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Sad state for arithmatic in America

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No insult meant to the ref in question it was just hilarious. The ref was probably too focused on the match to do the math

Our 171 ended up teching his opponent twice in one match

He got a takedown with a 13 point lead to make it 22 to 7. The ref kept the match going as everyone in the gym was shouting it is a tech. Our wrestler gets reversed but then gets a reversal with 30 seconds left to make it 24 to 9. Yet again people are shouting at the ref that it is a tech. The ref looked up at the scoreboard did the math in his head quickly I supposed and must've been off by one cause he kept the match going. Needless to say it was quite amusing since we still came away with the 5 points

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don't blame me, blame spell check I used it

don't blame the ref...he didn't have a calculator.  seems that's all they teach now days is how to use one of those things.

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don't blame the ref...he didn't have a calculator.  seems that's all they teach now days is how to use one of those things.

I had such a cultural shock when I moved to Fort Campbell. The school I had been going to refused to let their students use calculators under any scenario and was one of the top ranked schools in the state, espically for math. Then I arrive here and the first day of math every student is handed a calculator, we have students here that don't automatically know that half of 12 is 6.

Like I said the ref was probably too focused on a match that had turned crazy with constant reversals to be able to properly do the math. I had to check it twice myself

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For all of you that have never tried it, don't be so quick to criticize. Try officiating a match that has several flurries and you look up after a take down two reversals and one set of back points and see both coaches with their hand up saying the score is wrong! Well yeah, it probably is because your table help are highschool or junior high kids that are not paying attention because they are too worried about play grab butt with their boyfriend/ girlfriend. A really up tempo match requires a lot of hustle and focus to be in position and make the correct calls so despite what a lot of you may think the official has more to do than keep track of the margin of difference in the score.

I will be the first to say that some officials we have in Kentucky are less than first grade but a lot of you nay sayers need to try it for yourself before you make fun or criticize!

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Refdad, I totally agree I was watching some duals this past weekend and the ref was busy correcting the score dealing with kids at the scoring table playing around and not getting it right and coaches trying to get their attention.  So it is definitely not as easy as it seems

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A refs goal should be to go un-noticed during the match and have all the attention on the wrestlers. I you hustle to stay in good position and are up to date on the rules your table workers can still sometimes make you look bad

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When the match is going by at a blistering pace, i.e. takedown quick reversal, quick reversal, quick escape, quick takedown, ect... I can see how it would become the refs first priority to score everything and not keep track of the margin of difference.  However, that margin should be payed more attention to when a kid get up by quite a few points.

As others have posted, it really does come down to table help.  It is very frustrating when the kid running the score board is too busy texting on her phone to pay attention to the match. This happened to us multiple times during a match; a parent was so upset they were almost thrown out, but the ref. had a talk with her, and after that all was good.

All of the table help are volunteers, and tournaments wouldn't run without them, but it does take a certain level of commitment to stay focused the entire time.  That goes for the refs. and coaches too.  From a coach's standpoint, I check the score every time the clock stops to see if points for my wrestler were correctly awarded, and if they weren't, I'm up at the table immediately.  I've seen refs. not change the score one the next period had started, and I don't ever want to lose a match b/c of that.

The only problem I see with this is if the tech not being called led to an injury.  That would be very upsetting.  Also, if the kid that got tech falled stuck the kid, or if they got pinned and that extra team point was awarded.  Hopefully at this point in the match the ref can hear everyone scream "It's a tech!!!!!" and stop the match.

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I understand a ref focusing on sending points to the table and not keeping track of the score. What I found funny about this match was that it was 2 Ref's officiating it so the Head Ref looked up at the scoreboard while we were shouting it was a tech. You could tell he was doing the math quickly in his head but he must've been off a couple of points because he kept the match going. Or perhaps he thought the table may have the score wrong cause there had been alot of table issues that night.

I've reffed a couple of matches myself and I almost never know what the score is past a certain point. I just trust the table workers to tell me when something like a tech occurred.

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