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About refdad

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  • Birthday January 1

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    The Blue Grass
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    High School/Collage Wrestling and football

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  1. refdad


    Bestmistake33, Great reply. You posted yours while I was typing mine. Good points about getting involved. As you said, coaches are always welcome to attend our KWOA rules meetings for clarification on any rule, hold at situation. I would suggest attending a meeting in your area and asking the refs in your area their take or the shirt and shoe lace situations. Good luck the rest if the season.
  2. refdad


    Wrestledad, I would like to respond to your post criticizing the official yesterday for not allowing a wrestler to compete with a shirt with loose sleeves as well as penalizing a wrestler for shoe laces. Sir, there certainly are "by laws" as you say referring to these and other matters. They can be found in the NFHS rule book. This is the same set of rules that are used in Kentucky for high school as well as middle school . You may feel that your wrestlers shirt is not an issue. Maybe she had been allowed to compete with it all season to this point, but the official was correct. The rule states "if sufficient reason is determined by the referee, a tight fitting, short sleeved or sleeveless undershirt maybe worn under a one piece singlet " Obviously, a female would wear some shirt/sports bra under a singlet. It's commonly discussed during local wrestling officials association meetings, that means form fitting material such as under armor or compression type material. I can't explain why others have allowed it all season. But when someone enforces a rule directly from the rule book and has been the only one to do so, I see the lack of consistency coming in others lack of complying with the rules. Same goes for the shoe laces situation. "laces shall either be taped to the shoe or secured by a locking device on the wrestling shoe in an acceptable fashion" It is a technical violation when reporting to the scorers table not properly equipped or ready to wrestle or any equipment that is detected as being illegal. So, if shoe laces are not tied or properly secured, the rule is technical violation, 1 point for the opponent, start injury time. Nike Man, you say come on KHSAA, pay for some classes. I don't know if most folks realize the pay scale for officials. For an all day middle school tournament with three officials on three mats we make $160 dollars. More for high school. Here is my point. I agree there should be more consistency but that's the reason for now mandating a minimum number of rules meetings to attend to be eligible to do varsity matches. The newer guys are typically assigned to youth/middle school before doing varsity. The goal here is to discuss rules/situations so that everyone in an association are calling things the same. Consistency with certain holds, situations or rules. Point is no one does it simply for the money. It's not nearly worth it. Continually being questioned by coaches about any given close call. Dealing with parents yelling from the stands and sometimes mat side. It's a no win situation. Every officials goal SHOULD be to not even be noticed during a match and have all the focus be on the wrestlers. Are all officials great? Certainly not! But my whole point in this post is someone having a problem with a young man that upheld the rules. He is absolutely correct. If we want to say well, it's an undershirt or it's only shoe laces, then what other parts of the rule book really aren't important. Its black and white. Either a wrestler is within the rules or they aren't. The lack of consistency comes from the guys that either want to be a " nice guy" and just let it go because its only a shirt or the ones that just aren't professional enough to know the rules. That's just my opinion. Opinions are like something else, everybody has one.
  3. refdad

    Boston vs Ervin vs Fauz

    Mpire, I sent a couple Win magazines for you today with your sister in law. I have been carrying them around for two months thinking I would see your wife. One has an article about Austin from Va beach
  4. refdad

    team ky

    Lots of good showings from Kentucky kids. Been to the duals the last two years and although we finished 4th this year still a pretty good showing out of 20 teams. I was especially impressed again this year by Trey, Brock and Austin. Everybody had tough matches, tough kids and everybody contributed. Good matches for the red team as well. Hope we keep competing like the last couple years. I have heard comments from the stands the last two years about how good our teams have been and Kentucky wrestling being better than people realized. Good work boys!
  5. refdad

    NWCA/USAW National Scholastic Duals Results

    I have been to the Duals the last two years, but have never heard nor seen anyone being recognised as an All American for getting 4 wins. Maybe one of the coaches can clear this verify
  6. refdad

    Spatola 3/23

    A lot of quality kids and good matches. The tournament took longer than expected but keep in mind as with any tournament you will have growing pains. This was only Spatolas second year hosting. Improvements need to be made but there were a lot of quality kids there and should only continue to get better each year. The open division was very solid. Mpire, the open division would have been a good challenge for Austin. Hope you all can make it next year.
  7. refdad


