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Posts posted by cmccoy

  1. I'm just a has been that has disagreed with some of the desicions made in the past. But I also know that the powers that be do not always have the say. I'll give you an example, Dr. Polio made a recommendation for return to school and our school board almost shot it down. Same works for the KHSAA. Tackett and Barren can believe what they want but the BOC and KDE ultimately make the decision.


  2. I have given this a lot of thought and I was told not to post anymore. After dying twice and fully recovering (which led to me stepping down as head coach) and now volunteering, I just want to put my opinion out there and spread some truth. Let the beating commence but I hope you listen to a little of what I have to say. Mike Barren truly does a passion to build wrestling. So does Julian Tackett as well. You have to remember that they answer to the BOC (Board of Control) and the Kentucky Department of Education. As someone who worked closely with the KHSAA, I understand your frustrations but there is more to it than many of you know or pretend to know. It's very easy to hide behind a keyboard and say what you want. Like they say, "What does not kill you makes you stronger." I can take the beating I am about to get. I just hope you will step back and realize it is not black and white. There are several gray areas....especially during a pandemic. 

  3. I will be glad to explain why I am hosting a tournament the same weekend as the Dragon. Michael Herchenrader Jr. was the second person I met from Male when I started the program. He was our athletic directors right hand man and was well beloved by all of the student athletes, coaches, and staff at Male. He would do anything I asked of him and he was one of our biggest fans. As a WWE fan, he would always come in and ask when we could have a tables and chairs match with him. He was known around as Coach Mike. 5 years ago today, Coach Mike passed away unexpectedly at the age of 28. At our first dual after his passing, we left a coaches chair empty with a Male shirt draped over the chair to hold a spot for Coach Mike. Since than I have been planning this for him once I could get the gym. I saw it fitting to have the tournament on this date being his passing was January 17th. The tournament is not named the Male Invitational or the Bulldog. It is the Michael Herchenrader Jr. Memorial Tournament. I hope this clears the air on my intentions.

  4. With Mike Clark leaving J-Town to go to Fairdale, it sounds like J-Town may get the ax as well. We have to work together to find coaches and ways to keep programs growing. We add one team but lose two in the process. I'm very concerned about wrestling in Jefferson County. We may lose two programs with rich tradition in J-Town and Eastern. And other high schools such as Ballard and Butler that do not have teams either. I think one issue is also the amount of paperwork required. A brand new head coach can easily want to give up with the paperwork involved and than trying to find time to actually coach.

  5. I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank the wrestling community for giving me the opportunity to serve as both Vice President and President of the Coaches Association. It has truly been an honor to get to work toward building wrestling in the state of Kentucky. 

    I would also like to congratulate the new officers elected. I know they will bring great new ideas to the table and continue the mission of building wrestling in KY. Coach Upchurch, Coach Ervin, Coach Dettwiller, and Coach Founder have a passion for the sport that will help lead us to new and bigger things. 

    In Wrestling,

    Chris McCoy

  6. The only reason I am coming on is to address this situation as KYWCA President. I will be logging off again for good after this post. I felt as President that it is important to address. We do have an issue. According to the KHSAA Coaches listings the following programs do not have a coach. Maybe they do have a coach but the school has not listed them if so. We cannot let these programs go away. We have worked very hard to build wrestling and we need these teams to help us continue to build. Please reach out to anyone you know who may be interested.

    North Bullitt

    North Hardin



    Barren County

    Graves County

    Paducah Tiglman

    Whitley County



    Louisville Holy Cross


    In wrestling,

    Coach McCoy


  7. Some classes you would have as much luck ranking drawing names out of a hat they are so inconsistent after the 1 spot usually and even with them in some cases .152 will be interesting and 182 Frankone looks as if he will be the very clear favorite ,195 Miozza n Miller should be Fun ,Both do work But Miozza BUSTED IT UP IN THE OFF SEASON ,and in the Weight Room I look for a fierce Battle at State .Lampe Meiman Heidorf Sparh Duncan Erdman Schefer Vega Ervin thats about all of em .Heavyweight is a ? with a state champ returning who has been absent most of the yr but throws a Monkeywrench into everything and was so dominant at state he will probably be 1 again in a class as varied in styles as it is in sises.

    ATM had an 18 sec pin at HVY weight this weekend at state Duals and CC hvy is cert at 220 Hvy could easily become the best class in the entire state in an instant ,Young Brown Austin and Johnson .wouldnt that be a hoot suddenly all the hype of lightweight classes so close in comp are replaced with a class of two state Champs with 3 D1 athletes who are not even ranked #1 at the weight class currently ????

    And Austin having a tech and pin wins over the GMVWA hvy Champ who pinned through at GMVWA has shown he can hang with the Big boys as well .

    You put the tease out there. Do share. Enquiring minds want to know if we will see this happen at Heavyweight.