Raiders Wrestling

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Raiders Wrestling last won the day on August 8 2023

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About Raiders Wrestling

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  • Birthday 11/26/1963

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    Building a better youth for tomorrow

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  1. Raiders Wrestling

    KWC Camp (Whitesville Trinity)

    Its not to late but we are filling up fast. Here is Link and Flier
  2. Raiders Wrestling

    Whitesville Trinity Wrestling

    I wanted to announce on here so everyone would know that Whitesville Trinity High School will once again be wrestling next season. I was formally Panthers Wrestling on here from Daviess County High they have asked me to step down there after 20 years. So I have agreed to start back Trinity's team. Anyone needing to contact me can do so at or my same old number 270-316-7670.
  3. Raiders Wrestling

    Most improved/ best newcomer?

    He is a great kid as well even if he does wrestle for our arch rival.
  4. Yes Daviess County 215 Nicodemus is out for the year with a wrist injury. At least he was a State Placer last season just been that kinda year for our team. He is a great kid and will be missed next year as he is a senior but will do great things at U of L where he will attend.
  5. Raiders Wrestling

    Why isn't state going to be seeded?

    When the Covid Semi-State and the really State went on yes there was seeding. But you seen at Regionals and Semis once a kid made the next tourney some would foriet out so it wouldnt hurt seeding at the next round. Trackwrestling doesnt get seeding correct all the time. So I am sure there would be more complaints about which 1 should be the 1 at state and who should be 8th of course some are without a doubt, so then the argue would happen over 4-6 or whatever. But coaches will fight about it for sure. If you dont seed you have no need for a seeding meetings or complaints other than the same one why didnt we seed either all or #1s. Maybe easier to deal with one big complaint rather than hundreds of different complaints over 14 weights. Just a thought we have all ran into poor seeding in the past and will again.
  6. Thanks me too. Been that kind of year for us we have lost 5 starters this season all due to injuries, 2 I should get back next week we hope. The other two wont see.
  7. Ranger first thanks for all you do. As for McLamb you can drop him he hasnt wrestled since the Roberts match as he was hurt during it and will not be able to return it looks like for the year.
  8. Raiders Wrestling

    Girls Ranking 12/17/23

    If the committee needs the final brackets from DC Girls tourney just get me an email and I will get it to you asap to help.
  9. Raiders Wrestling

    DC Girls Individual Tourney

    First I want to say thank you to all that came and wrestled in our tourney this past Saturday. Our final number was 127 young ladies who wrestled a very tough tourney. Congrats to the medalist and the Champions on a very well deserved accomplishment. As I said it was tough with some of the best girls in the state in attendance. I would like everyone to take a minute and say a prayer for the two young ladies who were taken out during the day. One from J. Hardin with a broke leg and another from Caldwell Co with a broken back and to the others with shoulder, head or other injuries on the day you are in my prayers and I am sure many more. Again thanks for coming and to all my help for a great day of wrestling.
  10. Raiders Wrestling

    New schools wrestling

    Fulton is also fielding a team this year.
  11. Raiders Wrestling

    Boys & Girls tourney Jan 6

    Boys is full. Girls still have room teams commited: Western--Owensboro--Montgomery Co--Trigg Co--Ohio co--Apollo--Union--Boyle--Ft. Campbell Walton-Verona--John Hardin & Daviess Co
  12. Raiders Wrestling

    Boys & Girls tourney Jan 6

    Confirmed Boys: Wayne Co, Western, Owensboro Catholic & DC Confirmed Girls: Union Co, Apollo, Western & DC Have plenty of others for girls have said should be ok with the date so I will update soon. Also only need 3 more boys for 6 duals and I have 2 more I am waiting on that is getting permisson to join us already. So holler if you want in soon so you can reserve a space as its filling fast.
  13. Raiders Wrestling

    6-matches a day

    I do not disagree with you on the long days. We do very few individual tourneys just because of this reason. In saying that I do one or two each year just so when the kids get to post season its not something totally new to them. In saying that I think its hard on kids to do 6 matches in a day in post season when they have never done it before and everything is on the line. As for duals I can have 6 dual matches in with the new 30min wait and be done by 4 or 4:30 at the latest. I know with 5 we are usually done at 2 or 3 and the kids will be used to wrestling 6. So that I am for if we could have 6 in post season.
  14. Raiders Wrestling

    Boys & Girls tourney Jan 6

    Confirmed Boys: Wayne Co, Western, Owensboro Catholic, Owensboro, Montgomery Co, Trigg Co & Daviess Co Confirmed Girls: Union Co, Apollo, Western, Boyle, Ohio Co, Owensboro, Montgomery Co, Trigg Co & Daviess Co Have plenty of others for girls have said should be ok with the date so I will update soon. Have enough for 6 duals each already would like 2 more teams so we can have 9. So holler if you want in soon so you can reserve a spot its filling fast.
  15. Good advice hope it works for you but meanwhile thanks for all you do anyways. Some appreciate all the hard work for the kids you do.