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Everything posted by catfan

  1. catfan

    Ask the Ref

    That's what happened. I asked him if he was a doctor and he said no then I asked how he thought he knew more than the dermatologist my son went to three times. He said he didn't but that he wasn't going to let him wrestle. I know my son probably wouldn't have done much at state but I think he would have qualified for it, and either way it would have been nice to have had the opportunity to go out wrestling.
  2. catfan

    Ask the Ref

    I have one. I read this on the khsaa web site (Coaches and officials, please take note that we updated the “Wrestling SKIN CONDITION” form ( WR111) two years ago. We believe it will benefit all parties involved by clearly stipulating weather the condition falls under Rule 4-2-3 (which requires a form to be renewed every Seven days) or Rule 4-2-5 (that allows for valid documentation for the duration of the season). Please take time to make your self familiar with this form. I have included a link to our website where you may download and make copies as needed. Always remember, regardless of documentation, NFHS rule 4-2-4 states: … “If a designated on-site meet PHYSICIAN is present, he/she may overrule the diagnosis of the appropriate health care professional signing the medical release form for a wrestler to participate with a particular skin condition.” I would advise any of you hosting a tournament to make sure you have a medical professional on site for your weigh-ins.) So the way I read this it would have to be a PHYSICIAN to overule another physician who filled out the form. The reason I ask is my son who is a senior was not allowed to wrestle in his region tournament because a ref didn't like the way a scar on his arm looked even though he had form WR 111 filled out and wrestled earlier in the week. He also had a note from the doctor who by the way is a dermatologist not a gynecologist stating that it was not contagious in any way. I went in and talked to the ref myself and asked if they had a doctor onsite to look at it and he said no it was his call and he could overule a doctor if he wanted. This seems ridiculous to me why have a form allowing a doctor to clear a wrestler only to allow a ref with no medical experience to overule the doctor. Makes no sense to me.
  3. catfan

    Anywhere but Alltech, Please

    From what I heard last year the kids were hooking up under the bedding that was brought into the arena last year and that's why they weren't allowed to bring any kind of bedding in this year.
  4. catfan

    Anywhere but Alltech, Please

    I couldn't agree more. The men's restroom only had two stalls and most of the sinks didn't work and the one that did was cold water. Also $14.50 for 2 pcs. of pizza 1 bottled water & 1 Power Aid is robbery. I say move it to Freedom Hall or Rupp or WKU.
  5. we have hit and miss wrestle-offs. It seem that our coach has who he wants at varsity and he avoids wrestle-offs as much as possible. I suspect because one of our wrestlers is always over weight (pushing the next weight class at times). And even when we do have wrestles-offs this wrestler doesn't have to show up and is still awarded the varsity spot.
  6. catfan

    Dedication and Commitment

    Good question. I've watched a wrestler be over-weight (as much as 5lbs.) every single wrestle off of the season and then this week not even come to practice all week, and miss wrestle-offs. Then show up on Friday practice for a few and sit the rest of the time, and then get to wrestle is Saturdays match. What is the coach teaching this wrestler? That he doesn't have to play by the rules that the rest of the team does. That he doesn't have to work as hard as everyone else and he will still be handed his spot on the team. In turn he is one of the laziest wrestlers in practice and has to constantly be to told to keep working. The sad thing is he is probably the most talented wrestler on the team, but because he doesn't have to work and is allowed to be lazy and have an attitude he will never be as good as he could be.