coachteater 70 Report post Posted May 7, 2015 At the last KYWCA meeting, April 25th, it was voted on by the attending coaches that state duals would be split starting next year and would be wrestled at seperate venues. State Duals will be held Jan 30 next year. Big school @ Ryle H.S. Small School @ Montgomery County H.S. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dscicle 6 Report post Posted May 8, 2015 Ok...while I think this is a good idea, albeit one that will prevent overall champs from wrestling one another, I see one MAJOR issue here: what happens if Montgomery qualifies for State Duels?! They are a big school. Wouldn't it make much more sense for a Big school to host Big and Small School to host small?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grappler-of-old 44 Report post Posted May 10, 2015 Yeah that is kind of like. Hey (enter team name here) I know you dropped your wresting team this year, but can you still host the regional tourney. I though we got away from that kind of stuff. We did that in the 80's when Atherton high school had the state tourney at their school and they didn't even have a wrestling team most years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
depperschmidt 140 Report post Posted May 10, 2015 whichever school hosts the event there is no way to know if they will qualify for the event they are hosting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grappler-of-old 44 Report post Posted May 11, 2015 whichever school hosts the event there is no way to know if they will qualify for the event they are hosting. Montgomery county cannot ever qualify for the event they are holding (small school state duals) because they are a big school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
depperschmidt 140 Report post Posted May 12, 2015 True..... I guess there are teams that leave the weekend of State Duals open in their schedule in the event they DO qualify. But then have to scramble to find a alternate event if they do not qualify. And a team not participating in an event held at their school seems a little strange. I am guessing the reason for the change is due to the size of the venue required to host the event. Still a little sad to not have the Big school / Small school showdown, or be able to see ALL the top contenders in action at the same place though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grappler-of-old 44 Report post Posted May 12, 2015 It sure would be strange if Mongomery County does qualify for Big school state duals and they go to Ryle to wrestle while the Small school duals are being held at their school. Who would they get to work the tourney if they qualify for state duals? My hope is that this was a last minute thing and since Mongomery was already scheduled to have the state duals they allowed them to keep the small school duals. Hopefully next year and beyond the small school duals will be held at a small school and the large school duals be held at a large school. This move probably helps the small schools. They will receive more attention if they are the only ones at their competition. It also will not be so cramped in the stands for the spectators. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites