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Posts posted by HammerHead

  1. I realize how important it is to have a more accurate weight & skin check but completely eliminating remote weigh ins will be so hard for some families. Especially ones in  the south and eastern parts of the state.  Friday/Saturday weigh ins will require an overnight trip when most parents typically drove to the tournament the morning of.  I also realize that the flyer was released in the fall.  Really though people do not look at the times, etc until it get closer to tournament time.  Maybe a large headline noting a significant change with required weigh ins in Louisville before States and that regional weigh in will not suffice this season would have been a good idea!  

    Could not a morning weigh in for the morning session & an afternoon weigh in for the afternoon session been done on Sunday in addition to Saturdays weigh in?  My understanding is that once wrestlers weight, etc is put in Trackwrestling, the computer creates the required brackets.