Chicks Dig Scars

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Everything posted by Chicks Dig Scars

  1. Chicks Dig Scars

    Rebel Rankings 2005/2006 - #6

    Great Job again Ranger.
  2. Chicks Dig Scars

    South Oldham invitational

    Aylor vs Cooper 0-3 Cooper
  3. Chicks Dig Scars

    South Oldham invitational

    It seemed that Courtney probably hadn't gone a whole six minutes with anyone in a long time. By the end of the second period with Shere it was obvious he wouldn't be able to do much more.
  4. Chicks Dig Scars

    South Oldham invitational

    This is one of my favorite tournies. The day has arrived.
  5. Chicks Dig Scars


    That is his nephew, Ben Jordan. But Jim Jordan (Ben' dad and Jeff's brother) teaches for a few days at his camp and he was also i believe a four time state champ.
  6. Chicks Dig Scars


    Jordan has several freestyle camps running in march for a few days each. Jeff Jordan's State Champ Camp is the top-of-the-line camp east of the Mississippi... maybe the nation.
  7. Chicks Dig Scars

    are there still meets on snow dayS?

  8. Chicks Dig Scars

    South Oldham invitational

    If i remember correctly. The past years have had Woodford, Ryle, St. X, Simon Kenton, Christion County, Southern, Lawrence County, Scott , Fern Creek maybe and others. Those are just a few i remember.
  9. Chicks Dig Scars

    Best matches of the year

    Ozzie Parker's match with the 30 pounder from Hunington on saturday was pretty good.
  10. Chicks Dig Scars


    Since when is 135 looking pretty tough. All i see is Murton which makes it an easy class to place in.
  11. Chicks Dig Scars

    stacked regions at certain weight classes

    This years 145 wieght class is the most stacked i have ever seen one been. All of these guys are very good , and at state this will be the weight class to watch. PS ( I was just bragging on region six before, any of these guys has an equal chance to win it).
  12. Chicks Dig Scars

    stacked regions at certain weight classes

    And that is including Courtney. Go get em region six.
  13. Chicks Dig Scars

    stacked regions at certain weight classes

    regoin 6 - 145 Josh Cooper (Simon Kenton) Rob Aylor (Ryle) Brian Wilson (Campbell Co.) These are going to be the top three finishers at state too. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER.
  14. Chicks Dig Scars

    weakest weightclass this year

    125 is NOT going to be an easy wieght class at all this year there are a few tough contenders and the previous state champion. By far the easiest wieght class is 160. Thats why you see good wrestlers like Austin Cooper jumping to it.
  15. Chicks Dig Scars

    Toughest region

    Bravo Ranger. Very nice job. Also congradulations region 6, us being the toughest region finally gets the recognition we deserve.
  16. Chicks Dig Scars

    Do you think 135 is a weak weight class this year???

    A weak weight class doesn't mean that there is no one good in it. It's just that if you were to wrestle 135 in any tourney in KY you would find it very easy to make it to the finals.
  17. Chicks Dig Scars

    Does anyone know

    Proper english please
  18. Chicks Dig Scars

    Who's Still Undefeated?

    Parks lost to Warner at WCI. Ben controled the whole match.
  19. Chicks Dig Scars


    Wheres Luna?
  20. Chicks Dig Scars


    130 ,though a very tough weight class, is not the most stacked. 145 pounds is definately the strongest weight class this season.
  21. Chicks Dig Scars

    Who's Still Undefeated?

    Being undefeated at this point in the season doesnt mean anything. If your still undefeated after Woodford and SouthOldham then thats something to show for.
  22. Chicks Dig Scars

    Weakest weight class so far?

    If Murton drops to 35 i know some people who might be quite upset because they wanted to wrestle him and cant go any lower than 140. But yes 135 is terribly weak this year.
  23. Chicks Dig Scars

    New & Improved Rankings

    Nice work!
  24. Chicks Dig Scars


    Dusty broke his arm or hand or something. He will be out later on in the year... at 119.
  25. Chicks Dig Scars

    New Rankings

    Rankings souldn't have gone up untill after this weekend. Campbell County beat Ryle and Ryle barely beat Scott. Maybe whoever did the rankings this year doesn't pay attention to wrestling.