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Region 7 Prediction

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1. TC Zac Brown

2. PLD Pat Milford

3. Wood Robert Bracco

4. Mont John Anderson

5. HC Joe Mims


1. Mont Ross Fraser

2. PLD Abdul Aghil

3. Har Andy Lenz

4. Laf Will Bryant

5. Bou Jose Soriano


1. HC Matt Zarth

2. Wood Ethan Miller

3. TC Anthony Merkel

4. Fran Derek Mauser

5. Mont Rex Stephens


1. PLD Jon Voth

2. Laf Shawn Johnson

3. Wood Shane Parks

4. TC Kasey Hedges

5. HC Joe Whalen


1. Fran Bryan Thompson

2. HC  Jack Podgorski 

3. Wood Coty Lewis

4. Har Trevor Maxwell

5. TC Riley Warner


1. HC Cody Guiler

2. Wood KT Routt

3. TC Daniel Brown

4. Har Josh Moss

5. Fran Wood Smith


1. PLD Donnel Davis

2. Wood Alex Grubbs

3. YC Stephen Kimbrell

4. Har  Coty Berry

5. ??? ???    ????


1. Wood Harrison Courtney

2. Har Beau Sanders

3. Frank Ethan Witt

4. HC  John Walton

5. Laf Ben Bonfert


1. Har Josh Ashbrook

2. Wood Chad Scott

3. Frank Ryan Tingle

4. PLD Logan Murrell

5. ? ??

6. ? ??


1. Wood Blake Sheehan

2. Har Michael Cordray

3. PLD Steve Mathews

4. Laf Jeff Perdue

5. Frank Josh Broning


1. Frank        Jeremy Gardner

2. WH Josh Bell

3. Laf  Dusty Thompson 

4. Wood Nick Guagliardo

5. Har Bobby Barkley


1. HC  Bradley Day

2. TC  Daniel Griggs

3. BS  Joe Livingston

4. Wood        Travis Greer 

5. Har  Brandon Barnett


1. Laf  Matt Green 

2. Wood  Bill Semones 

3. TC  Dodd Kinder

4. Frank Cody Collins

5. PLD Chad Ott


1. TC  Nathan Gray 

2. Mont        Dennis Coomer 

3. Laf  Evan Bullock

4. Frank Aaron Mayes

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Where is 140 for HC Ted Murner

He is out for the season with a bad knee injury. He will be going to the Naval Academy in a few months so the doctors are being very careful with recovery.

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Pmilf, I these are your predictions, but after watching the Fayette Co. tournament, how can you place Aghil ahead of Bryant from Lafayette at 112, and how do you figure Day will beat Griggs at 189? Bryant handled Aghil, showing control throughout the match, and Griggs has beaten Day every time they have wrestled.

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my predictions are......

103  Brown and Milford

112  Lenz and Fraiser

119  Zarth and Miller

125  Voth and Parks

130  Maxwell and Lewis

135  Routt and Mass

140  Davis and Grubbs or Berry good close rematch

145 Courtney and Sanders

152  Ashbrook and Scott

160  Sheehan and Cordray

171  Barkely and Leddy

189  Day and Griggs

215  Green and Kinder

285  Gray and Coomer


1) Harrison

2) Woodford

3) Tates Creek

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Here are the 5 mathups I really want to see.

1. Courtney vs. Sanders (145)

2. Gray vs. Coomer ( I like seeing the big guys wrestle)(HWT)

3. Fraser vs. Lenz (112)

4. Davis vs. Grubbs (140)

5. Zarth vs. Miller (119)

This is going to be a really competitive tournament.

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i want to wish all of the wrestlers and teams good luck this weekend at lafayette.  this should be a very competitive tournament with a lot of weight classes wide open.  this really is the best time of the year

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