams and will help to get your teams and wrestlers to show up. I would love nothing more than to be able to charge $10 or $15 per wrestler but that's not practical anymore with the current economy so that is why we had to charge more. We aren't getting rich hosting this tournament and we are not trying to get rich however we can't lose money either or do all this work to maybe break even. We hope everyone understands. We also planned on having a big concessions and hospitality room available however until we see larger numbers for registration its hard to shop and plan accordingly so I ask everyone to please try to register or contact me directly with the number of wrestlers and coaches you will have coming asap so we can be prepared for the concessions and hospitality room. We have our local golden corral offering to donate food for our hospitality room but with our low numbers so far it would not make sense to have them do that. If we get enough people coming I will reach back out to them. This being the first tournament of the new year and a USA Wrestling Tournament we used the 2022 usa wrestling age and weight chart guidelines for this tournament. We realize its not a traditional youth and middle school tournament with middle school weight classes we did this to allow time for kids to get to the middle school weights later but still wrestle now. Please encourage all wrestlers of all ages experience and skill set to get on the mat and lets start this wrestling season out on a good foot and positive note. We hope to see everyone there Saturday. Any questions please contact me or the tournament director Chris Harrison I have attached the tournament flyer. The flyer doesnt have the team prices I mentioned so keep that in mind when telling your team and parents. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=633621132 Thank You again for considering attending our tournament. veterans memorial wrestling tournament.docx
  8. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Veterans Memorial Tournament

    Hello, Home Grown Wrestling Club is asking for everyones help and support to make the Veterans Memorial Tournament a success and to help encourage your wrestlers and teams to attend this tournament. We are working hard to get kids in our state opportunites to wrestle and get mat time. We do not want to see another youth and middle school tournament get cancelled due to low numbers. In addition to this Tournament being the first one in KY for the new season its also a tournament to honor our Military Veterans. We have invited all the service branches to come and be represented and be honored during our tournament. This Tournament will have many levels of wrestlers from brand new kids who have one or two practices to state placers and state champions. We need to get and keep our kids on the mat wrestling. Every cancelled event is another lost opportunity for kids to practice and get mat time with different kids. Unfortuntely with the rising cost of everything its becoming harder and harder to host and run tournaments at $15 like everyone is use too. Food has gone up costing more to run concessions, medals have increased in price as has shipping costs, the officials all get $5 per hour more each as well as the price to sanction the tournament with USA Wrestling has increased. All these factor into the cost to host a tournament. We did decide to charge $25 per wrestler to help cover the costs so we don't lose money, however in an attempt to avoid cancelling the tournament we have decided on the following. If you are a team bringing 10 or more Wrestlers we will charge you $15 per wrestler if you are a team bringing 5-10 wrestlers it will be $20 per wrestler and anyone with 1-5 wrestlers will pay $25. We will charge you the day of the tournament accordingly with cash or check as payment. We hope this will help make it more affordable for the larger teams and will help to get your teams and wrestlers to show up. I would love nothing more than to be able to charge $10 or $15 per wrestler but that's not practical anymore with the current economy so that is why we had to charge more. We aren't getting rich hosting this tournament and we are not trying to get rich however we can't lose money either or do all this work to maybe break even. We hope everyone understands. We also planned on having a big concessions and hospitality room available however until we see larger numbers for registration its hard to shop and plan accordingly so I ask everyone to please try to register or contact me directly with the number of wrestlers and coaches you will have coming asap so we can be prepared for the concessions and hospitality room. We have our local golden corral offering to donate food for our hospitality room but with our low numbers so far it would not make sense to have them do that. If we get enough people coming I will reach back out to them. This being the first tournament of the new year and a USA Wrestling Tournament we used the 2022 usa wrestling age and weight chart guidelines for this tournament. We realize its not a traditional youth and middle school tournament with middle school weight classes we did this to allow time for kids to get to the middle school weights later but still wrestle now. Please encourage all wrestlers of all ages experience and skill set to get on the mat and lets start this wrestling season out on a good foot and positive note. We hope to see everyone there Saturday. Any questions please contact me or the tournament director Chris Harrison I have attached the tournament flyer. The flyer doesnt have the team prices I mentioned so keep that in mind when telling your team and parents. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/opentournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=633621132 Thank You again for considering attending our tournament. veterans memorial wrestling tournament.docx
  9. Home Grown Wrestling Club


  10. Home Grown Wrestling Club


  11. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Bellarmine hires Shuck

    It’s been officially announced today at 2pm it is accurate and reliable and has been confirmed.
  12. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Bellarmine Coaching Change

    Olympian Ken Chertow and Nic Bedelyon from Rider University never received a phone call, email or any response or communication from the University during the entire hiring process from the time they applied. I don’t understand how you don’t at the very least respond or talk to them but I do wish the new incoming coach and the new staff the best of luck going forward. We need to have a successful D1 wrestling program to help build and grow the sport of wrestling in our state. I hope whoever they hired will be able to do what it takes for that to happen. I know Ken or Nic would have hopefully the new coach is as good and qualified as they are.
  13. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Ken Chertow Wrestling clinic

    Coach Chertow will be back at Home Grown Wrestling Club on the 4th of July for the STARS & STRIPES INDEPENDENCE DAY 2021 WRESTLING CLINIC from 12-4PM. $60.00 for the clinic with an Olympian on Independence Day with time to clean up, grill out and watch the fireworks! Let me know if you will be attending ASAP because if we can’t get enough wrestlers we will have no choice or option other than to cancel the clinic. I need an accurate count and number by Thursday.  12-4pm leaves plenty of time to celebrate the 4th of July and see the fireworks. we won’t be doing any shirts or lunch and we reduced the cost for the clinic to $60 per wrestler.
  14. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Ken Chertow wrestling clinic

    Coach Chertow will be back at Home Grown Wrestling Club on the 4th of July for the STARS & STRIPES INDEPENDENCE DAY 2021 WRESTLING CLINIC from 12-4PM. $60.00 for the clinic with an Olympian on Independence Day with time to clean up, grill out and watch the fireworks! Let me know if you will be attending ASAP because if we can’t get enough wrestlers we will have no choice or option other than to cancel the clinic. I need an accurate count and number by Thursday.  12-4pm leaves plenty of time to celebrate the 4th of July and see the fireworks. we won’t be doing any shirts or lunch and we reduced the cost for the clinic to $60 per wrestler.
  15. Home Grown Wrestling Club

    Ken Chertow Wrestling clinic

    Coach Chertow will be back at Home Grown Wrestling Club on the 4th of July for the STARS & STRIPES INDEPENDENCE DAY 2021 WRESTLING CLINIC from 12-4PM. $60.00 for the clinic with an Olympian on Independence Day with time to clean up, grill out and watch the fireworks! Let me know if you will be attending ASAP because if we can’t get enough wrestlers we will have no choice or option other than to cancel the clinic. I need an accurate count and number by Thursday. 12-4pm leaves plenty of time to celebrate the 4th of July and see the fireworks. we won’t be doing any shirts or lunch and we reduced the cost for the clinic to $60 per wrestler.