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Everything posted by MamaC145

  1. MamaC145

    Courtney vs Ervin

    Yes it is but what I am saying is the adults on the board should speak and act as adults.....have you guys forgot about the being a example to the other words if you don't think highly of someone state what you think tactfully......this is something you learn as a child.....or atlest I did.....don't forget you are talking about kids not adults......and I am sure these kids on here know who the adults are ect ... the adults on here should be tactful at all times I think....."example" be one that is what I am saying. Byrddog don't flatter yourself....I don't search for your post..... all I have to do is go to any post that has to do with Harrison or Woodford which I do read :wink: and there you are....with your so called professional 18 years of experience comments. Let me point something out to you....I was not the one that even was my boss who was in the past part of this sport and some other out of state friends who bascailly wanted in on all this during state...they wanted to get more info on this sport in Kentucky since I was so proud of it and my boss was the one that notice which he said he was floored for the reason you were a adult ....dose that not say anything to you or did that go over you was a embressment!!! I look at it this way....were ever I go....whenever I get on here...I am not only representing my son but also his team and Kentucky know this is the world wide web. But I will let this go.....cause I am a adult I prefer to act in a adult manner..I dont get on here very much at all....just to check up every now and then on how everything is going around Kentucky.......but I will leave you with you can see I am a very out spoken opinionated women ...I speak my mind ...but that is what this board is for to state opinions...well I think I just stated mine.....have a wonderful night.
  2. MamaC145

    Good Luck at Nationals!!

    Good luck to all the Kentucky guys!!!!!!!!!!! Lets show them what we can do this year.....I have faith in everyone of you!!!!!!
  3. MamaC145

    Courtney vs Ervin

    I wish Mitch the best!!!!! I hope everything gose well for him and if he wants to go to the next level then all of this will come out in his favor. He seems like a good kid and he is also gifted on the mat. As for Byrddog......grow up....I am not impressed at all with a grown man that has a hobbie of being a online bad man.....bascailly adults who bash kids...if I was 12 or 14 I might be impressed never see me bashing Mitch or any kid on here....why is that??? Cause all these kids work hard.....and I am a adult so I handle myself like one......the only bull you bring to my presents is the kind that would force me to wear rubber boots to walk that ends I am sending good wishes to Mitch and the family and I hope everything works out for him......first his health and well being then getting back on the mat.
  4. MamaC145

    Courtney vs Ervin

    Both are great.......both have won for byrdog.....I think you have some are a grown man......what is up with the Courtney bashing.....every post that has to do with Courtney ummm yea "It is called "OCD" Obsessive-compulsive disorder ummmm I would get that checked out :roll::evil:....but as for these two boys........they are both great and both have proved it out on the mat.
  5. MamaC145

    Coach james wilbers in the UFC?

    I also heard that Mr. Balboa is stepping away from retirement to be the management of both and will be accompanied by psychic Sylvia Browne who will be responsible for channeling the spirt of MR. Apollo Creed who be the personal trainer of the force be with Russia :-D
  6. MamaC145

    pictures at state

    I would like to know who to contact about getting a picture that was in the program of my son this year??? Dose anyone know who to get ahold of???
  7. MamaC145

    Coach james wilbers in the UFC?

    what is up with Russia, seems to be alot of talk about Russia on this board :-D
  8. MamaC145

    Congratulations WC

    all above is true, we both have great teams and great guys on them. As for Mitch going to Russia I heard alot of that this past weekend some odd man from another team seeing my woodofrd shirt I guess out of the blue said to me Mitch went to Russia and I was like o.k and the reason for telling me this is????? and if Mitch did go to Russia I sure hope you didn't go with him cause his parents were probably really worried the whole time he was gone "that was what I was thinking, and I asked my son who has know Mitch for a few years , did Mitch go to Russia????? My son just gave me a odd look so I already knew all this. but thank you :wink: and yes both teams have a great program.
  9. MamaC145

    Congratulations WC

    Congrats to Woodford Co!!!!!!!!!!! you guys showed them no one can keep us down for to long, I am proud of all of you!!!!!!!!
  10. MamaC145

    Union County 2 Wins 2 in a row

    I am new on here also......and I just wanted to post in this thread to tell you guys good did really well once more this year...... so congrats on the state title guys.