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Weight allowance affecting region tournament weigh ins

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Question:  With some schools out due to weather Thur and Fri, some tournaments this weekend will be giving a 2 lb allowance.  If a wrestler takes the 2 lb allowance does it affect their descent plan for the next week?  My calculations show that 132 is the breaking point on being able to drop 2 lbs in one week.  Those below 132 can not drop a full 2 lbs in one week.  Seems like I remember looking at a weigh in sheet one time and the weight allowance did not get calculated into the decent plan.  Coaches...what do you think?  Also, does the fact that regions are started on Friday vs Saturday affect the decent plan?

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Question:  With some schools out due to weather Thur and Fri, some tournaments this weekend will be giving a 2 lb allowance.  If a wrestler takes the 2 lb allowance does it affect their descent plan for the next week?  My calculations show that 132 is the breaking point on being able to drop 2 lbs in one week.  Those below 132 can not drop a full 2 lbs in one week.  Seems like I remember looking at a weigh in sheet one time and the weight allowance did not get calculated into the decent plan.  Coaches...what do you think?  Also, does the fact that regions are started on Friday vs Saturday affect the decent plan?

Many coaches only record the first day of weigh ins of a two day weigh in. However the allowance given due to weather DOES NOT effect decent plan. It all depends on body weight how much a wrestler can lose per week. If you have 25% body fat and weigh 120 you can possibly lose up to two lbs a week.

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My son was in s similar situation last year and the coach called NWCA and they told him that "everyone" gets the allowance even those trying to stay on a decent plan.


Example:  if johnny needs to be at 134.5 for his decent to 134 and a two pound allowance is given then he can weigh 136.5 and it will not affect his decent.  So basically they said he can be his decent plus whatever they give extra without consequence!  


I would have the coach call and confirm this, being as things change in the course of a year.

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Directly from NWCA


Morgan (National Wrestling Coaches Association)

Feb 07 10:39

"As long as you mark the consecutive day allowance on your weigh-in form, it will come off of the next weigh-in. Anything over the 2lbs will add to the decent plan.  

So yes he can wrestle 108 next week"

In regards to his answer of "yes he can wrestle 108 next week" my question was:  

. If my 106 lber (plus 2 growth allowance) takes the 2 lbs tomorrow and weighs in at 110(106 plus 2 growth plus 2 weather allowance = 110), would he be eligible to weigh-in at 108 next Friday? At 110 lbs, 1.5% = 1.65 lbs max weight loss.

So the bottom line.....when an allowance is given for consecutive days of competition or because school was cancelled, the additional weight allowed does not factor into your next weeks minimum weight.


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