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182 Rankings updated

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Iooked at Rangers 182's and I know there are a few guys left off and that happens. Here is a more updated list of 182's. Thanks

182 UPDATE Jan30th 2014

I do not list every win nor every tournament just a few key wins etc sorry if I missed anyone and I'm sure I did.. You don't have to leave a message and say hey the 19th ranked guy beat the 17th ranked guy lol... Like I said just a few key wins are mentioned by a few guys then goes to record etc. Thanks for reading and best of luck !

Very tough weight class that seems to be getting stronger. I do look for a couple of the guys to drop to 170 before regionals .if a guy has multiple wins over someone I do not have it noted!!

1. Mikey Smith Moore REG 4 wins against Courtney and Frankrone Raider Rumble winner Jefferson winner
2. Wyatt Courtney Woodford REG 5 (Wins over Dodd, Matthews Woodford County winner)
3. Tyler Frankrone Trinity REG 4 wins over Dodd, Matthews )
4. Eli Matthews CC REG 6 NKAC region 6 winner- Hammer and Anvil Winner
5 tie. Braden Jones Boone County REG 6 (wins over Dodd, Gage Jones and Collin Portman, Ryan Woolf) winner of( Five star classic)
5 tie. Kohl Dodd Fern Creek REG 3 (wins over braden Jones, Michael Saunders, Ben Leaton (Fern Creek Gladiator winner
5 tie. Ben Leaton Oldham County REG 5 (wins over Dodd and Frankrone)
8. Devin Smith Union County REG 1 wins over Haywood
9 Gage Jones Newport REG 6 (Wins over Braden Jones Portman and Fooks)
10 .Collin Portman North Oldham REG 5 wins over Saunders
11. Ryan Woolf Ryle REG 6 (Wins over Gage Jones)
12. Jonah Schacklet Meade REG 2

13tie. Andre Farris John Hardin Region 2
13tie.Gino Haywood Ft Campbell REG 1 (29-3) as of this update I believe
14. Michael Saunders Bullit Central REG 3 (Derby Classic winner)
15 .Jake Fooks Bourban County REG 8
16. Christian Bowling Mont County REG 8 (win over Portman)
17. Trey Jaco Central Hardin REG 2
18. Darien Bauer Perry County Central REG 8
19. Luke Esterle ST X REG 4
20 tie.Cooper Wafzig Jeffersontown REG 4
21. Aaron Conway Louisville Holy Cross REG 3

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