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FalconWrestling last won the day on July 12 2021

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About FalconWrestling

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  • Birthday 11/26/1992

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  1. FalconWrestling

    State Duals

    Kentucky is one of very few states in the entire country with a single division state tournament. I’ve seen a state that actually did dilute its competition to the point that the coaches became upset (Virginia) but Kentucky is not at that point at all
  2. FalconWrestling

    Kentuckywrestling.com 2021-22 Rankings - February 8

    I remember one of my coworkers excitedly showing me his nephew beating the, "#5 guy in the state," and as he shows me the video and I immediately knew it was a case of mistaken identity.
  3. FalconWrestling

    Kentuckywrestling.com 2021-22 Rankings - February 8

    I've been a vocal supporter of making and posting brackets as soon as possible for awhile now. Whether or not that is done is up to the tournament director who usually does so based off of the desire of the coaches at the seeding meeting. I can confirm, for example, that the Region 4 seeding meeting did in fact happen but the brackets probably won't be up until the day of the tournament itself. Which this isn't up to trackwrestling, this is set by whoever is tournament director. When I have been a tournament director I work to post brackets as soon as I can. Some directors won't build brackets until after weigh ins because they may have to rebuild the bracket because of scratches at weigh-ins and such. Coaches who are opposed to posting brackets early often complain they don't want their wrestlers to be able to look at the bracket and freak out, while I am personally sympathetic to that issue I don't personally consider it a strong argument in not posting brackets, especially because of the potential competitive advantages/disadvantages it could theoretically offer in this circumstance. So all that to say if you want all brackets posted in advance of the regional tournament that is a tournament director decision and who questions and such would need to be directed to. Also keep in mind, again from experience, that being the tournament director can be a pretty thankless job already and 99% of the time the director just wants to be invisible and for the tournament to run smoothly.
  4. FalconWrestling

    Kentuckywrestling.com 2021-22 Rankings - December 15

    Brody McKune does not attend Male
  5. FalconWrestling

    Super 32

    Charlie McKune is going
  6. FalconWrestling

    Bellarmine Coaching Change

    He was the coach at Heidelberg when I was at John Carroll, they were beating us quite often when he was there. Jason Russell, Head Coach at Thomas More, wrestled for him I believe
  7. FalconWrestling

    Coaching Candidate Database?

    In the past few years I've spent as a part of coaching searches and the amount of effort needed to find a good candidate let alone get news of the opening out I've been thinking about how easier the process would be if we had some sort of central list of people interested in coaching rather than reaching around blindly. If I was to start up a process of collecting basic information of people interested in coaching to both inform people of job openings and help AD's/Head Coaches find coaches. Would there be buy in from elsewhere in the state? I already have a basic idea of how I'd set it up but wanted to make sure there'd be interest for such an idea.
  8. FalconWrestling

    Regionals are this weekend!!!

    the fact that kids who were never exposed and kids who would test negative are being denied is what hurts me the most
  9. FalconWrestling

    Regionals are this weekend!!!

    We had a wrestler exposed to covid at Middle School Regionals. This wrestler tested positive that Sunday and we immediately went into quarantine while trying to contact JCPS about the situation. JCPS would not inform us of the protocol but we chose to quarantine anyway. We never held a practice with said wrestler. A parent from another school was somehow informed about our situation and called JCPS on Wednesday demanding we get taken out of the tournament. We were then informed that per JCPS policy we couldn’t compete until Sunday March 14th. We tried to move the regional tournament to Sunday but KHSAA wouldn’t allow it, we tried to appeal the JCPS decision and they said no
  10. FalconWrestling

    Regionals are this weekend!!!

    I’ve been asking for a realignment in regards to regions 3 and 4 for a couple years now. Region 4 has 9 programs in it and only four of those programs have over 10 kids in them. Region 4 has been bleeding programs for a couple years now- Eastern and Jtown dropped with several other programs on life support
  11. FalconWrestling

    State news

    I’ve been big on properly seeding tournaments for awhile. I do think baseline track seeding, when entered correctly, is very good seeding at the high school level with maybe only minor tweaks truly needed
  12. FalconWrestling

    State news

    I don't think it's clear, will semi-state team points carry over to the state tournament? I am assuming yes based off of context
  13. FalconWrestling

    State news

    Basically what we have is semi-state being the first three rounds or so of state but without the ability of a 3/4 from another region to beat the 1/2 of a different region because of no random draw which really further highlights the regional differences with how many Louisville area programs have dropped the past five or so years
  14. FalconWrestling

    State news

    I do believe if it had been top 4 out of semi-state and a 16 man bracket we would be seeing a lot less outrage. The way this bracket is set up reminds me of similar issues Virginia had in I want to say 2015 when they split into 6 or so different divisions and had 8 man state brackets
  15. FalconWrestling

    State team race if format changes

    I would much rather see a big/small split