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  1. firemans34

    Fern Creek Gladiator

    OK, someone's got to say it....What the heck was with the college dual before the finals?!?! I am completely on board with trying to promote KY college wrestling, but a full dual before the finals starting after 6:30? I spoke with many people from many schools and not one person was happy with that decision. Many said a 3 match exhibition would have been palatable. Nobody knew it was happening and we were kind of held hostage if you wanted to watch the finals of the tourney. Not sure if the West Virginia team had planned on heading home, but getting on the road at 8-8:30 vs. after 10:00 must have been a bummer. Once the finals started..... Klein vs. Tucker was a good, close match. Tucker wins 2 former state champs Vega vs. Hurst was another barn burner. vega wins Heidorf and WV state champ was close. Heidorf wins. Barton vs. Belk was most entertaining match. Barton pins in last few seconds. Trinity 220 (smith I think) beats WV kid. Refs did poor job of stopping potential fight. WV kid got flagrant misconduct and coaches had to separate kids rather than refs.....horrible. Smith wins in end. Those were the memorable matches.