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About Salto

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    Bardstown, KY currently
  • Interests
    Wrestling, Motocross, Wrestling, Roadracing AMA, Wresting, Snorkeling, Wresting

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  1. Salto

    Cool Wrestling Names

    Wow! I don’t know if their parents loved them or wanted them to be as tough as masonry nails!!!???
  2. Salto

    Cool Wrestling Names

    Hahahaha that’s totally awesome! It’s in my top 5 for sure! I wonder what that young athletes life was like as an adolescent? Had to be rough!
  3. Salto

    Cool Wrestling Names

    No, but that is a cool name! Just browsing results from this year and saw where Kyle Grizz beat Kevin Wolfe @ the Lexington City Championship @ 160 this year. Kinda a no brainer if you ask me... sorry had to laugh. No disrespect to either athlete but everyone knows a Grizz will always take out a lone wolf .
  4. Over the years I have seen some really cool wrestling names. Saw one today on an Ohio Wrestling forum and I thought it would be cool to see some KY names! Stone Peeler ! That’s awesome!
  5. Salto

    bellermine wrestling

    Wrestling opens doors. BUT if can’t walk through the door due to grades , you aren’t a viable athlete. JMO. Work hard in school.
  6. Salto

    Prediction Game

    I don’t believe so. I just saw you didn’t pick one so I thought I would mention it just in case you thought of one
  7. Salto

    Prediction Game

    Dark horse? It’s worth 14 points. Edit: It maybe worth a “possible“ 14 points.
  8. Salto

    Toughest weight classes at state

    Thank you for doing the math ! It blows my mind that WE are the only people to believe in this sport and we do NOT back the pre-disposed individual.
  9. Salto

    Toughest weight classes at state

    wrestling is the only hand to hand combat sport In HS. It is also the only HS sport to match up athletes of the same size to compete against each other. Why would you take away a athletes ability to compete if he is genetically a smaller kid? I remember when Ohio had the 98lb weight class. And they never had Jr. High athletes competing at the HS level. 9-12 only.
  10. Salto

    Olympic team

    Lee Yanni Burroughs Taylor Cox Gwiz
  11. Salto

    Ryle Raider Rumble

    Game face, The stamp washed off the first time I washed my hands in the restroom. My fault, I should have asked for a new stamp when I went to lunch. Good to hear you let the teams bring in their own coolers. Mayb my biggest pet peeve when event don’t do that and force athletes to eat fast food. I should have tried the bbq!!! Sounds great! The bout board was “ok” it needed to be a bit larger IMO but I’m old and I don’t see well anymore. All in all great competition and friendly people. It was well worth the 2 hour drive from Bardstown! No worries about the $10. I’m more then happy to help the program and I really understand the lack of help and working the track wrestling system. You can count on me to help with a table next year. Good luck this season and may every wrestler stay healthy the entire year!
  12. Salto

    Ryle Raider Rumble

    Great event! Had a great time watching and spoke to a lot of proud parents at the event. My take away : Please take it with a grain of salt. At the beginning of the tournament, you had 2 of 6 Matt’s rolling. Why? If you had all 6 we could have been out of there 30-60 minutes earlier. You need to police the fans standing at the rail in front of the stands. We all pay the entrance fee and I got tired of walking down to ask people please sit down so the rest of us could watch the matches. The speaker / microphone system needs help. I couldn’t hear a word the announcer said. ( I’m half deaf so it may have been just me) $10 for an adult is fair. But at least mark their hands with a sharpie so that I can re-enter the event without paying an additional $10 which I did gladly. I left because the food was not healthy. I need good food and so do the athletes. Maybe look at having a couple parents cook so you aren’t just serving chips, pop, dogs and candy. PLEASE do the dashboard on Track next year. It helps me look up the bouts and be an educated spectator. Mind you I’m a wrestling LUNATIC and most parents are not. Again, this is all just my personal opinion and I do not what you to think I am complaining. I’m not. I’m just offering suggestions. JOHIO
  13. Salto


    Gabe Adams ran into a Freak 1st round. Miller MD Ritchter from St. Ed’s and Adams had a relatively close match with Miller. Can’t Waite to watch Adams this year. Ritchter BTW is a freak himself. Wish I was there.
  14. Salto

    Ryle Raider Rumble

  15. Salto

    Ryle Raider Rumble

    Can someone post a link to the schedule for this tournament? Thanks for the help.