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5 strength and conditioning tips to follow this summer

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Here are 5 strength and conditioning tips to follow this summer to have a big advantage over your competition next season:

1. Train 3 Days Per Week If You're Looking To Move UP A Weight Class Next Season!

If you strength train on 3 nonconsecutive days per week this summer, you will allow 4 days for recuperation.  This is so important when you want to gain muscle mass. Do your strength workout, followed by your running workout.

2. Train 6 Days Per Week If You're Looking To Stay At The Same Weight OR Cut Weight Next Season!

The summer-time offseason program should be geared towards getting rid of any extra fat, keeping you from gaining any fat, and keeping the metabolism red-hot if you want to stay at your weight or cut weight.

Try alternating workouts so that you do your strength training one day, running workouts the next day etc.

3. Get In Great Metabolic Condition!

Metabolic conditioning is total conditioning of both your aerobic system, and your anaerobic system(s).  Your summer running workouts should address both.  The key is to start building the aerobic system through timed runs that get longer each week. After a month, you cut longer runs down to one day per week, and add both sprints and interval runs to your regimen.

By the end of summer you will be in the ultimate condition for the mat!

4. Concentrate On Your Core!

Don't get me wrong, I am not in favor of long, drawn-out abdominal workouts.  They are unnecessary and unproductive.  Simply do your abdominal workouts at the end of your strength training workout if you want to gain muscle for next season.  Do your abdominal workouts after running if you're following a 6 day per week fat loss program.

Always do a leg raise exercise first, followed by a twisting exercise, and finally a full crunching-type exercise.  This will train all of the abdominal muscles used for high-performance wrestling!

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