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About dfspeck

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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. dfspeck

    130 state champ

    My impression of the championship match was a little different than any of the other posts - after I was told that Eck was bragging that he had taken less than 20 shots in his previous matches, I was cheering for Perez. By the end I was just rooting for the match to be over - what a snoozer. I realize when wrestlers are evenly matched the action decreases, but I can only watch guys going in circles so long before I get dizzy. That would have ben a good match to call stalling....
  2. dfspeck

    Region time and place

    Region 7 at Henry Clay - I was told weigh ins at 8 and wrestling at 10.
  3. dfspeck

    Best Coaches In Kentucky Wrestling History

    I'm going to weigh in here with the 2 coaches I know best, Jay McChord and Chris McCoy from Lafayette. Jay had an incredible vision for his wrestlers as people and citizens, not just wrestlers. He clearly demonstrated his concern for academics and personal growth. I was overwhelmed when he took his team to a "Protocol and Etiquette Banquet" at the Georgetown/Bengals training facility. Another year he had his guys dress for dinner at a retirement home and spend an evening with senior citizens - all incredible growth moments for his team members. Coach McCoy was an assistant during those years and he has grasped that vision - I wish all coaches would realize that the physical skills gained are only temporary (think about all the overweight, out-of-shape, crippled ex-wrestlers you see!), but the discipline, maturity, teamsmanship and positive attitude last forever! Those are the things that are truly meaningful. It's great to have kids that are winning consistently, but I'm most proud of our wrestlers when they lose with grace and dignity and can keep their head held high knowing they did their best. Those are the real winners in life...
  4. dfspeck

    Dunbar's 215?

    I could probably be cruel and say that it's not often I see 2 shots in a 215 match, let alone at the same time!!!
  5. dfspeck


    Tyler grimm... i think he beat shotwell. Or that is what i had heard prior to TCI
  6. dfspeck


    The actual score of that match was 8-3 and the three points were an escape he was given and a takedown with short time because Speck let up since he knew he had won. When the rematch occurred Shotwell had the tournament of his career... State will be the next chance for a rematch.
  7. dfspeck

    Dragon Results

    Chaney's takedown on Matt Green was truly beautiful - I'm sure Matt would agree. I'm also sure that most of the crowd would also agree that it was the only substantial action seen of Chaney during the match. Chaney's smart and he stayed away as much as the ref would allow. I'm reminded of the old saying, "even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then".
  8. I'm sure I saw Coty Lewis (with his championship ring) at a Fazoli's last Friday night - to me it looked more like he was going for 152!!!!! He certainly looked a loooooong way from 119!
  9. dfspeck


    As a parent I certainly enjoyed watching one of the refs at the region 7 duals - I think his name was Haywood and he's a reasonable ref - but he's also entertaining during the "down times". He jokes with the kids, dances when he raises their hands and keeps them amused. I am curious about the sign when a ref puts the back of both hands on his forehead and then wiggles his fingers? My son told me it means "there's too much red on the mat". As long as the days get for the fans, it's great to get laugh now and then....
  10. dfspeck

    horsepower results

    A couple additions... All-Tournament Team Members 103: Shawn Johnson (5-0) LAF 112: Nick Reichmuth (5-0) PRP 130: Nathan Speck (5-0) LAF 125: Corey Mills (5-0) PRP 152: Dusty Stengel (5-0) PRP 160: Dakoda Choate (5-0) PRP 215: Matt Green (5-0) LAF By the way, can anyone tell me the rationale for making the top 2teams wait over half an hour after the last teams (and some additional JV matches) wrestled to begin the championship round - by then just about everyone except those 2 teams were already home!!!! I thought the idea was to feature the top teams not torture them!
  11. dfspeck

    lonsome results

    As a Lafayette parent, I was proud of all of our guys and their performance. For my money, Zeppa at 119 from NO was the MOW - wrestling up a weight against the best - and then winning - hat's off!!! I was disappointed to see multiple punches (disguised as crossfaces) thrown in a couple matches - 103 and 215 matches - I hope refs get serious about preventing this inappropriate behavior. When one parent shouted to the ref that a kid was punching, the parent was thrown out!!!! I'm sure ref-ing is tough and he may have misunderstood what was said, but that ref definitely made a major boo-boo in throwing out a parent without sufficient cause!
  12. dfspeck

    You might be a wrestling fanatic if...

    ...you have more t-shirts with wrestling slogans than you have underwear. ...your vacation plans include 3 days in Frankfort in mid-February!
  13. dfspeck

    You might be a wrestling fanatic if...

    ... if you've learned to appreciate the smell of a well-aged kneepad. ... if you think spittin' is an acceptable weight-loss program. ... if your weight fluctutes by more than 10 pounds - in an hour. ... if you buy gatorade by the pickup load. ... if "I dunno" has been replaced by crossing your arms in front of your body (defer). ... if you think anyone looks good in a singlet. ... if you know which way to lean on any scale to obtain the lowest weight.
  14. dfspeck

    Location of 5 star tournament ?

    The 5 star will be held at Lafayette High School this year.