    Outstanding room at WV tonight. Nathan Boston, Tevon Clay, Kevin Cooper, both Lampe's both Jones both Myers, Sean Fausz, Shirkey, 5 kids from Scott , Eli Mathews, Dustin Turner, Clay Brown, Austin Jackson from Dixie a solid kid from Moeller around 195/220. I know I am overlooking a few. About 20 or so elementry/middle school kids. Hope everyone is back next Sunday
  8. refdad


    Cameron told me Wednesday that he would be there Sunday
  9. refdad

    Sids dad

    You've got a p.m
  10. refdad

    Anywhere but Alltech, Please

    Really? Wow. OK not sure what to say to that. I can only assume that we must have grown up differently. I grew up climing trees and playing in dirt and creeks as the things kids normally do here in Kentucky. Maybe It really is a problem for some. I just cant understand why none of our 75-80 people in our section struggled with allergies or headaches. This will be my last reply in regards to this issue but to say the place smelled like horses and cows is just flat out an exaggeration! Each to their own. We will just have to agree to disagree.
  11. refdad

    Anywhere but Alltech, Please

    I have only heard one complaint that has anything to do with Alltech erana. The dust.. Dust and dirt? Really? I dont know what area you were sitting Mam, but I think someone had done a bit of vandelism if your seats were filthy and you saw kids playing playing in dirt. The area where our school sat was clean both days. Our little ones were also playing on the floor and were no more dirty than if they were playing on the floor anywhere else. Also as far as the scorboards are concerned, I sat in the section by mat 6 all the way in the corner and I was able to see the score of the matches on mats 3 and 4 in the other end of the arena. No matter where the tournament is held the concession prices are going to be rediculous just like at a ball game or a concert. The awards being a joke and brackets not being posted had nothing to do with the arena. These are all KHSAA issues. As far as having the opinion of holding the event at a place "classier than a Horespark", all I can say is that it seems we have a different view of what is and is not classy! Everone that has came from another state as a guest of our family the last two years to watch have all commeneted how great the location is or how great the venue and arena is for our State Tournament. Comments like "wow, this is really cool" or "wow, this is really big time here" This is Kentucky. We are known to the rest of the country as the Bluegrass State which is defined by the thourghbread industry. I for one am proud of that. Our dual teams singlets last year had a horse on it. Did this project the image of our team being unclassy? I dont understand the comment about headaches or people having problems from the dust. Our school had about 75 to 80 people there for two days and not one complaint about a headache or allergies or anything involving dust. Everyone from our school likes the Alltech Arena and we all hope the tournament stays there. I have a few complaints from the tournament this year such as the awards, brackets not being posted or sold but these are all KHSAA issues. The only thing I would like to see improved on that is directly an issue with the arena is that would be really cool if the finals matches could be wrestled under a spot light like they were at Frankfort.
  12. refdad

    State Champion awards??

    I can understand the money aspect about the awards but come on KHSAA. How much cost could be involved in giving a poster sized bracket? Pitiful!
  13. refdad

    State Champion awards??

    I may be part of the minority and don't want to start a debate about the arena, but I really like the tournament being at Altell Arena but shame on the KHSAA for the pitiful little medal they gave out this year. At the least, they could give out a bracket to the champions. Seems incredibly cheap on the KHSAAs behalf!
  14. refdad

    Best matches at State Duals

    Some good matches at State Duals today Cooper vs D Lampe Cooper vs S Myers French vs Coutney Chamblee vs Pledgure (spelling?) Chamblee vs Mathews L Jones vs T Clay Anyone else see any good matchups. Like Mpire said, hard to see all of the good match upswith 2 gyms, 8 mats and trying to watch your own kids/team Congratulations Union Co and Campbell Co on State Duals Champions
  15. refdad


    Bigmama, Logan Jones missed his chance to make the podium in a staked weight, which would have been a nice accomplishment. He took Mattin from Delta to o.t. in the quarters but didn't take advantage of the chance to win it in regulation which guaranteed at worst placing 6 th. In the wrestle backs, as you speculated, got caught on his back in the 3rd period and never got off loosing a decision. It was a disappointment but that's why we go to SWOCA and GMVWA and seek out other tournaments in Ohio, for the compitition. It was a great tournament and congratulations to all the Kentucky who placed there.