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Everything posted by wrestlewatcher

  1. wrestlewatcher

    Northern Kentucky Club Team ,The KY Crush

    Not too hard to figure out. Based upon the fact that they don't use the letter "z" (ie "organisation"-see above) and the frequent space before punctuation marks (ie word , instead of word,) which is consistent with a frequent member who shall remain nameless. Many other similarities, as well. I could be wrong, but if I was in Vegas I would definitely put money on it.
  2. wrestlewatcher

    Great article on John Fahey in CJ

    Nice article for a great kid. He and his dad have never been anything other than gentlemen to my knowledge. I hope he gets the chance to take it all in one last time at the state tournament and plant some great memories----and finish big. Good Luck young Mr Fahy both this weekend and in your college career.
  3. wrestlewatcher

    Eliminating Middle School Wrestlers from High School teams

    With the recent precedent that has been set, apparently most transfer rule/penalties don't apply to high school athletes either.
  4. wrestlewatcher

    FCA pray after we weigh

    I hope you get 448 wrestlers and their coaches to participate. Best of luck to all and here is hoping for an injury free tournament.
  5. wrestlewatcher

    113 Bracket

  6. wrestlewatcher

    Campbell County - Ryle Dual

    We can agree to disagree. I am glad that he has that kind of spirit and I am grateful that my son is on a team that he leads.
  7. wrestlewatcher

    Campbell County - Ryle Dual

    I couldn't hear what he was saying, but what I saw was passion and heart. (And that passion and heart was contagious on the Raider bench that night!) And that is obviously what his wrestler needed.....someone to believe in him and make him dig a little deeper to push himself farther than he thought he could go. I see nothing wrong with that.
  8. wrestlewatcher

    vote for MOW

    We have something close. The Kentucky High School Coaches Association has an Outstanding Senior Award. I believe it requires membership, so I am thinking that not all schools are members, although I could be wrong. They give out an award for most, if not all of the sports. Last five years recipients are: 2010-Ozzy 2009-Harrison Courtney 2008-Mitch Ervin 2007-Will Starks 2006-Richard Starks. Info may be viewed here: http://khsca.org/AWARDS-outstandingSeniors.html
  9. wrestlewatcher

    Ryle- State tournament

    Ryle delivers a fiercely competitive team, year after year, and lack of a state title makes someone wonder if the coaches are "capable"? Hmmm. Anyone who doesn't see the fact that those coaches (and I admit I am biased) are some of the best in the state, either has their blinders on, doesn't know them well, or is jealous and "just hatin". Their style is not for the tenderfoot or thin skinned type of fan, for sure. But I have had one son go through their program and am happy to have another one do the same if he so chooses. I wouldn't want them anywhere else. (And I mean no disrespect to other programs). Not only are they excellent coaches, but they are fine people too.
  10. wrestlewatcher

    John Fahy

    Congratulations to John. I have always enjoyed watching him compete. I think that it is great that he is able to enjoy this level of success at a tournament like the Super 32. And remember-he is just a junior!! :-o
  11. wrestlewatcher

    Photos from State Tournament

    Thank you so much for all of the effort. The pictures are GREAT. Thanks again!
  12. wrestlewatcher

    Food Concessions

    Update-KHSAA responded to email. They say that the State gov't decided to bid out the contract for concessions. They (KHSAA) are taking the complaints to Convention Center management either this week or next week. I think if we keep our feedback to KHSAA constructive and fact based it would be helpful. It appears that their hands were tied, but that they are willing to address so that improvements can be made. CoachK gave us good advice.
  13. wrestlewatcher

    Request for prayers-Jacob Bradford

    Most of you are probably not aware that on Friday evening reigning 189lb State Champ Jacob Bradford sustained deep 2nd degree burns over 50% of his body in a bonfire accident. Jake is at UK Medical Center in critical condition, however, barring any setbacks, his prognosis is good. He has remained stable since the accident and will undergo surgery on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please offer your prayers for Jake and his family during this time. I know it would mean a lot to them.
  14. wrestlewatcher

    Number of qualifiers per team

    Ryle is taking all 14. Campbell County is taking 11.
  15. wrestlewatcher

    Region 6 130

    Good point. I guess it would all come down to what other schools were in the region as to whether all four would make it. Bunch of unknowns.
  16. wrestlewatcher

    Region 6 130

    Right-I am aware of that.......but there have been other threads mentioning the format of state. Some in favor of moving to districts>regional>16 man bracket at state. My point was only to illustrate the benefit of the 32 man bracket for those that favor the 16.
  17. wrestlewatcher

    Region 6 130

    This is a perfect example of why I am in favor of a 32 man bracket at state. A 16 man bracket means one of these studs doesn't make the trip to Frankfort.
  18. wrestlewatcher

    Trinity, Woodford Co., Ryle, Union Co., Mark Hall etc.

