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Increase in Injuries this year at the HS Level.

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Dumfounded in amount of Injuries this year I have heard about or have seen inperson. The V Team my son wrestles for has already lost four top notch starters due to Injuries requiring some type of Surgery. Is anyone else having the same issue? I wonder if it has to do with the progression of the quality of Wrestling in KY. I have noticed a huge improvement in the last two years. Kentucky Wrestling seems to finally be making its own mark on the U.S. Map with the quality of Wrestlers it is producing!

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Probably more of a coincidence,but I would blame it more on the warm up stretching practices of teams rather than the increase in KY talent although it's most likely due to a combination of things .

I have not seen the top wrestlers in the state Brock Boston Fausz Blackwell Austin Lampes actually injure anyone Ever , ????

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I agree, just one of those years. I talked to our trainer before about the same thing. They just said they have good years and bad years, you just notice it when it's on the bad years.

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I believe you would need to look into what type of injuries they are.  If they are fluke injuries then its just coincidental.


If they are more cronic based as in overuse or from constant pounding then you would need to look into stretching and conditioning by the athletes/teams.

Or by how much they compete over the entire year.   Some injuries can occur  because of to much competition throughout the year.  There are only so many matches a kid can wrestle in a year before the body starts to break down.  Kind of like Marathon runners.  They can't run a marathon every week. 

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The injuries in question are current certainly not due to any excess volume of matches at this point of the season , perhaps and in all sincerity it has to do with the weather , colder more harsh weather has detrimental effects on the body less blood flow due to colder temperature less outside excersise and just a dismall all around feel ,

More work - not less will lead to less injuries ;)

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