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BE BRAVE last won the day on July 15 2024

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  1. Only one 7th grader Jordyn Raney 2021. I believe there have been 6 8th graders to win it. Zeke Escalera, Brock Ervin, Jayden Raney, Jordyn Raney, JoJo Carr, David Carr only one 5x state Champion Brock Ervin.

    Bryce Sheffer Duals.

    Custom trophies for top three teams and MOW.

    Bryce Sheffer Duals.

    Custom shirts with weight class on back for any wrestler that goes undefeated

    Bryce Sheffer Duals.

    Custom trophies and medals!

    Bryce Sheffer Duals.

    Still looking to add teams to this great event! If you are interested please let me know Scott Raney 270-804-2635.
  6. Thank You! Kentucky Wrestling Officials Association (KWOA) Gloria Raney the twins and I want thank the (KWOA) for there generous donation to the twins to help with travel and training expenses to prepare for UWW World wrestling championships in Ahmad Jordan. The KWOA is made up of professional men and woman who play one of the most crucial roles for wrestling in Kentucky. Without our officials, we simply would not be able to compete at local or postseason events. Please take the time to thank an official next time you see them their job is so crucial, and sometimes taken for granted. Thank You! KWOA!
  7. Thank You! Kentucky USA Wrestling made a generous donation to help the twins with travel and training expenses. Kentucky USA Wrestling, develops, supports and promotes wrestling in the state of Kentucky every day! Your dedication and devotion to Wrestling in the state of Kentucky is unmatched! Thank You!

    World Team Camp

    Jayden and Jordyn just got back from 10 days of training at the Illinois RTC we are excited to put on a great camp for all the Kentucky wrestlers. This camp will be a Folkstyle camp, but anyone interested in getting a freestyle/Greco feel we will make every effort to show you the international styles. This will be a great camp and a way any w re stler or p arent can help support and grow wrestling in the State of KY. Jayden and Jordyn are Proud to be from KY please help them make KY proud!


    Thank You! I want to publicly thank the Kentucky Coaches Wrestling Association (KYWCA) for their generous donation to help Jordyn and Jayden travel to Amman Jordan for the world championships this year. The KYWCA is an organization made up a professional men and women that are taking wrestling in the state of Kentucky to the next level! Thank You!
  10. BE BRAVE

    World Team Camp

    Jayden and Jordyn just got back from 21 days of training at the Olympic training Center. we are excited to put on a great camp for all the Kentucky wrestlers. This camp will be a Folkstyle camp, but anyone interested in getting a freestyle/Greco feel we will make every effort to show you the international styles. This will be a great camp and a way any wrestler or parent can help support and grow wrestling in the State of KY. Jayden and Jordyn are Proud to be from KY please help them make KY proud!
  11. We have shirts ready to go! Please consider supporting Jayden and Jordyn on their trip to the World Wrestling Championships. Jordyn and Jayden have both made the United States Greco Roman World Team! Jordyn also made the United States Freestyle team and Jayden is first alternate! They will compete against the best U17 wrestlers the world has to offer in Amman Jordan August 19 2024! Gloria and I are producing and selling these shirts to help defer the cost of travel for Jordyn and Jayden. When you purchase a shirt or make a donation you are not only supporting Jordyn and Jayden you are supporting Team USA! Shirts will come in BLACK and GRAY. PLEASE specify which design and color you want on your order. Shirts are $20 for regular sizes $22.00 for Plus sizes. We will ship! We accept: PayPal-Scott Raney Email Venmo- Scott-Raney-3 Email Cash app-Gloria Raney $gloriaRaneypgd BONUS!!! BONUS!! BONUS!!! Anyone that purchases a shirt or donates $20 or more I will add you to a private messenger group that is all access to the twins lifestyle and wrestling Journey! All their matches, training videos, nutrition, and travel to Amman Jordan! To order please text 270-804-2635 or 270-804-6048
  12. BE BRAVE

    World Team Camp

    This camp is going to be during the second weekend of Fargo. If you are a Kentucky wrestler and you aren’t at Fargo please consider coming to this camp. Let’s celebrate Wrestling in Kentucky! Let’s get the best wrestlers in the State of Kentucky together for a weekend of training fellowship, and friendly competition! This camp is truly a way to support and grow Wrestling in the state of Kentucky! Please help the twins make Kentucky Proud on a World Stage!
  13. BE BRAVE

    World Team Camp

    Please consider coming to this Camp. It will be a great weekend of wrestling! Kentucky Proud!
  14. BE BRAVE

    Union County Camps.

    Coaches and parents, Here is the flyer for the Union County summer camps. I've put a few names for clinicians on the flyer, but as always we will have an army of coaches and athletes from all levels of college wrestling. We have commitments from Illinois, University of Missouri, Little Rock, Siue, Bellermine, Ohio State, TWA, Oklahoma and Penn State. As always I guarantee your team will have plenty of top level competition and techniqnitions at these camps. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks, Union County Coaching Staff.
  15. This will be a great camp with some of the best kids in the country. Get out of your comfort zone!