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Written on January 30, 2011 by acflatt in Wrestling Resources .A Youth Wrestling Tournament is an exciting event that depending on who is running it and how it is being run can last just a few hour or unfortunately in some cases all day.

Preparing for the Tournament day can be just as important as preparing to wrestle the matches. If you come to an event unprepared you may find yourself running out to find a store in an area you are not likely familiar with. However, if you come to the wrestling tournament prepared these can be some of the most enjoyable events you attend.

My three kids started wrestling when they were 4 and 5 years old and we have been to several hundred wrestling tournaments. We have been to some wrestling Tournaments where we were in an out in  two or three hours and we have been to some events where we were there 12 or more hours. The sad part is we wrestled about the same amount of matches in 2 to 3 hours as we did in 12+ hours. It really comes down to how well run the tournament is. I do not go back to tournaments that are not well run.

So, what should you bring? If you are traveling with the whole family you need to consider the needs of everyone coming. If you do not have something for the toddler to do at the tournament they will find something to do on their own and it is usually not good. If you have little kids bring a blanket or sleeping bag that they can sit on. Find a spot beside the bleachers or in a hallway and let them setup there. This will give them the ability to spread out a little bit and get comfortable. It is also a good area for the wrestlers to come and rest between matches.

Pack movies and a portable dvd player or laptop that can play dvd

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Based on some of the youth tournaments I have seen, I suggest bringing a dog shock collar for Dad and tranquilizers for Mom. :-D

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