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Posts posted by uncleruckus

  1. I don't post very much at all, but wanted to say thank you for your work and make a couple of notes in case they were missed.

    If you noticed these and your algorithm or process says to do otherwise.....no problem


    Ethan Peckenpaugh 175 has beat Ohio County and Christian County ranked athletes at the weight and took Apollo to overtime the last time they wrestled.

    He placed third at jv state. I know it's "jv state" and not "varsity contest" but would you consider that or no?


    I have also noticed on the regional bracket that Daviess County wrestler at 215 is not listed. He was a really good wrestler and seemed like a good kid. If he's not listed to wrestle for the post season, would that change things. In state, you place top 8, so I'm assuming that may change team totals a bit. Is it enough to count, I'm not sure. That's your call.

  2. I had to come back and read my posts. I still stand by much of it, but I think my tone was wrong in some parts. I try hard to not let the actions of others dictate my actions....I apologize for anything that may have came off in poor representation of myself and Henderson County Wrestling Family.

    Yeah, you have to at least look at someone's schedule before making a useful recommendation ukpridewrestler. I know you want to see us succeed (Carson) and I appreciate that. 

    I know you want to see a Union county Henderson County matchup. I get it. I do too...

    I may be wrong ranger, but why does it have to be that your evaluation of a wrestler drops after Henderson County beats them? It may be an algorithm thing. You were high on Josiah from DC you were high on Paducah at 157 and they are both well trained wrestlers. You even thought Powers was a rankable wrestler, until you found out Henderson beat him and moved on to state. That kid is a decent wrestler. He beat jaxson once and I think Jaxson beat him twice this year..I think that is the argument people were trying to make. I don't have time to look at every ranked team in the state and see if they all have top 8 or top 16 ranked wrestlers on their roster, but I find it hard to believe that Henderson County can't even be on the list if this is done to promote wrestling, make things interesting, and to encourage wrestlers to strive to do better. That was the argument. All due respect. I appreciate what you do and hope to encourage positive discussion going forward.

    We are raising our game, and look forward to dual meets in the future with Union county, maybe even next year, if both teams agree and the date makes sense.

    We needed mat time this year, because were a young team, and we wrestled decent-good teams in Indiana all year. We even got some exciting individual wins, but that's neither here nor there....

    I'm optimistic and realistic. This was not the right year for Union and Henderson. Henderson would not have been ready mid year for the top team in kentucky. We have respect for Union County. At mid year, Union County would not have gained alot from wrestling us....so with all due respect, what would have been the point, of a dual, carson? Were not running from Union if they come up in a tournament, but I just don't think it made sense for either team this year...Does that make sense?

    However, I do see a dual in the near future, a good hearted rivalry.....we have history together...made many friends over the years.

    Just thought we would get a little  acknowledgement on rankings, especially after region. We did wrestle the toughest region in the state...we weren't even listed on the team state rankings and we placed 6th out of 15 teams. That's legitimate progress, and the highest point total we've ever put together at regional. 

    Are we as good as Union county. Caldwell county, Paducah, Christian county today as a team.....no....but for this young of a team to go from finishing next to last in last year's region to 6th out of 15 in region 1....no one can argue that we did experience growth....

    I'm not saying we have the best team in the state, but we have a program headed in the right direction. We're going to stay classy, but we're going to get excited and enjoy wins on the big stage, because we don't have the extensive history of a Union County, or Woodford County. We will show respect to every opponent as it is something we are really trying to build on in this family.

    Everybody have a blessed day and a good competitive semi state tourney.


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  3. 43 minutes ago, DrBaker said:

    These rankings mean a lot to these kids, not just the top 2. These small teams are working hard just to make this list. 

    I agree with you Baker. It's nice to get recognition..it helps the sport..I was just saying, I don't like my kids getting hung up on this guy is ranked this or why am I not ranked. This is one guy's, /committee's/formula's, opinion. I honestly have no idea who ranger 123 is and I know rankings have to take up a lot of time, so I am grateful for the sport and his effort. I just don't want my people to hang all their stock in it....

