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Updated Region 6 Rankings- Feb.1

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1. Brady Wells(Campbell County)

2. Tyler Holub(Scott)

3. Dante Castellano(SK)

4. Travis Coovert(Boone County)



1. Joey Skaggs(Dixie)

2. Brad Krebs(CC)

3. Mason Smith( Walton Verona)

4. Spencer Carpenter(SK)



1. Logan Erdman(Ryle)

2. Dale Hensley(Scott)

3.Thomas Kloentrup(SK)

4. Jordan Monroe(Cooper)



1. Bryan Spahr(CC)

2. Elijah Owens(SK)

3. Colin Roth( Walton Verona)

4. Ethan Frank(Scott)



1. Jake Erdman(Ryle)

2. Stephen Maggard(CC)

3. Anthony Ashford(Scott)

4. Derek Wiley( Conner)



1. Sean Fausz(CC)

2. Jacob Beret(Newport)

3. Jordan Kidwell(Cooper)

4. Chris Lawson(Conner)



1. Clay Brown(Walton)

2. Andrew Bailey(Cooper)

3. Austin Jackson(Dixie)

4. Jack Dorne(Ryle) or Chance Lutes(SK)



1. Jon Belk(Ryle)

2. Dru Schroer(Boone Co.)

3. Jared Stadtmiller(CC)

4. Eli Sowder(Scott)



1. Casey Cornett(SK)

2. Sam Schwacter(Scott)

3. Michael Grandstaff( Grant County)

4. Trey Downton(CC)



1. Johnny Meiman(Ryle)

2. Dustin Turner(CC)

3. Jacob Warwick(Conner)

4. Derek Hicks(SK)



1. Eli Matthews(CC)

2. Braden Jones(Boone Co.)

3. Ryan Woolf( Ryle)

4. Gage Jones(Newport)



1. Trevor Thompson(Conner)

2. Elijah Miller( Scott)

3. Brett Graziani(CC)

4. Branson Scott(Scott Co.)



1. Austin Meyers(CC)

2. Tucker Mueller(SK)

3. Ahmad Hameidan(Boone Co.)- Not sure if he is wrestling 220 or heavy

4. Michael Weber(Ryle)



1. Nick Sinclair(CC)

2. Brandon Johnson(Dixie)

3. Gabe Platt( Conner)

4. Austin Miller( Cooper)

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Thanks for the insight fanofwrestling. And I know i know.... I also remember hearing that Spahr beat Owens this year..... Can someone clarify if thats correct? 126 was hard for me because its one of those things where a beat b, b beat c, and c beat a.( If spahr did beat owens.. not sure)

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