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Everything posted by Debo

  1. Debo

    Post State Thoughts

    KHSAA needs to change the rules back that 19 year olds are ineligible to compete in athletics! A 19 year old competing against a 14-16 year old should not be allowed! If you place as a 19 year old there should definitely be an asterisk next to their name! Kentucky is one of the few states where this is still allowed! coaches, parents and fans complain about officiating at every level from amateur to professional! One thing is you never here Champions complaining! Stop using the officials as an excuse! Yes there are bad calls here and there but Champions overcome! To everybody that complains I’m sure the state would be more than happy to have you sign up and start officiating!
  2. Debo


    Really? Why does it matter? Instead of worrying about transfers you should be worried about 19 year olds wrestling 15 and 16 year olds!
  3. Debo

    2023 Ranger Report

    First- We need to start a go fund me page for Ranger! You definitely deserve to be compensated for your commitment! It’s incredible! secondly- it’s easy to see why “HC” decided to sit this year out cause he had no chance of placing at 150 or 157! Champions don’t run from competition! Nor do they use injuries as excuses! If you can’t place this year your not going to place next year solely on mentality! Before discussing physical ability- First and foremost Champions are mentally tough!
  4. Ranger does a great job! Unfortunately people get carried away with these Rankings! The only rankings that matter is the final one after the state tournament!! No more excuses at that point! Champions always rise to the top