    When a wrestler grows from defeats, gets stronger, and is an unknown in the grand scheme of spectators....I think it's kind of awesome...thats why we wrestle the matches....thats why it's exciting...thats why you have to be ready for each match...

    I personally like a wrestler with a chip on his shoulder....

    It's all a process of turning boys into men...

    Yaull have a good day....I'll leave the rest of the discussions to yaull

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  4. With all due respect. Henderson put up 99 points in region 1, with a champ, 2 fourth place finishers and an alternate. They are not even on the team rankings from what I can see. 

    Maybe you have a rationale. I won't pretend to know your formula.

    Jj has beaten daviess County 3 times, Paducah twice, lost once to Newbie, (no excuses) newbie was ranked. 

    But rankings are silly, they are fun to talk about. Let's let wrestling talk for itself. That's how you build a culture. 

    Wrestling is about growing. During the season, if my boys lose to some guys and get better....thats awesome....I care about seedings, placement, and advancement and I'll argue those, if need be. If ranger123 doesn't think any Henderson wrestlers have even a chance at a fraction of a point at the state meet, that's his prerogative, its his page....

    The only thing I use this page for is to listen to chatter and see if a kid is decent before a match.

    Honestly, I'm ready to wrestle saturday....Saturday.... back to the grind


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  5. I want to see somebody cut weight or bulk up and give Harrison Courtney a run for his money......ANY TAKERS?  Is this John Fahy kid as good as everyone says?  Never saw him........Dustin Thomas finally got some respect.  #3.  Hes a tough kid and with a good draw could very easily take third.  Im going to state this year.  Stengel you have to upstage what you did last year, but in my day I would have never had the balls to wear long johns. That was classic.  I had the lucky UK sockhat every where I went.  Finally had to retire it....lol :mrgreen:

  6. Shame Bryce Alexander wont be able to compete at 135 in KY this year. Him and Luke Ervin had some dog fights. They would have been an exciting matchup, maybe in the state finals the way the state tournament goes.  He'll be wrestling in Missourri.  Somebody to keep a look out for.  Scotty Hogan may have had a chance to place at 130.  He beat Joe Young decisively last year and he is ranked #12 in the state......Would have definitely been an exciting year for Henderson County this year......But the coaches had a lot of fun, and the schoolboard and superintendent did not want to hear anymore. I really have to say they left a bad taste in my mouth and really hurt region I wrestling and the sport altogether. 

  7. You know the team was really looking to have there best year in a five year exhistense.  Henderson has many ranked wrestlers in the state, and has been ranked as high as 23rd in the state.  All coaches are volunteers, we have always provided our own practice, transportation budget, and tournament fees.  Going to a mid 20's ranking from almost the bottom of the list just a couple of years ago, is a big step.  We are asking for help from anyone who would like to see wrestling grow as a sport.


    Coach Cole

  8. You know its funny you say that.  Because Henderson does have a coed cheerleading team.  They have at least one boy doing somersaults and what not at each basketball game.  Ive seen it myself.  Im calling the schoolboard to see what we can do about an appeal.  But yeah, any monitary donations would be great.  We have consulted a lawyer, but the price to represent has not yet been determined.

  9. I have been to several Indiana wrestling tournaments as a wrestler and as a reporter for a couple of newspapers. As a general rule, they ran nice and smooth, but that may not be all of them. Kentucky faces the problem of inexperience. When a coach puts on his first tournament it is hard to get good schools to come, especially if the first attempt is not well organized.

    Coaches need to work together with new coaches to allow for a good season for all. Parents help usually and brothers and sisters too, but they may be inexperienced.  The coach really needs to plan out everything, and expect things to go wrong and already have a mapped out way to fix them, or get that guy from Caldwell County. He can run a tournament very well.

