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Do you want to be the best?

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Do you want to be the best? Then you need to beat the best, train with the best... Iron Sharpens Iron. Wrestling isn't a sport you can just show up and be good at; there is always someone who is out working you. Someone who is putting in more time. There are the David Taylor's of the world who do not take a day off and are relentless in their pursuit of being the best. They measure themselves against the best, day in and day out. Wrestlers like Kyle Snyder and David Taylor are not great because they were born that way. They are great because they pushed themselves to be great. When everyone else left practice they stayed late. When everyone else heads back to the dorms they get in an extra hour of cardio. You can start being that wrestler at Iron Sharpens Iron Team Camps.
You will have your opportunities to be mediocre, to call it a day and pack it in and head to the cafeteria grab some food and hang with your buddies. But, you will also have the opportunity to become great. To wrestle an extra 5-8 matches when you are tired and your body is saying no. To mentally forge ahead and complete the Elite Session Practices. The athletes who can do this don't just win in the fall, they dominate. These are the wrestlers who people run from in the post season. The warriors that other wrestlers fake injuries to avoid. They are the backbone of countless college wrestling programs. Their greatness is born in the off season! Start your path to greatness at Iron Sharpens Iron. #NoOffSeason #ISI

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