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grappler-of-old last won the day on September 18 2012

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About grappler-of-old

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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. grappler-of-old

    Tournament December 7th

    We looking for more teams for the 5th annual Battle for the Bone Boys wrestling tournament at Holmes High school on December 7th next year. If you are interested please contact me at Last years teams were: Bryan Station, Bullitt Central, Bullitt East, Conner, Dixie, Holmes, Newport, Scott and Spencer County. It is an individual pool tournament. Every wrestler should get a minimum of 3 matches each.
  2. grappler-of-old

    Rule Changes for next year (WOW)

    My 2 cents, because that's all its worth. I like all the changes except the (3) point takedown. I believe that it will develop one dimensional wrestlers. Takedown artists. Some believe it will increase aggression. Maybe, but it also may increase defense. Many may be reluctant to take an offensive shot when you may give up 3 points instead of 2. I know college is doing this but these are elite athletes, I'm focusing on the average or below average wrestler who may become a defensive giant. Now if you get hit with a throw you are down 7-0 instead of 5-0. Techs will increase, maybe a tech should now be 18 instead of 15. Just my 2 cents. Lets get ready to wrestle next year and find out what happens.
  3. grappler-of-old

    Rule Changes for next year (WOW)

    Looks like there are going to be a few major changes for next year. Here is the link. Minor changes: 1. Officials will use a new signal for time out. 2. Center 10 Foot circle is now optional. Change: 1. Wrestlers are still inbounds if one supporting point is in-bound. Major Change: 1. A takedown will now score (3)three points instead of (2) two 2. Near fall will consist of (2 count = 2 points) (3 count = 3 points) (4 count = 4 points.)
  4. Tim Vaughn 138 (1987) Tony Stewart 152 (1996) Mike Fields 135 (1997) Jarrod Combs 171 (1997) Dylan Bell 130 (1998) Clint Bell 145 (1998) Dylan Bell 130 (1999) Jason Daviaux 112 (2000) Jason Daviaux 125 (2001) Benden Pye 113 (2019)
  5. just to set the record straight. NK state champions. Campbell 30-----Simon Kenton 27-----Ryle 23------Conner 20--------Bonne county 11-------Newport Catholic 11--------Scott 10--------Walton Verona 9---------Dixie 2-------Holmes 2---- 7 other schools with 0 (Brossart--Cooper--Cov Cath--Highlands--Holy Cross (Cov)--Lloyd--Newport) I believe these are all the school that have ever had wrestling in NKY.
  6. Why is this site getting bombarded with spammers lately. I feel every day I delete or hide over a dozen of these. Is there no way to filter these out?
  7. grappler-of-old

    Old state brackets

    Sorry been a little busy. I do have the 87 complete bracket. The one I filled out while there, however I believe it is in a storage unit. I already sorted out the information from it, if anyone else needs info from it. (Qualifiers from that year and placers from that year.) Which leads me to my yearly plea. If anyone has partial or completed brackets from 1964-1970, can I have a copy. I have partials from each year and trying to piece together a full bracket if possible. (Even if you just have the names of the qualifiers from certain teams that will help)
  8. Do you have the 1968 state brackets? 

  9. One stat that sticks out. This is the fist time since 1972 that Northern Kentucky has NOT had a state champion.
  10. grappler-of-old

    Team points.

    Looking at the new unsportman rule. (Celebrating) This year there were 18 calls of unsportmanlike conduct in the state tourney. Only 1 that I know of was something other than celebrating. Last year there were 3 tournaments to comprise the state tourney 2 semi-states and 1 final round. 0 calls for unsportmanlike conduct were called in the final round of wrestling. In the 2 semi-states there were a total of 9 calls for unsportmanlike. 1 biting and 1 coaches misconduct. My question is this. Is the non celebrating rule really needed?
  11. grappler-of-old

    Bracket changes.

    138 Holmes is out Cooper is in.
  12. I too was against the 32 man bracket. KY had a 16 man bracket until 2002. The 32 man bracket has done wonders for KY wrestling. At that point there were about 80 schools that had wrestling (Maybe less). Since then we now have 133 schools with wrestling. We have traded off good wrestling throughout the state tournament for having more participants in the state. Kids who normally would not qualify for the state tournament now go and bring back that experience to their school. It helps keep kids out and getting more kids involved in wrestling. I was not a supporter of the 32 man tournament but the proof is in the pudding. From the 80's when I wrestled to the 2000 we only increased the number of teams by about 15. From 2000 to 2024 we have increased the number of teams by about 50. Lets look at the number of teams competing in the state tournaments. 1964 (1st year of the state tournament) 5 teams competed. 1974: 47 teams 1984 50 teams. 1994 48 teams. 2004 66 teams. 2014 88 Teams. 2024 109 Teams. Now I know these are just the teams who competed in the state tournament but it should correlate with the number of teams in the state.
  13. As have mentioned the before. Did you see how track seeded the tournament during COVID. NOT GOOD. How do you compare wrestlers, when many wrestle out of state, or a different wt. class etc ect. Going by last years results makes very little sense to me. Seeding the regional champs I can agree with. But will that really change much. Most of the problems happen with the 2nd and 3rd place finishers. Plus moving a kid up one spot or down one spot really doesn't matter much. (I was one of those who probably would have moved up one if on the other side back in the stone age). I also don't want to see regional teams wrestling in the championship bracket before the semi-finals. Which may happen if you seed everyone regardless the placement at region. On this one point KHSAA is NOT making a bad decision.
  14. grappler-of-old

    Regions By The Numbers

    I am a stat nerd so here are the numbers in each Region. Posted is the short version. I thought it interesting the number of teams who filled all 14 wt. classes. (33) The qualifier section is the number of teams who had state qualifiers (Top 4) Region stats short.xlsx
  15. grappler-of-old

    In the info for state.

    What is this for it says 3/24/23 for the info entry?