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Everything posted by Abs0510

  1. Abs0510

    Live Feed For Sate?

    Hello all. Does anyone know if there is a live feed for state for people who can’t go? I have some family that want to watch and don’t mind paying for it but can’t to the tournament. Thanks
  2. Abs0510

    Live Feed For Sate?

    Thank you all for the responses.
  3. Hello Sean. I don’t post on here much but I have been around the wrestling world for a while. The best advice I can give you is let your son do what makes him happy first. My son was kind of in a similar situation when he was younger. He is a senior this year and has a early summer birthday. He started wrestling in middle school and had talent but hadn’t wrestled much and he was little but strong. He played football since he was little too. It’s great conditioning to play different sports so the kids don’t get burned out on one sport. Eventually he did decide he wanted to focus on wrestling but it was when he really started winning and knew he had potential ( I think it was his sophomore year). His dad and I would have him go to different wrestling camps when time allowed and we found a great non school wrestling team in the off season. With you living in TX I understand it’s hard because your in a big football state but off season club might help. As a standpoint of a mother make sure you support him and be there for him. When he wins celebrate with him and when he looses hug him and tell him it’s alright because if he learned one thing from the match he really won because now he has that experience. Get him in the mindset that even a negative experience can be turned into a positive if he learned something. When he gets a little older it will click. I hope this helped. Best of luck.
  4. Thank You Ranger for everything you do! Looking forward to the all star classic.
  5. Do you think that maybe why this is organized during football season is that after that it is wrestling season and other teams are traveling to other states to compete?