    I knew when I posted that I would have people take pot shots at me. I will go on record and say I did not boo ANYONE......I may boo a bad call (or lack of a call) but not a kid. Obviously I am not the long haired guy with the tattoo on the neck either. Anyone who knows me knows that my spirit is closer to my previous posting than what you have portrayed. Go ahead and make me the whipping girl for all things that anyone from Ryle has ever done. I am big enough to handle it.
  19. wrestlewatcher

    Trinity, Woodford Co., Ryle, Union Co., Mark Hall etc.

    I am posting this to clarify a few things that have been said on this thread. First off, my name is Lori Osborne. Several of "us" from Ryle have been asked if we were grapplesack. Please allow me to make it clear that I am not grapplesack, and although his identity is a mystery, the folks that I have talked to from Ryle (we are a close knit group) have made it known that they are not grapplesack. Grapplesack is certainly entitled to his opinion, and to perceive things however he wishes, and to share them on this forum. IF grapplesack is from Ryle (which I do NOT think he is) I can assure you that he is acting alone in his attack on the choices that some of the families (mentioned in previous posts) have made......past and present. Although we are proponents of fierce competition on the mat......when the boys step off we respect them, their families and coaches as people, and consider most of them friends. The Bradburys have never been anything other than friendly and kind to us. I don't really know the Lampes, but I was a product of a catholic education, and I can appreciate the dilemma they find themselves in and admire the choices that they have made for their kids because they feel it is right for their family. Having a 7th grader earn a spot on the varsity squad took some getting use to for all of us. Think about it........he took one of OUR kids spots. But we remained open to the idea and got to know the kid and his father and they are very nice people and I respect them and their choices. I just wanted to clear the air a little bit since this thread has gotten so out of hand and has probably offended some people. From the Ryle wrestling community-we extend to all teams the wishes of safe and successful tournaments .... including the post season. Good Luck to all!
  20. wrestlewatcher

    Dragon Inv.

    Supe forfeited in the finals as did Sowder from Scott. I know they had a Senior dance at Scott and I am assuming that was the reason...........perhaps incorrectly, but that is my take.
  21. wrestlewatcher

    Trinity, Woodford Co., Ryle, Union Co., Mark Hall etc.

    I believe the distinction in your example is that those schools (the Owensboro Middle and High) are under the same Board of Education. I am not familiar with those schools and I am not making the statement that they are goverened by the same board, I am just pointing out that the KHSAA bylaws do allow this. (Just my interpretation)
  22. wrestlewatcher

    Trinity, Woodford Co., Ryle, Union Co., Mark Hall etc.

    Actually, I think it is the KHSAA that prohibits the middle school students from competing for the catholic/private high schools. Since these schools may not meet the definition of "feeder" schools or governed by the same board of education they don't meet the provisions of the bylaws. I don't think the school has any discretion here.
  23. wrestlewatcher

    Trinity, Woodford Co., Ryle, Union Co., Mark Hall etc.

    I think the issue with this would be the transfer rule. There are bylaws (of which I am NOT an expert) , that govern moves from one school to another. I believe it is required that once a kid participates on a varsity squad for one school they need to either sit out a year upon transfer, or there needs to be permanent residency change for the entire family, etc. Sticky.
  24. wrestlewatcher

    Elementary Regional/State

    Having been a part of these meetings in the past (not the Fall meeting, however) I appreciate the fact that these issues typically have many more than one approach and somehow we have to narrow it down to one date and a single location. If you really think that the discussions do not involve debate about the pros and cons, you are wrong. There is no possible way to choose one date and one venue that pleases everyone. Hopefully those that can make it will make it. I have driven to all of the other youth State tournaments and only one was convenient. I may have had to juggle other priorities. But it was important to my child, so we went. Hopefully for those who are throwing around the excuses about the USA card, the date, the location etc will reassess and be able to make the tournament if it is important to their child. We live in a diverse state, fairly large in geography, and I bet it is fair to say that some families have experienced job losses and other hardships this year. My family has. So not every family will be able to attend. Some will have real issues, other will allow their egos to be the overriding factor. For those that go-Good Luck to your kids! For those that can't make the trip due to hardships-I hope your losses and hardships are overcome in 2010, and good luck to you too.
  25. wrestlewatcher

    Super 32

    Here are the results that I know of: 112-Fahy went 3-2 (They post the bout results for this weight class-not brackets-but I think he had a bye first round-not sure, though) 112-Ruschell went 2-2 125-Osborne went 4-2 130-Carr went 1-2 160-Coyle finished 1 match after being injured, lost and had to withdraw. 171-Lee went 2-2