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Everything posted by tccx-14

  1. tccx-14

    Live Stream

    I want to thank you for doing this. I usually am able to go down for state but couldn't this year. I actually asked KHSAA if they were going to do a live broadcast and they said no, only highlights afterwards.
  2. tccx-14


    Thank you. Really ticks me off.
  3. tccx-14


    Does anyone know where to watch the finals online? I have looked (probably missing it) on the KHSAA website but can't find anything about it.
  4. tccx-14

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    I wish it was sarcasm.
  5. tccx-14

    Help Me Fix The State Finals

    I don't think KHP is the issue even though I think it is ridiculous you had to pay $5/day to park. I was told the KHSAA wanted to run the round of championship that was wrestled on Saturday morning Friday night but the coaches wanted to get out of there early. Also was it necessary to have a 2 hour break? No! If they wanted to clear the arena if done correctly can be cleared out in 30 minutes. While that is happening you start setting the mats up. In my opinion, if they wanted to keep the way they did it (I hated this way) they should have moved 3 mats to the center of the arena and wrestled 3, 5 & 7 then wrestle championship match on the center mat because people where Union & CC fans were sitting were always away from the championship mat, put it in the center where it should belong. Also it took 1 hour to do 3 weight classes.
  6. tccx-14


    He was choked out and it looked like he was thoroughly checked out by the on site athletic trainer. From my view they brought over plenty of officials to discuss what happened and even talked with the trainer. If the Woodford athlete was not able to still compete from the choke, the Wayne Co athlete should have been DQ'ed and the Woodford wrestler should have been awarded the win. Someone correct me if I am wrong on this.
  7. tccx-14

    NHSCA Virginia Beach

    I am pretty sure Krebs is not wrestling.
  8. tccx-14

    KHSAA TV Announcers Are A Joke

    Better than ihigh
  9. tccx-14


    Meaning you won't get out of there until 10 or so at night. Now kids who are traveling quite a bit of distance will probably miss Monday - Thursday.
  10. tccx-14


    I know that is a comment towards his dad but that kid (Austin) works his butt off everyday with sometimes extra practices and lifting and that comment may be deserving to his dad but not Austin.
  11. tccx-14


    I was just told if the school district does not allow the kids to practice on days they are off due to weather (has to be school policy) then everyone will be allowed 1 pound (every wrestler in the state). This is how I understood the person.
  12. tccx-14


    I would assume if no coaches were there then yes it would be legal unless the coach told everyone and made it required.
  13. tccx-14


    Didn't he go all 3 periods with him or am I missing something?
  14. tccx-14

    2015 State Duals Info

    Newport has its own school district lines from my understanding so you have to live in district lines or pay tuition I am pretty sure.
  15. tccx-14

    2015 State Duals Info

    Like CH said the Myers boys were not recruited by CC. You might want to check your facts on that one.
  16. tccx-14

    2015 State Duals Info

    You are so off based with the kid "faking" his injury. Maybe you should do a little research before posting such nonsense. The kid actually DID hurt his shoulder and there was no faking. Also, the kid you are talking about would never quit and from understanding the trainer said no more for the kid not him.
  17. tccx-14

    2015 State Duals Info

    Thank you
  18. tccx-14

    2015 State Duals Info

    Are you looking under the regular Duals one and not the big school one?
  19. tccx-14

    track wrestling

    If you are talking about weight assessments I hate it as well.
  20. tccx-14

    State Observations

    I like the plain jane purple singlets! Austin is a great kid. It has been a pleasure watching him the past 3 years.
  21. tccx-14


    Ervin for sure going 132?
  22. tccx-14


    I know they got 3rd as a team and Austin got outstanding wrestler. I was told he pinned everyone in the first period.
  23. tccx-14

    Trainer Question

    Not to my knowledge.
  24. tccx-14

    Cooper Legacy

    Wasn't it a knee?
  25. tccx-14

    State Finals Celebration

    They did it last year as well!