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Everything posted by canady

  1. canady

    Section 3 Big School duals at Dunbar

    Who sets this up? Harlan County is in the same football grouping as Corbin, Perry, Knox, Wayne and Letcher. My guess would be there is a similar enrollment. Why would they be included in the Large School grouping? Never mind. I looked it up. Their enrollment is larger and similar to Johnson Central.
  2. canady

    Pairings? When should they release?

    Where can you see them?
  3. canady

    State tournament location

    Where they fiddled with the dates early on, they lost booking at Broadbent.
  4. Couldn't get use of the gym that day I've heard.
  5. Agree. Just making the point that the kid is very very good at 106.
  6. Not arguing that. He was 4th in 113 at the Bobby Bates Tournament in Wise, Va which is a very tough tournament. He won 3 matches there. He was 1st at Agie Skeens in Virginia which is another very tough tournament. Won 4 matches at 106 in that one. At JC's McDonald's tournament, I think the kid went 7-0 over two days time at 113. I know they don't show on track. I was just saying the kid is really good at 106. I know doing statewide rankings is hard, very hard. Just stating my opinion.
  7. Adam Williams from Johnson Central should be in the top 5 in 106.
  8. Our 10th Annual Nick Cory Takedown Tournament and Scholarship is quickly approaching on November 17. We are having separate girls and boys matches for high school in the morning and will run youth in the afternoon. Any senior wrestlers are encouraged to apply for the $500 scholarships who participate in the takedown tournament. Medals for 1st through 4th. scholarship appl 2018.doc takedown tourn 2018-19.doc