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Kylemckune last won the day on December 23 2021

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About Kylemckune

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  1. Kylemckune

    KY Freestyle / Greco National Teams info

    We will be attending the clinic at Bellermine on Sunday. I am hoping that there is a great turnout. It would be great to send a large group of KY wrestlers to Fargo this year. It is a wonderful experience for these kids.
  2. Kylemckune

    Where Was The Podium?

    Agree. I thought everything was great with state, except lack of podium.
  3. Kylemckune

    Semi state seeding

    Just seed the 4 region champions. That is simple. The goal is always to have 1 and 2 meet in the finals. It makes upsets much sweeter, and provides a much more accurate placement for the wrestlers. The one problem that happens is when 1 and 2 are from the same region like Cole and Isaac. Even in that scenario I think it should be fine to put them on opposite sides of the bracket, coaches should all agree on that. Problem is that they want the best scenario for their wrestler or team and then they argue against seeding. So everything is always relative to each persons personal scenario. Love all the friendly banter though. Ranger when are new rankings coming out? lol
  4. Kylemckune

    Semi state seeding

    @Chris DukeYep. Seeding would be best.
  5. Kylemckune

    Semi state seeding

    KHSAA site says random R1vR4, R2vR3, No idea about the state though, guessing that will be coach seeding.
  6. KHSAA rules indicate that the entries should be made viewable to the public 2 days prior to the event. See screen shot. Don't see a rule about posting them early, however since a team/individual can gain a competitive advantage by seeing who is participating, then I believe they should all be released at exactly the same time. Its crazy not to.
  7. Kylemckune

    Anyone wrestling this weekend?

    Lots of KY kids at Virginia Beach. We were registered but my boy sprained his ankle last week, so we have to miss it this year. Best of luck to all the KY wrestlers.
  8. Kylemckune

    Boro Brawl Nationals April 10/11

    Thanks. We are from Louisville. Win or lose we have never had a bad day wrestling.
  9. Kylemckune

    Boro Brawl Nationals April 10/11

    Agree, we had a 16 man bracket in 145. Biggest bracket we have ever had in KY during the off season. The tournament was well organized and flexible. No waiting around or confusion. I hope it continues to grow over time.
  10. While most of the commentary leading up to the state was negative (for good reason), I must say I really enjoyed the product we received. The smaller number of wrestlers and mats made it possible to see all the great matches that took place. Alot of those same matches in the horsepark get over looked. If the sectional would wrestle back for true second and send top four then I would prefer this format. I think that would help identify the 8 best wrestlers in the state for the most part. Biggest problem of course was the amount of potential placers who never had a chance. I feel like at this point in KY, this product would draw more casual fans who don't have a kid as opposed to the previous format. Ultimately it would help grow the popularity of wrestling in our state. Wonder what everyone else thinks?
  11. I agree with everything you said. I do not expect us to be on par with IN and OH, I just thing they have a good model for KY to strive for. I think the growth in numbers must come from the community. Clearly its fine in certain areas of the state. But Louisville is limited by lack of coaches and Athletic Directors who have zero interest. It has been said already that Louisville coaches who have succeeded did it all by themselves and when those coaches leave, the programs fall flat on their face. Kudos to the coaches who work hard and field full rosters in Louisville. Its a grind and this year it was very challeging since JCPS has not even been in school. I always enjoy reading your posts.
  12. KHSAA cannot be defended at all for anything, in any sport. We are continually outpaced by IN and OH in all sports. They do nothing to advance any sport and attempt to increase participation. Each sport has its own nuances, that KHSAA is unfamiliar with. At the bare minimum, they could create a group of respected individuals/coaches in wrestling and let them take the lead in planning for the season and postseason. KHSAA is actually a prohibitive factor in the growth of wrestling. KHSAA should not be expected to have all the ideas but they should listen to our stakeholders and then support them. It is quite obvious that our wrestling community is very knowledgable about our sport and how it should be ran. However, they get turned away, when they present ideas that are very basic as it relates to organizing our wrestling season. Look at the post season this year, where the top 8 will not be reflective of true state placers. Not allowing a wrestle back at the sectional is also a very basic mistake that could have easily been avoided. Charging coaches to enter no matter how many they have is ludicrous. You can argue a good point that the top team will not be reflective of the best overall team. Look at last years state tournament, where our community was able to get all mats put up so we could have one mat for the finals but they could not simply move it to the center. Look at the distribution of teams which can easily be realligned. Most recently in my conversation with Michael Barren, when asking why we cannot simply move the regional tournament (4) to Sunday so that Moore can participate (All coaches agreed...he lied and said that was not the case) he would not provide an answer and ultimately hung up with me. So we are left with an entire sectional tournament where the brackets are not even full. Most Moore wrestlers could have qualified for sectionals even by defaulting out at the regionals and taking the worst seed for the sectionals. What Michael Barren offered as a concession to Moore for not participating in post season...."We told them we will not penalize them for next year for not participating this year." Thanks Mr. Barren. At least the NCAA is letting athletes compete in the NCAA tournament this year even if they did not particpate in their Conference tournament due to COVID issues. In my opinion, KHSAA is simply attempting the get thru post seasons by doing the bare minimum. They are not continually striving to improve the quality of their post season over time as the should. We have the knowledge and man power to do so. Look at the Ryle tournament. I think the KY wrestling community would like the opportunity to host a tournament that would be on par with OH and IN but KHSAA prevents that from occuring. That in itself prevents KY from advancing wrestling as a whole. KHSAA does not have to do anything except let our leaders lead. I hope everyone can continue this momentum into the off season. That is what we can control to advance our sport.
  13. Kylemckune

    Regionals are this weekend!!!

    Lol.....Manual of all schools from what I understand. Best wishes to everyone this weekend. In addition to that, according to Metro Health Department, the wrestler who tested positive is no longer in quarantine. Michael Barren, from KHSAA, hung up on me and would not tell me why if all coaches were willing to wrestle on Sunday that KHSAA would still not allow that.
  14. Kylemckune

    any wrestling the next couple of weekends?

    also going to KC this weekend.
  15. Kylemckune

    Hoosier Preseason

    We are, Charlie and Brody McKune.