  10. I coached these boys for the past 3 or 4 seasons, and I must say it was hard to look into their dejected faces at the board meeting. But I was really proud of them. They didnt stay sullen very long. I have always tried to instill that wrestlers fight until the final whistle sounds no matter what the score and no matter who your wrestling. These kids have been told no, and they are still fighting.

    Henderson County has a stomp team, yes a stomp team. A mulitude of cheer, dance, and every other sport the state offers. But for some reason providing funds for a wrestling team that is up and coming is out of the question. They are one of the biggest schools in KY, and myself along with a handful of guys have volunteered our time to coach these fine young men. We have never asked for any money, we havent even practiced in their facilities.

    The school signed off on this team since it began to go to the state tournament. Its just kind of cold that they would turn their back on their own kids.

    Thats all I have to say.

    Coach Cole

  11. The Henderson County school board on Monday night voted not to elevate the Henderson County High School wrestling team to varsity status.

    Superintendent Thomas Richey said there were several reasons for the decision. The primary reason is Title 9. The district is spending $19,000 more on male sports than it is on girls sports, he said.

    Also, coaches are required to be paid. The head coach must receive $2,000 and the assistant coach must receive $1,500. Other issues include unknown transportation costs, wrestling supplies and uniforms, and the costs of renting a practice facility.

    When that was added all together, it came to between $10,000 and $11,500, Richey said.

    The wrestling team has operated as a club sport for the past four years without the financial backing of the school system. Parents and coaches organized fundraisers to pay for expenses.

    The team was allowed to compete against other high school teams during the regular season and the postseason, including the Kentucky High School Athletic Association state tournament.

    However, last February, the KHSAA advised Henderson County athletic administrator Jody White that "club sports do not exist in the eyes of the KHSAA," and that club teams are not eligible to compete in KHSAA-sanctioned events.

    "I think they (the KHSAA) just now realized what we were doing," Richey told The Gleaner last month.

    "I'm not bitter, just disappointed," said Dennis Daugherty, whose son Jackson was a senior on last year's team.

    "The kids put in a lot of work. They're passionate about the sport."

    The team has sent wrestlers to the state meet every year since 2005, including an all-time high seven last year. It is ranked 23rd in the state and has nine ranked wrestlers.

    Timothy Hogan is a parent whose son, Timothy Scott Hogan, is ranked 11th in the state. The elder Hogan said his son has received a full ride to wrestle for four years at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, N.Y.

    However, he said his son must complete his senior year of wrestling to keep the scholarship, and may have no option other than to transfer to another school.

    "I think it's pretty wrong that they are going to take away wrestling when kids are getting scholarships," he said. "This is a shame. My heart's been ripped out, and my son's, too. This team has some great talent."

    Hogan said a lot of kids didn't want to go to school if not for wrestling. He added that the club has been surviving on $3,000 each year, and that one year it cost $2,500 to operate.

    Brandon Cole, one of the coaches, does not get paid for his services. He has been with the team for three years. He said he was 19 when he started volunteering as a coach and he has developed close friendships with the team members.

    Sherry Higgins has a son, Alex Higgins, who is ranked 16th in the state. He made it to nationals in the eighth grade. His dream was to go to college and wrestle.

    Christie Dukes'son, Corey Roberts, went to state in his first year of wrestling. He will be a freshman this year. She said he's already been looking at colleges to see if he can get a wrestling scholarship. She said wrestling has helped her son become more disciplined.

    "It's just aggravating to us to see them (the school board) take this away from us," she said.

    One parent said the wrestling club would appeal the board's decision. Richey said that under state law, there is an administrative procedure that says the club can ask for an appeal hearing within 30 days. That appeal would be heard by the local school board.

    "I'm not opposed to wrestling," Richey said, "It's just a matter of budget cuts, and problems with Title 9 compliance, and facility needs. It started out as a club sport, and no one ever promised that this would be elevated to varsity status."