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Everything posted by BCWcoach

  1. Come be a part of the 2nd annual Kentucky Girls Youth State- on 3/8 as a bonus, more info to come- but the next day there will also be an odd year National tourney in the same location! 2025 Kentucky Girls Youth State.pdf
  2. Coaches, Parents, AD's Please consider sharing with your youth and middle school programs as an opportunity to participate in the first ever, Girls only Youth State Wrestling Championship. As a way to boost and promote Girls Wrestling, we would love to extend this invitation across the state. Please consider sending your female wrestlers for youth and Middle School to Ashland, KY on February 25th, 2024. Attached Below is the registration link, and attached are the promotional flyers. https://www.trackwrestling.com/registration/TW_Register.jsp?tournamentGroupId=244035132
  3. BCWcoach

    20 Custom Singlets $199 Pay After Delivery

    Would be awesome... if youre site would return an email...
  4. BCWcoach

    Ranking #3 12.15.19

    Nate Manning, 240 from Boyd, also beat Snyder this past weekend. He's undefeated in MS this season.... just comment for thought....
  5. BCWcoach

    Odd Year State

    Boyd will be there.... We appreciate you hosting!
  6. if you have any possible openings, please let me know. We are new, trying to establish a program.... less than 10 kids. contact clayton.mcclelland@boyd.kyschools.us thanks Clayton McClelland
  7. If any have any possible openings before 1/18, please contact me Clayton McClelland clayton.mcclelland@boyd.kyschools.us
  8. Boyd County High School in Ashland, KY is starting a wrestling program this year. We have not had a wrestling program in several years, "if not decades", we are in need of several things. Our biggest need right now is finding an affordable mat. We will drive anywhere, If we could find a good deal, or a good lead, on a used mat. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated. We are excited to add another wrestling program to the state. Thanks, Clayton McClelland Boyd County High School
  9. BCWcoach

    38 x 38 mat for sale

    Boyd County would be interested in this mat clayton.mcclelland@boyd.kyschools.us
  10. BCWcoach

    New Program: Boyd County High School- Needs

    well mat has been sold..... they beat me to it.... anything else?
  11. BCWcoach

    New Program: Boyd County High School- Needs

    Thanks for the lead, more would be greatly appreciated. Thanks