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  1. 3 points
    The point of any of my posts is to get people talking. Do you always have to be a dick?
  2. 2 points
    He got taken down multiple times by an unknown kid from Eastern a couple weeks ago but seemed to be kind of coasting. Does not generate much offense so Johns or Jenkins could TF him IMO.
  3. 2 points
    Admin can we get it deleted today... My goodness. Thanks Mathound
  4. 1 point
    Yes or that but Im saying after watching him I think he's undefeated because of the lack of strength of schedule more than his wrestling level.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    We will all see the results of state. I think the rankings are pretty accurate. To be fair I don't know much about guys that are ranked 4-10. Most weight classes the 4-10 guys are not on the same level as the "contenders". I just didn't understand what point you're trying to make
  7. 1 point
    Who has he wrestled? You with this unbeaten thing. Bro isn't hanging with Jenkins or Johns
  8. 1 point
    Gist of Valley is still unbeaten(kinda). Who really knows how good he is?
  9. 1 point
    Looking at some results and it looks like Isaac Johns Hunter Jenkins Ren Birk Keygen Roberts Ryan Smith Luke Knight Xavier Gonzales TJ Hicks (with a win over Knight you have to mention him) at 150. That quickly became the deepest weight class.
  10. 1 point
    I agree, I think most weights come down to one or two guys, with a clear favorite in a lot of them. The only weight I'm not really sure on is 144, could see any of the top 3-4 coming away with that, which is an even wilder weight if evans comes up to avoid a Raney.
  11. 1 point
    What weight class do you see the number 4 kid having a chance to win a title outside of maybe 144 and HWT, much less 5-10? 106 Braxton probably pins his way through 113 Wells Pins or techs his way through 120 Has some potential but Davis Tech/Pinning Roman who is #2 makes it hard to bet against him. 126 Another weight with some potential but Cornwell and Blevins have already dominated everyone else at the weight. 132 Raney pins through 138 Raney pins through 144 First weight I wouldn't be shocked at 3 different champs. 150 Johns/Jenkins have a lock. (Smith is my dark horse) 157 Rider has already pinned Micah twice and Micah is probably a major or more better than the rest of the field. Not saying Micah cant make it happen at state, but 2 horse race. 165 Miller by major in finals in my opinion. 175 Ricketts pins through if he wants 190 Couple different possible champs 215 Marcus James dominates everyone HWT Couple different possible champs Not a ton of depth for title contention right now. I think the depth for placement is pretty good, but the top guys have seemed to widen the gap.
  12. 1 point
    I couldn't disagree more. 150 to 175 are all pretty much 2 maybe 3 guys fighting for the championship. I don't even think 144 has 10 guys that could win it, and it's arguably the deepest
  13. 1 point
    1. Jordyn Raney 2. Jayden Raney 3. Jackson Wells 4. Lucas Ricketts 5. George Dennis 6. Landon Evans 7. Rider Trumble 8. Jonah McCloskey 9. Miller Brown 10. Ethan Davis First 3 are locks in my opinion. Raneys both world champs, and Wells has a major decision win over number 12 in country and 3 point loss to number 2 in country. Might get to see Dennis and Landon in their dual Wednesday. Would make sense for Landon to test the waters if he's planning on making the jump since Raney is back. The rest are just personal opinions.
  14. 1 point
    Means nothing considering the difference in competition each team sees. Easy to stay unbeaten if you don’t wrestle outside your region!
  15. 0 points