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  1. 8798

    Konner Kraeszig

    Nice article including results for Konner Kraeszig at the Black Knight Invitational. https://www.centredaily.com/sports/college/penn-state-university/psu-wrestling/article237459309.html
  2. 8798

    State finals location

    I have heard Corbin as well and Freedom Hall may be too large. Some have suggested Broadbent Arena where they have the Middle School Finals, but it could be a bit tight. Something centrally located would be great so the schools in the Eastern and Western parts of the state do not have to drive forever to get there.
  3. 8798

    2019 state tournament firsts

    I believe this may be beating a dead horse, as years past have indicated, but how do we try to get the ball rolling? Contact Mike Breen? Contact Sarah Bridenbaugh? Is there a board of coaches who would do so? (There is not even a Sports Advisory Committee roster listed for wrestling) Honestly, if they gave us one hour (maybe less) to set-up before the finals we could do something great for the kids and spectators.
  4. 8798


    Great idea. Some states even allow coaches to "scratch" certain refs so they are not allowed to work the matches for their team at the State Finals. (Not certain if it is allowed here.)
  5. 8798

    2019 state tournament firsts

    When the finals were moved to Frankfort, Jack Cline modelled them after the Indiana State Finals. They were really special for the kids and the fans. That kind of thing is not too difficult to organize. It is just a matter of the KHSAA allowing someone to do so.
  6. 8798

    Finishing on a highlight

    In the early 2000s St. X had two wrestlers who were Junior Varsity as Juniors and won the Varsity State Championship as Seniors. (William Rabatin and Zach Steinback)
  7. 8798

    Jefferson County Tournament of Champions

    In the lighter classes, St. X won 106, 113, 120, 132, 138, and 145. Lampe, who is a fine wrestler, is the only non-St. X wrestler to win a championship in the lower weight classes. That might have had something to do with it.
  8. 8798

    State Finals

    The number 10,000 comes from the KHSAA.
  9. 8798

    State Finals

    And then...there is that...
  10. 8798

    State Finals

    I will recheck my source, but if it is only 8,000 over two days Broadbent may work. It is like a larger version of the Civic Center in Frankfort.
  11. 8798

    State Finals

    Broadbent holds around 6,600 and I have heard that the two day attendance at the high school state finals is a bit over 10,000. There are a few questions we would need to ask just for seating purposes... 1) Is the first day larger and the second smaller as the kids who lose the first day go home? or 2) Is the second day larger due to everyone wanting to see, what typically, is the better day of wrestling? or 3) Are both days about equal in attendance?
  12. 8798

    2018 youth state wrestling tournament

    Broadbent seemed like a good venue, centrally located with room to grow.
  13. 8798

    KSWA Youth State Tournament weigh-ins

    I saw Gameface (Ryle), Coach Strayer (Anderson Co.), and a ton of River City folks working Friday all day setting up...Saturday all day at the Middle School Championships and afterwards setting up for Youth State...Sunday all day and afterwards breaking things down and cleaning up with folks from East Oldham, Maritime, and a few others. I might be missing everyone, but is that a complete representation of the member KSWA schools and clubs? Where were all the volunteers from all the other clubs/teams who were willing to jump in so the meet could run more smoothly? Thanks to all those I might have missed who volunteered, but it is easy to complain when you are unwilling to volunteer. I am glad River City and those others picked up the slack.
  14. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you just didn't know about the Civic Center. It is not a high school gym. And we are certainly not at a place where we can replicate the finals of Indiana with over ten thousand spectators watching. And the match in this thread was certainly hyped. I think that what most people are saying is that this kind of setup is what was used back when the finals were in Frankfort, as I mentioned earlier, on a much smaller scale. People were talking about the pageantry of the finals in Frankfort, not necessarily wanting to go back to that venue. It can be replicated in a larger arena, but as many have said in other threads, we took a step backwards this year with the setup.