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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Coaches, This happens every year at the beginning of the season as many new coaches at the HS level are unfamiliar with the weigh-in process and the OPC system. There are two links below to help you with this process. The first link is how to add an event to your schedule inside the OPC system. The second link shows you how to generate your weigh-in sheet for that event. Note, if your team has not conducted the Body Fat Assessment yet and entered your roster in the OPC, you will not be able to generate a weigh-in sheet. If you have questions about the latter, you should contact your athletics director immediately. I hope this helps someone! Thanks, Coach Riordan Adding an event to schedule: https://support.trackwrestling.com/s/article/Add-an-Event-to-the-Schedule Creating the weigh-in form: