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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This may be a post I regret but to me these rankings were just something to put out just to satisfy people to get them off your back. I do not feel that there was a lot of effort that were put into these as various wrestlers that are ranked are out for the season or not wrestling at all and other wrestlers that are ranked that quite frankly shouldn't Be. There are also some wrestlers that should be ranked a few very high that aren't Ranked at all. I promise that I have a great deal of respect for all that you do for this sport and I know that when you put your report out for the regions and the state tournament the results of these rankings will be quite different. I don't know I guess my question to you would be why put these out at all if you know in your heart you didn't give your best effort? I still thank you for all you do for this great sport ! Sorry my grammar is so bad on this post as I'm posting from my phone. I know when the Ranger report comes it will be top notch and no one can do it like you can. Respectfully submitted.
  2. 1 point
    yea, but having a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed is rather tiresome and unsportsman like
  3. 1 point
    Oh ye of little knowledge and even less understanding, surely you are being facetious!
  4. -1 points
    So bad he beat up a Rock , injured a stone , Murdered a Brick , wrestled an alligator beat up a whale handcuffed lighting and threw thunder in jail . ATM wildcat your lucky to even get to be in the same arena as him , There's some Ky History for you straight from the man my Friend Ali . Gonna whoop everyone bigger faster stronger meaner stronger harder nastier midevil he will smack the taste out your mouth crush the back of your skull if you test him after he sends you crashing to the mat , you want to get serious about who's the best wrestler in Ky it's the one no one in ky can beat and hasn't been able to since he entered 9th grade no one no weight , The Man ATM Money
  5. -1 points
    All the dream Matchup stuff is kind of odd with state duals a couple days away , but it's understandable , the reality of who is about to win is not as enjoyable or as fun for some to talk about as the fantasy matchup stuff you can make your own endings to . CC big school , Union small school .