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@controlwa last won the day on August 13 2017

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13 Good

About @controlwa

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/31/1986

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    Louisville KY

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  1. @controlwa

    Control Wrestling Academy

    Remote weigh ins for KWOA will be held @ Moore HS from 6-8pm Thursday March 8th in the wrestling room. Directions to room attached in photo. Follow us on our social medias Practice schedule for week of March 5-9th----M/W- 3:30 to 5:30pm, Thursday- 6-8:30
  2. Control Wrestling Academy @ Moore HS can host remote weigh ins Thursday March 8th from 6-8pm.
  3. @controlwa

    Control Wrestling Academy

    Now that states are out of the way, it's time we start some guts and leg lacing! #RoadToFargo Practice begins next week! Follow us and like us on on our social medias for updates!
  4. Now that states are out of the way, it's time we start some guts and leg lacing! #RoadToFargo Practice begins next week! Follow us and like us on on our social medias for updates!
  5. @controlwa

    Blake Roth to Lindsey Wilson

  6. More info to come but dates are set, Horsepower WC @ Moore HS will be hosting, June 8-9 freestyle team camp. (Sessions will be broken down into technique and dual format competition). Schoolboy thru Juniors, register as team or individual. Featured clinician will be Mike Mal from FLO.
  7. @controlwa

    GMVWA updates

    Day 1 Results http://www.baumspage.com/gmvwa/2017/2017%20Results.htm
  8. @controlwa

    Can KY Wrestling CLOSE the GAP?

    Horsepower Wrestling club takes a week off and gets back to work. Summer training focuses on nat tournament prep and Freestyle. All are welcome to come! Like us on FB @Horsepower_WC we will post summer schedule before state tournament is over.
  9. Since the new NFHS rule change allowing wrestlers to compete in fight shorts and compression shirts. The teams that has made the switch have seen a large jump in participation this season, the teams that have ordered sets through Control have over 25+ on their rosters, and currently our team is at 38 numbers do not lie! It is not to late to make the switch! We are a company that is built by coaches, for coaches. Get your mock up today! Control Fight Gear Team Orders
  10. Since the new NFHS rule change allowing wrestlers to compete in fight shorts and compression shirts. The teams that has made the switch have seen a large jump in participation this season, the teams that have ordered sets through Control have over 25+ on their rosters, and currently our team is at 38 numbers do not lie! It is not to late to make the switch! We are a company that is built by coaches, for coaches. Get your mock up today! Control Team Orders
  11. @controlwa

    Wrestling mats for sale

    I have six resilite, sections of mats each section is 5' x 10' Selling individually or all sections together, mat tape and cleaner available. Interested?? Email for pics and prices- drwilk04@gmail.com
  12. @controlwa

    NFHS approved uniforms

    Let us take care of you're team today! Get you're free mock up today email controlapparel@gmail.com http://www.controlfg.com/fight-shortscompression-shirts1.html
  13. @controlwa

    NFHS approved uniforms

    Let us take care of our teams uniform and spirit wear needs this upcoming season. Free mock ups email us today controlapparel@gmail.com Fight Shorts & Compression shirts
  14. @controlwa

    NFHS approved uniforms

    Coaches, With the new and approved NFHS uniform change in wrestling allowing 2 piece uniforms to be used in competition do not be the only team left still in singlets. Made by Kentucky wrestling coaches let us take care you're team and kick off the 16-17 season in style. For wrestlers and coaches made by wrestling coaches. We will hands down beat any competitors price and the quality speaks for itself. What's the cost? Simply $60 per set of fight shorts and rash guard tee with a minimum of 20 sets per order. Interested in a free mock up contact myself dean.wilkins@jefferson.kyschools.us or coach Thomas- mike.thomas@jefferson.kyschools.us or check out our website http://www.controlfg.com/ Check out a few of our gallery in the PDF below.Control apparel.pdf
  15. @controlwa

    NFHS approved uniforms

    Coaches, With the new and approved NFHS uniform change in wrestling allowing 2 piece uniforms to be used in competition do not be the only team left still in singlets. Made by Kentucky wrestling coaches let us take care you're team and kick off the 16-17 season in style. For wrestlers and coaches made by wrestling coaches. We will hands down beat any competitors price and the quality speaks for itself. What's the cost? Simply $60 per set of fight shorts and rash guard tee with a minimum of 20 sets per order. Interested in a free mock up contact myself dean.wilkins@jefferson.kyschools.us or coach Thomas- mike.thomas@jefferson.kyschools.us or check out our website http://www.controlfg.com/ Check out a few of our gallery in the PDF below. Control apparel.pdf