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Everything posted by Ridge215

  1. Ridge215

    most pins least amount of time

    bebop got the quickest pin in state? wow!!lol
  2. Ridge215

    best wrestlers to graduate from your school

    Gary Jennings-103/112 Cody Moy-171 James Linker-152
  3. Ridge215

    tops out of each region next year

    what about josh higgs???? Hesthe returning champ at 112, I think he will easly win 112 again!
  4. Ridge215

    chokes at state

  5. Ridge215


    From PRP, James Glenn-145/152, 05 team region champ, 06 indidual champ Chuck Layman-135/145, 03,04,05 team region champ, 04,05 region runner-up Jason Hardin-215/275, 03, 04, 05 team region champ, 04 region runner-up, 05, 06 Individual champ, 05 6th@215, 06 5th@hwt!! All of us are going to UofL, so we will be back.
  6. Ridge215

    Last Chance!

    The good ol back trip hardly ever failed me. But my bread and butter was the craddle. I hit it from standing, farside, nearside, sucide. There was only like 1 person that couldnt stop my craddle when I tryed it.
  7. Ridge215

    Wrestling Music

    Im making a wrestling mix and I was wondering what youall listened to before matches to get pumped up!?!? No wrestling mix would be complete without EYE of THE TIGER. And I also like the Chicago Bulls warm up song. Finish my list!!!
  8. Ridge215

    Region Champioships

    Everybody is talking about who is going to win the indidual weight classes but I havnt seen anyone say who they thought would win as a team. What team will win each region?
  9. Ridge215

    You might be a wrestling fanatic if...

    If all you do when yoou go to a basketball game is try to figure out how many wrestling mats you could fit in that gym. I do it all the time.
  10. Ridge215

    wrestling brothers

    The millas brother's from PRP Both Region Champs Tony Mills, 03 champ Corey mills, 05 Champ Jermey Raider(coach) and Daniel Raider(Senior wrestler) are brothers. Jake and B-rad are brothers, but there still both really young. Thell be good in a year or two.
  11. Ridge215

    Rebel Rankings 2005/2006 - #7

    Corey Peters should be ranked way higher than he is, I dont know who all he has beat but I know from wrestling that he is better than everyone has him made out to be. I think he has just as good of chance that clark does at winning it all. What was the score the last time they wrestled?? Wasnt it close? I see him no lower than 3 or 4 on the medal stand. Go get "em" BiG Corey
  12. Ridge215

    cutting weight?

    Freshmen year I dropped from 280 to 213, sohpmore year, after football I weighed 250, then dropped to 215, last year, I weighed 235 and dropped to 205 and then I gained 6olbs over the summer and now weigh 265. Ever year I lost weight was because we didnt have a 215 but we did have a HWT, but he graduated and we didnt have another one.
  13. Ridge215

    Who are the top 4 in each weight at state?

    At HWT, In no certain order, Peters, Clark, Goodrich, Hardin Like someone said, all are very capeable of winning it all, and I wish all of my compoinets the best of luck. How about lets stop all the taunting and trash talking and let the wrestlers wrestle. So if anybody else wants to say anything else about me, say it now.
  14. Ridge215


    No he didnt get beat, he hasnt wrestled for atleast 2 weeks. He was on crutches at Jefferson county and was still out for the Big East, but he told me that he would be back soon.
  15. Ridge215

    Best matches of the year

    Yeah that was a really good match. I just couldnt recall Deon's name. Dont get me wrong, I dont mean anything bad about him. Hes a hell of a wrestler and I give him lots of props. Im just not good with names.
  16. Ridge215

    Best matches of the year

    Grant Lasewell(Trinity)&Joe Raighley(Valley)
  17. Ridge215

    head coaching salary

    Our coach last year and all the other coaches at school say that it comes out to about a nickle a hour. You sure do have to love what you do because NOBODY is in it for the money.
  18. Ridge215

    Off season

    James Glenn is the 145 from PRP. He is going to be alot alot alot better than he was last year. He placed in every tournament last year except woodford and state.
  19. Ridge215

    Former Kentucky wrestlers serving in Iraq

    Cody Moy (PRP 171) Is serving in the armed forces. He left less than a week after graduation.
  20. Ridge215

    Off season

    Sorry for any typo's for all the woodford people reading this forum!!! :wink:
  21. Ridge215

    Off season

    I know for a fact that James Glenn worked his butt off over the summer. He lifted every day, I lifted most days with him but he always made time, never missed one day. He went from a 130 max on bench to a 210 max. And without takeing any steroids. He went to alot of camps in Indiana. All of this and still maintained a job working 40 hours a week and his same weight.
  22. Ridge215


    4 me I rather go for gold but take on tough challenges so that it would make me better and looked at better I'm not the type 2 go for easy matches and I will wrestle anyone so that makes me not a coward. But I say do what is best 4 U
  23. Ridge215


    What is the deal with this running away from other wrestlers who have big names (moving weight classes)?? That would make me want to wrestle them even more. I red a little while back about someone asking what weight-class murton was going to so that they will know to move up or down. I like wrestling big names, I would never run from anyone, EVER!!! Even if I get my but kicked, I will be able to say that I wrestled my best and he was just better than me. I will wrestle and prepare for everyone like I was wrestling the best of the best no matter who it is.
  24. Ridge215

    Top 10 215?

    Sounds good to me!!!! Lets not let this forum get out of hand like it did last year.