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Middle State Surpises or Shockers

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mr. kettle meet mr. black? isn't the quote "the pot calling the kettle black"? not the kettle calling whatever black. failure to communicate? sounds to me like all you want to do is argue.

How does this support your position of little johnny might not get mentioned on a website and fails to reach his potential? I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

Brown Chicken Brown Cow

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"floridafan, as for reaching full potential, my son took first place. he also finished the season with an overall record of 36-4. his team took the school team championship (3rd overall) with 5 first year wrestlers."

Actually Campbell took 4th overall...but what's the difference.

pinandwin, did you mean to post that under "superdave" ?  the fact i mentioned another posters name must have thrown you off ( i see why you are worried about your son,genetics and all).  but it appears your son did just fine without getting alot of chatter on this forum,unlike his dad, that is if you are his real dad. you may consider a paternity test, GOO could be the father.

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HEY NOW!!! How did I get pulled into this conversation? "Don't put that evil on me Ricky Bobby." :-o :x

GOO JR. is a handsome young lad.  Good thing he gets his looks from his mother.  :-D 8-)

As for what is said on here. Ya all know where I stand on this.  No holds bar.  We are on here to have fun.  If GOO Jr. can't handle what is being said about him on here, or any other Jr.  Then he needs to stop reading the forum.  I'm sure he had heard worse things from his friends, actually probably from me.

No swab testing for me.  8-)

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HEY NOW!!! How did I get pulled into this conversation? "Don't put that evil on me Ricky Bobby." :-o :x

GOO JR. is a handsome young lad.  Good thing he gets his looks from his mother.  :-D 8-)

As for what is said on here. Ya all know where I stand on this.  No holds bar.  We are on here to have fun.  If GOO Jr. can't handle what is being said about him on here, or any other Jr.  Then he needs to stop reading the forum.  I'm sure he had heard worse things from his friends, actually probably from me.

No swab testing for me.  8-)

sorry for the accusation GOO, but you have been known to "GOO in" when you should of "GOO'd out". that is how GOO jr's are made ya know!

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since you appear to be the florida fan.  Maybe you should have a swab test.  Y'know one of those nights out on the beach.  Waking up with the "Coyote Ugly".  :-D

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After reading over this thread again I have a concern.

Why were there so many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers in this tourney? Or more importantly why were there so many successful 1st and 2nd year wrestlers? This would be my suprise.

Has middle school/ elementary school wrestling lost a step?  I'm pretty sure that there have not been this many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers being successful in the past.  Have we hit a rut or maybe some did not wrestle in the tourney.  I know that there were at least 2 who did not. Ervin and Fausz, but that was expected. 

Can anyone shed some light on this. 

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I have no clue... I think it may be because some great wrestlers didn't make it because they are in regions stacked with talent, it also could be because some regions or less competitive, but fine with me to see new talent at the state tournament.

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After reading over this thread again I have a concern.

Why were there so many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers in this tourney? Or more importantly why were there so many successful 1st and 2nd year wrestlers? This would be my suprise.

Has middle school/ elementary school wrestling lost a step?  I'm pretty sure that there have not been this many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers being successful in the past.  Have we hit a rut or maybe some did not wrestle in the tourney.  I know that there were at least 2 who did not. Ervin and Fausz, but that was expected. 

Can anyone shed some light on this. 

I think part of it had to do with the 3 week layover. You also have several kids like Wyatt Courtney (from Woodford) whom would have probably dominated in middle school -ended up wrestling  varsity all year.

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After reading over this thread again I have a concern.

Why were there so many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers in this tourney? Or more importantly why were there so many successful 1st and 2nd year wrestlers? This would be my suprise.

Has middle school/ elementary school wrestling lost a step?  I'm pretty sure that there have not been this many 1st and 2nd year wrestlers being successful in the past.  Have we hit a rut or maybe some did not wrestle in the tourney.  I know that there were at least 2 who did not. Ervin and Fausz, but that was expected. 

Can anyone shed some light on this.

I think the fast rise of youth programs around the state has produced middle school wrestlers that are competing at a much higher rate for the varsity teams now.  So even though the level of wrestling at the middle school level continues to improve they are "losing" numbers because so many kids are moving on up at this point.  And an important point is that those kids are actually very successful at the varsity level.

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I think the fast rise of youth programs around the state has produced middle school wrestlers that are competing at a much higher rate for the varsity teams now.  So even though the level of wrestling at the middle school level continues to improve they are "losing" numbers because so many kids are moving on up at this point.  And an important point is that those kids are actually very successful at the varsity level.

You also have to look at how many state placers moved on to high school. That was a top notch group of wrestlers that were 8th graders and then you take Brock and Sean out and you aren't left with many returning state placers. I counted and there were at least 50 8th graders that placed last year. That only leaves 40 returning state placers. That could have a lot to do with it.

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I don't think High School Kids are allowed to wrestle in middle school tournaments! On the other hand, middle school kids can wrestle high school on certain teams and still wrestle in middle school tournaments.

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