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friday matches at state

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I believe if the schedule holds true it is two championship and two consolations!   I personally feel like they should wrestle until the only people left are the ones who place, make it to the second day, you are a state placer.  But, the KHSAA would never do that because of money, less kids the second day means less parents to pay the outrageous gate fees!

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I believe if the schedule holds true it is two championship and two consolations!   I personally feel like they should wrestle until the only people left are the ones who place, make it to the second day, you are a state placer.  But, the KHSAA would never do that because of money, less kids the second day means less parents to pay the outrageous gate fees!


The KHSAA believes there isn't enough time in the day to do more matches on Friday. And there's the five-match rule they run into when a wrestler drops to the consolation bracket.

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The KHSAA believes there isn't enough time in the day to do more matches on Friday. And there's the five-match rule they run into when a wrestler drops to the consolation bracket.


I don't think that is true, if you only wrestle to the placing rounds champ semis and conso qtrs then the most any athlete can have is five the first day!  Someone correct me if my numbers are wrong!


loss 1st round (1 champ + 4 conso matches) = 5

loss 2nd round (2 champ + 3 conso matches) = 5

loss 3rd round (3 champ + 2 conso matches) = 5


The winners are in the semis with 3 matches and the people who lost would be in the conso qtrs with 5 matches, where if they win on the second day they continue on for third and if they lose they are in the seventh and eighth place match! 

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alright...lemme throw this out there for EVERYONE to think anyone else comments on how few matches kids get on day 1...



I've been apart of the KHSAA State Wrestling Tournament as floor/stage staff since 2006, so I'm usually there longer than most people because of the job I perform. Two years ago, I was there at 7am to help get things set up on Friday, then didn't get to leave until 12:00am because we had to set some things up for Saturday and do some recalculating of scores so no one would pitch a fit and start whining and complaining. Then, I had to be BACK IN THE ARENA by 7:30am and didn't leave until around 11:00pm Saturday night.


What I'm trying to get at is that many of you are looking at this from a wrestler's/fan's standpoint. Think about the workers/refs who have to be there before many of you and don't get to leave until well after many of you. Part of my job is to help time each ROUND from start (first whistle at 106) til finish (last whistle at 285). What that means is that when the first whistle sounds for the first round of championship, I time until the last whistle at 285 is blown for that round in the bracket. I just pulled up how long each round took last season (bear in mind this was a QUICK NIGHT for us to get through the 4 rounds):


Champ round 1: 4 hours and 4 mins.

Champ round 2: 2 hours and 38 mins.

Consy round 1: 1 hour and 59 mins.

Consy round 2: 2 hours and 32 mins.


Add all that up and the officials, WITHOUT A BREAK, were on the mat from 9:57am (first whistle in champ round 1) until 8:32pm (last whistle at 285 in consy round 2) which equals over 10 hours. Bear in mind this is after they got to the arena and did weigh-ins. How often do many of you complain that the first day always runs too long anyway??


Lets try and keep in mind that there is a TON that goes on at State behind the scenes/un-thought of to make sure it goes as smooth as possible. Before anyone bashes me for complaining, I wouldn't trade my job for anything in the world. I've grown up around the sport and absolutely love getting to be there and watch kids' dreams come true. All I'm saying is let's keep in mind that there are SEVERAL people who are there to make all this happen for you and your kids who often don't get to leave for a break, take time to eat, and endure the screams and bashing of many in that arena for things out of their control. One year in particular I remember the last match wasn't over until 11:30pm, and NOT ONE OF THE OFFICIALS GOT TO EAT DURING THE DAY. 13 hours on the mat without a meal.

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I call BS on officials not eating. Let's not act like you pull 12-18 hour days everyday. Seriously. Your arguement is invalid. I don't care if you are a worker, that's great, I'm glad you have a job. But whatever it is that you are doing, can't be too terribly bad. I mean, your at a State Wrestling tournament for Pete's sake. And as far as looking at it from a fan standpoint, doesn't the fan/taxpayer help pay for whatever job it is that you do. I hate to seem so harsh, but no sympathy here. You have a great job.

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add two more mats that cuts the time per round down by 1/4!!!!  I understand we don't have enough quality officiating to run that many mats but I would trade wrestling late on Day 1 to having all placers wrestling together on day two!  That seems to be the argument given by KHSAA as to the schedule change.


Make day one a little longer and finals could be at 5:00pm on day two!  Could someone with a brain run the state tourney!

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How many days are like Friday and Sat of State Tournament? Just two, the Fri and Sat of state tournament. My point is yes it's hard work for those who put on the tourney, but it's one weekend and the kids, coaches, and parents who have put in all the hard days and tourneys all year deserve to have the best experience no matter what it takes. Let's not loose focus, it is all about the kids and never should be about nothing else.

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