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grappler-of-old last won the day on September 18 2012

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About grappler-of-old

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  • Birthday January 1

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    Bluegrass state of confussion

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  1. grappler-of-old

    2025 State Duals

    Great idea Raider Wrestling. There are only 12 teams in state duals. All you have to do is wrestle the 4 pools as normal (all get 2 matches) then take all the 1st place teams (4) and wrestle a round robin (3 more duals) then have a true champion. Same for the other 3 placers (2nd 3rd) in each original pool.
  2. grappler-of-old

    How about a “new school” state tourney?

    Not sure what you are calling new schools but. Manual had state qualifiers in 81 thru 85 then have had some qualifiers since 2002 Ballard had state qualifiers from 99-08 then again in 2023 East Carter had state qualifiers in 01-03 then again in 2023 Franklin County has been around for awhile. Letcher Co has had qualifiers since 06 Montgomery county has had qualifiers sinc 06 Nelson County has had qualifiers since 06 Prestonburg had qualifiers in 99-04 then again since 2017 Southern has been around since at least 1993 Waggener had state qualifiers in 1968 thru 2002 and again since 2017. Belfry had state qualifiers in 1973 thru 1979 then again in 2010. I may have missed a few.
  3. grappler-of-old

    State duals criteria alternative

    One of the problems you have with one division is that in some regions the teams are already known and therefore the teams that have little to no chance do not go to the sectional tournament. Now that there are 3 divisions more teams have the opportunity to qualify. Not sure what the big deal is. The best teams will win it anyway, so allowing some of the smaller less successful team the opportunity is not hurting anyone. In whose eye is it a paper champion? I'm sure it is not for the ones that received the award. I'm sure St Ed's and Graham in Ohio don't think their 36, and 24 state titles are paper.
  4. I have this on the wall of my wrestling room and also put it as the 2nd page in the packet I hand out to my wrestlers every year.
  5. grappler-of-old

    Question for GOO

    It was a vocational school in Lou. I believe they only competed in 64 and 65. Closed in 1980.
  6. grappler-of-old

    Question for GOO

    Did some digging. 2 teams had 5 state champions in one season 1964 Ahrens Trade (only 12 wt classes) Followed up the next season with 4 champions and 4 runner ups. 2006 Woodford County (14 wt classes) Union county had 6 state champions in 2020, along with 3 second place finishes.
  7. Doesn't count when they were in kindergarten. 21 hrs and 53 min. before someone complained. Not even a full day in before people point out Rangers inadequacies.
  8. grappler-of-old

    Open Dates

    We (Holmes) still have 3 open dates to fill. I know there is a master schedule but I am looking for events on December 21st. January 4th, and February 1st. If you are having an event with an opening please let me know. Ken Bachman Holmes Wrestling.
  9. grappler-of-old

    Tournament December 7th

    We looking for more teams for the 5th annual Battle for the Bone Boys wrestling tournament at Holmes High school on December 7th next year. If you are interested please contact me at Last years teams were: Bryan Station, Bullitt Central, Bullitt East, Conner, Dixie, Holmes, Newport, Scott and Spencer County. It is an individual pool tournament. Every wrestler should get a minimum of 3 matches each.
  10. grappler-of-old

    Rule Changes for next year (WOW)

    My 2 cents, because that's all its worth. I like all the changes except the (3) point takedown. I believe that it will develop one dimensional wrestlers. Takedown artists. Some believe it will increase aggression. Maybe, but it also may increase defense. Many may be reluctant to take an offensive shot when you may give up 3 points instead of 2. I know college is doing this but these are elite athletes, I'm focusing on the average or below average wrestler who may become a defensive giant. Now if you get hit with a throw you are down 7-0 instead of 5-0. Techs will increase, maybe a tech should now be 18 instead of 15. Just my 2 cents. Lets get ready to wrestle next year and find out what happens.
  11. grappler-of-old

    Rule Changes for next year (WOW)

    Looks like there are going to be a few major changes for next year. Here is the link. Minor changes: 1. Officials will use a new signal for time out. 2. Center 10 Foot circle is now optional. Change: 1. Wrestlers are still inbounds if one supporting point is in-bound. Major Change: 1. A takedown will now score (3)three points instead of (2) two 2. Near fall will consist of (2 count = 2 points) (3 count = 3 points) (4 count = 4 points.)
  12. Tim Vaughn 138 (1987) Tony Stewart 152 (1996) Mike Fields 135 (1997) Jarrod Combs 171 (1997) Dylan Bell 130 (1998) Clint Bell 145 (1998) Dylan Bell 130 (1999) Jason Daviaux 112 (2000) Jason Daviaux 125 (2001) Benden Pye 113 (2019)
  13. just to set the record straight. NK state champions. Campbell 30-----Simon Kenton 27-----Ryle 23------Conner 20--------Bonne county 11-------Newport Catholic 11--------Scott 10--------Walton Verona 9---------Dixie 2-------Holmes 2---- 7 other schools with 0 (Brossart--Cooper--Cov Cath--Highlands--Holy Cross (Cov)--Lloyd--Newport) I believe these are all the school that have ever had wrestling in NKY.
  14. Why is this site getting bombarded with spammers lately. I feel every day I delete or hide over a dozen of these. Is there no way to filter these out?
  15. grappler-of-old

    Old state brackets

    Sorry been a little busy. I do have the 87 complete bracket. The one I filled out while there, however I believe it is in a storage unit. I already sorted out the information from it, if anyone else needs info from it. (Qualifiers from that year and placers from that year.) Which leads me to my yearly plea. If anyone has partial or completed brackets from 1964-1970, can I have a copy. I have partials from each year and trying to piece together a full bracket if possible. (Even if you just have the names of the qualifiers from certain teams that will help)