Coach Rudolph(THS)

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Coach Rudolph(THS) last won the day on March 22 2016

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About Coach Rudolph(THS)

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  1. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Head Coach Needed

    Rudolph plans to stay on as the moderator of the Trinity program. The school has posted the position for a new head coach. Contact athletic director Rob Saxton at for more information.
  2. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Thank You

    It has been a pleasure to Coach wrestling in the state of Kentucky at Trinity H.S. since 1989. I came to Trinity because of a good man named Kenny Ellenbrand. He ask me if I wanted to teach/coach at Trinity. Along story short, I accepted. It was one of the best decisions of my life. It has been a pleasure to get to know all the coaches, referees, parents, and fans in this great sport. I have been blessed to coach a bunch of great student atheletes over the last 28 years. I've either been an assistant/HC for 19 state champions.The past three years made me realize how much my guys have affected my life. Thanks again(everyone) for all the support over the years. Go Rocks! Coach Eddie Rudolph
  3. Coach Rudolph(THS)


    Who are Team Ky coaches? How can they be reached?
  4. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Lucas Miozza

    Lucas Miozza will be signing with Lindsey Wilson today at Trinity H.S.
  5. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Open mat index

    Trinity has open mat Mon and Wed. 5:30 - 7:00. Bring valid USA card.
  6. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Two Used Resilite Wrestling Mats For Sale

    My email is
  7. Coach Rudolph(THS)

    Two Used Resilite Wrestling Mats For Sale

    Please contact Coach Rudolph at Trinity H.S if your team needs a used mat. Both mats are 42'X42' and have practice circles on one side and match circle on the other. 812-987-8212
  8. Please contact Coach Rudolph at Trinity H.S if your team needs a used mat. Both mats are 42'X42' and have practice circles on one side and match circle on the other. 812-987-8212