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About lpniewski

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  1. lpniewski

    Wrestling in Bowling Green

    Barren County had a team. We started with the idea that other schools in the area would pick up teams. After 4 years, not a single school near us started a program. There were the constant rumors of all the schools that were "thinking about starting a team" yet, nothing ever happened. At this point, they've put us on hold until other schools in the area start a program, and that's the last anyone has spoken of it. I think the Bowling Green area has the potential, and that was the thinking behind starting a program here, but I think the deep seeded roots in football and the progression of students into specializing in single sports is a main cultural speed bump to overcome.
  2. lpniewski

    Region Rankings Week 1 (12/8)

    Hate that, I was looking forward to seeing him competing for that state championship.
  3. lpniewski

    Region Rankings Week 1 (12/8)

    What happened to Caleb Austin?
  4. lpniewski


    Absolutely impressive, no doubt about it.
  5. lpniewski

    NCAA Finals

    It's plain old ESPN here, I don't get ESPNU so I missed the semis.... Stupid local tv carriers
  6. lpniewski

    NCAA Finals

    ESPN at my house
  7. lpniewski


    No kidding, looking at the results Taylor is out to prove something. It's going to be electric! What time does it start?
  8. lpniewski


    According to nysphsaa It has Kyle Dake (12) winning 2-1 over Mike Nevinger in the state finals in 2009.
  9. lpniewski

    Congrats to Caleb Ervin

    Just tried to get on trackwrestling to get the brackets and it said they were "on lockdown". Are they up somewhere else?
  10. lpniewski

    KWOA Spring Classic

    Just to make sure I got this correct, if I have a cadet, and he did a remote weigh in, he doesn't have to be there until 12:30, right?
  11. lpniewski

    KWOA Spring Classic

    Can people still weigh in the day of?
  12. Just had a nice sit down meeting with the AD today, and he suggested the switch, so I agreed with him, of course, this time of the season, it'll be a possible solution for next season, and I bargained him to let me raise the temp to 75! Making progress
  13. Oh, we take 3-5 minutes after every round of live wrestling, we took 7 breaks on Tuesday, so that base is covered, I'm not trying to kill them, get the intensity up, and rest. Repeat. And I've tried to work with them, but words fall on def ears.
  14. Thanks, this is exactly what I was hoping for. Of course, I agree that the football players should be able to suck it up for 30 minutes while they lift, but there are benefits of working out in the heat. This is the article that I've read. https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/10524/Lorenzo_Santiago_phd2010win.pdf?sequence=1 Of course, it applies to cycling and endurance athletes, and it does discuss high intensity for short periods of time and low intensity for long periods of time. I think the physiological effects transfer. The heat acclimation would increase athletic performance. It would increase the efficiency of the heat dissipation in the body as well as increase the body's blood volume. Isn't that what we all are looking for?
  15. You think I haven't told them that? I've sent the head couch a few articles and powerpoints. These guys are local, never been exposed to wrestling, and think that their way is the best and only way.