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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Congratulations Brock!!! Here is a link: http://www.themat.com/
  2. 1 point
    Well deserved for such a talented athlete, hard working athlete, and all around great person!! Go Brock continue to shine and represent our state well!!! Well deserved award!!!
  3. -1 points
    I did , ultimate OT with all that goes with it a great match and everyone seemed fired up I don't think the Ohio guys like losing to KY boys but it happens . Saw some great wrestling the last two weeks I think everyone learned that off season wrestling isn't off season and only the best off the best show up its a much higher caliber of wrestling all around , the rules seemed different at both tournys I saw in Virginia Beach kids basically wrestled way out of bounds college stuff I guess , I think the two weeks took its toll on some and may have actually kept others sharp ,Glad I could Make both tournys a great finish for Stephens HS career seeing him unleash his arsenal picks trips throws slide byes I saw him hit it all and he worked all positions this tourny taking a loss from what obviously was a mistake And a bad match as far as choices and wrestling goes then come back firing getting hurt and wrestling the smartest I have ever seen him wrestle to get another win and surpass what he did at nat last yr in a tougher field of SRs , got to see Austin battle two weeks in a row showing some endurance and desire and got to see him shut up all the haters taking out three state runner ups and more placers as well as some highly ranked kids , saw him tested hard bloodied and tired and saw him come through simply wanting it more than the next guy . Also saw some kids get some air time and saw him pin the majority of kids he wrestled , got to see Brock show how its done see Trae get his butt kicked one period and come back for a win saw some of our own kids battle hard being beat up over a couple weeks , saw Courtney make some Mistakes but get some key pins when the team was getting beat up saw some kids out of their league but still battling hard saw a few kids missing ????? Meiman and Boston were sorely missed but opened up spots for others , surprised more srs didn't hit the tournys but I guess it was a long yr or career for some , Belks match I thought the locking hands was cheap as it looked like a shot and he didn't have time to release a quick call but he won , I thought Trae was stuck for sure but he came back and got the pin , I saw Fausz lose one I know he could have won easily just a scrambling awkward match and he looked a bit undersisesd 5 + is a lot , saw some guys gas who wouldn't have duiring the yr showing me they didn't prepare properly , saw my son go undefeated two yrs in a row in season and out going undefeated in two nat tournys in a row two yrs in a row , and saw another who made it possible For him to do become an AA every yr he wrestled in HS , a good yr and career for one son. The biggest tournament in the world is still ahead this yr and looking forward to next yr more and more . Some great people and fans In wrestling , also some dumb ones , I enjoy the pic of my son on the mat in defeat as his opponent arrogantly gestures ,And the comments and remarks made at and after state towards two kids who just the yr before were complimented so much on their sportsmanship , beating the best of the best giving everyone what they wanted only to get dumped on by classless people who do not understand the sport but learned how a champion reacts to a defeat last week even if it is ignored by most , 220 becomes the most desolate class in ky history haters will remark how weak it is to avoid giving credit to someone who dominates it , idiots will say its champion ran by staying in his own class while khsaa athletes of the yr run from him and people who post degrading pics of kids making gestures after matches while showing others in defeat will have nothing to show or post about except beatings and how classless the Man dishing out their beatings is because ATM is the Man and nothing is forgotten or forgiven , Thanks for the inspiration , none of your wrestlers can compare none ever will an Austin is going to embarrass your team your wrestlers and your coaches for allowing it , and no one can or will do a thing about it And ranger I may be setting in the stands or somewhere Mat side and not in the corner like a coach as you said But don't fool yourself you could never and will never be able to coach or train a wrestler like Austin you could Move to Sr Paris train your whole team there three times a day home school Them all and still couldn't create an Austin , You dumped on your own champs for a pat on the back from a team coach and state that laughs and mocks you . Your records are Austin's Stephen is your schools first ever sr AA and you can take all the kids you want to graham or anywhere else and kiss up to them , Your comment about being able to coach my kid while I set in the stands was arrogance and stupidity at its best in thinking you could actually coach an Austin or coach him Better than me you have shown your complete lack of knowledge about him myself and the sport , stick to the little guys