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  1. afan

    State Photos - Master Thread

    Focus on Region 6. No charge for downloads, just need to submit a request to join the site (which is free); please give credit to SportsPics by EM if you use/share the photos. All pictures are in the process of being uploaded, please keep checking back for updates.
  2. afan

    Camps this summer?

    Spatola Wrestling always has some...highly recommend!
  3. afan

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    ...after what I learned last night, I'm not so sure. In case folks aren't aware, the free downloads folder of podium pictures has been eliminated with no advance warning or explanation unless you email them to ask. I did and here is the response I was given: "The free download folder was removed to put Wrestling in line with our other championship events. At all of our events, only media are permitted on the competition floor to take pictures." When I replied that some folks can't afford wrestling shoes, much less $4/pic + S&H or $125 freelance fees, and commented that these changes (plus the others) are a strange way to build wrestling in the state, I was told that "Changes to the tournament format are done working alongside the Wrestling Advisory Committee. We don't make those decisions all by ourselves. B/c most parents that shoot pictures are doing so for the team/school/coaches, we recommend they ask the parents/coaches/school to chip in on the freelance fee in exchange for the images." From where I'm sitting, it looks as if the changes are intentional and with full knowledge/disregard of how they will be received. Their lack of communication (up front) followed by justifying their actions (as they did in their reply to your first email) is disrespectful and disheartening. As I's a strange way to achieve their goal of building this sport in KY.
  4. afan

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    Q: how do we know who our State Representative is?
  5. afan

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    You're very welcome. I'm not doubting the truth of their statement...just the completeness. I work with data, so I know all about inflating numbers to paint a picture that supports your perspective. Not saying that's what happened here...just that I've seen it done (in many professional settings) and so I also don't rule it out completely. Thank you for taking the time to get this going...I hope the silent majority takes action to better this situation for future championship finalists!
  6. afan

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    ...a side note... I truly wonder if this statement from KHSAA wasn't inflated. My son placed 4th and we both agree that the way they ran finals this year cheapened the entire experience for all (but especially for the championship finalists). Also...I didn't see any girls that made it to ANY of the finals matches - did I miss something? How were daughters rewarded by these changes? Anyway - just some quick observations that jumped out at me when I read their response. Working on my letter!
  7. afan

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    Hi, Caleb...can you please confirm that you sent your original email & received the reply from KHSAA yesterday (so Feb 20th)? I'm getting my letter together and would like to make sure I have the date right. Thanks!
  8. afan

    KHSAA TV Announcers Are A Joke

    I'll have to remember that, never heard it that way before!! ;-) Agree...met his mom last year & she was very nice.
  9. afan

    KHSAA TV Announcers Are A Joke

    It depends on if you're saying it in English or Spanish. Angel (like w/wings) is the English pronunciation; Ángel is Spanish. Kudos to whoever was trying it in Spanish. And while we're at it...there's no "w" sound after the q in "Vasquez".
  10. They have some from the morning of D1 (click the "Tuesday" folder, then there's another folder labeled "Friday morning"...there are 620 pics posted so far).
  11. afan

    Here we go

    From where we were sitting, it looked like the ref was waving off the td as the buzzer hit, then he signaled 2 after the buzzer.
  12. afan

    2015 Ranger Report

    Never said it wasn't good, and never said I could do better...I only mentioned it b/c someone took offense at the report. I agree it's remarkably good, and their compiled data shows they're getting better every year.
  13. afan

    2015 Ranger Report

    Since they're averaging ~70% accuracy at predicting top 8 then I wouldn't take it as an insult, just take it for what it is: an educated guess.
  14. afan


    Completely disagree...have you ever been on the receiving end of one of those? I have & it stinks! The only thing worse than having no input is "thinking" you have some input when in reality, you have none. It is not respectful to 'listen' to someone w/your mind already's deceitful.
  15. afan


    If there's a contract in place (I'm guessing there is) then switching venues is most likely not an option as long as the arena is willing to offer an alternate date. I agree it sucks in's a no-win situation for everyone.