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Open Mats in Louisville Area

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We the coaches have gotten together an made up a schedule for open mats they go as followed:

Mon- North Oldham - 4 to 5:30pm (confirmed)

Tue- Jtown - 4 to 6pm (confirmed)

Wed- Fern Creek - 4 to 6 pm (confirmed)

Thur- Iroquois - 4to 6pm (confirmed)

Fri- PRP or other if PRP is not possible? - 3 to 5pm (after school I imagine - not confirmed)

How ever North Oldham will not go to day MONDAY they will start next week with this schedule the new schedule will start tuesday at JTOWN from 4-6

Its very much incouraged that EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!

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Just wondering if any of these open mats are focussing on freestyle?  If not, does anyone know of any club that is working freestyle technique and live wrestling?

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Note update below

Mon- North Oldham - 4 to 5:30pm (confirmed)

Tue- Jtown - 4 to 6pm (confirmed)

Wed- Fern Creek - 4 to 6 pm (confirmed)

Thur- Iroquois - 4 to 6pm (confirmed)

Fri- PRP  3:30 to 5pm (confirmed)

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