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Why Jumping Rope Works

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Why Jumping Rope Works

Rope jumping requires the coordination of several muscle groups to sustain the precisely timed and rhythmic movements that are integral to the exercise. It's the coordination of these muscle groups that increases the athlete's capacity for dynamic balance--the ability to maintain equilibrium while executing complex, vigorous, and omnidirectional movements.

Rope jumping increases dynamic balance because the athlete must make numerous neuromuscular adjustments to the imbalance created by each of the hundreds of jumps per training session. These adjustments also force the athlete to balance the body weight on the balls of the feet, reinforcing the universal athletic position. The universal athletic position is a standing position of readiness which allows the athlete to react quickly in any direction and then move back to the starting position. In sports play this position also requires slightly crouching with the weight balanced on the balls of the feet and one foot placed slightly in front of the other. As in a basketball player's defensive position, the arms may be slightly extended to the side, preparing the athlete for omnidirectional multijoint movements.

The reinforcement of the universal athletic position through rope jumping also increases the athlete's ability to react and make accurate changes in direction. Ongoing adjustments also increase an athlete's capacity for streamlined and efficient movements.

Efficient movements are especially appreciated by older athletes, who realize that proper technique allows them to conserve energy and employ it strategically. Also, efficient movements lead directly to increased endurance.

Much of an athlete's energy can be wasted by compensating for inefficient movements. Watch a tired runner's irregular gait to see a vivid example of this principle at work. The effort to compensate for inefficient movements saps the body of energy and diminishes stamina. That's why many runners are often coached to "hold their form."

Furthermore, efficient movements can create a synergy between quickness, timing, and strength that generates power and explosiveness while also extending endurance. Energy conserved through efficient movements is available for improved performance.

Concentrating on maintaining the rhythm of swinging the rope and jumping over it facilitates subtle neuromuscular adjustments, helping increase efficiency of movement. The melding of mind and movement is an unspoken secret of how to use jump rope training to improve performance.

Elite distance runners focus on their pace instead of trying to distract themselves from the pain and discomfort of their performance. In a similar way, jump rope training, which includes the synchronization of several muscle groups, requires and cultivates an athlete's capacity to monitor training and performance.

Paying moment-to-moment attention to sports performance not only enhances performance, it also increases maximal oxygen uptake (V.O2max) and unloads more carbon dioxide with each breath. V.O2max is the maximum amount of oxygen your heart can provide to your muscles during sustained exercise. The more intense the jumping becomes, the more oxygen is consumed to sustain the intensity. But there is a point where no matter how intense jumping becomes, your body cannot increase the amount of oxygen; this is your V.O2max. This level can start as low as 91 percent of the maximum heart rate, or at the highest end of the anaerobic zone. It is also referred to as the red line zone and can be experienced in a short, intense burst of sprint jumping for 10 to 30 seconds. The more fit you become, the more you can jump at this level to match the high energy demands of your sport. Your V.O2max, or anaerobic power, leads to central circulatory fitness and is the key to maximizing your endurance training and performance in sports.

By increasing dynamic balance and moment-to-moment concentration, and training the body to make efficient movements, jump rope training can develop the main ingredients of the competitive edge in sports performance.

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