Wrestlin' Mommy

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Posts posted by Wrestlin' Mommy

  1. I have a 4 yr old daughter who had an asthma attack Friday evening after we left the event, and had to have breathing treatments throughout the day on Saturday. The area WAS filthy!! Her white tights were ruined, and that was just from being in the seating. The area was to small for her to play on the floor, and I did not let her run around the arena.  I have traveled to Frankfort and Lexington for the past 7 years for the  State Wrestling Tournament and State Cross Country Meet, and I do NOT think the Horse Park is appropriate for Wrestling. As a mother, and a Team Mom, I was upset that regular folks aren't allowed on the floor to take photos during a match, or for the Medal Ceremony. In Frankfort, this was allowed. Also, what in Haiti was the restriction that you could only take photos, or record matches, from your seat, and were not allowed to use a tripod? That was the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.

    I agree that a rotation to each of the Regions would be the fairest thing for all involved. Why should one Region benefit more over the others? 

    I live in the Louisville Area, and for one would not mind paying $8.00 to park daily, it sure beats paying $300 for a 2 night stay at a hotel. I just think that KHSAA needs to look at all aspects before renewing their contract with Alltech, and take into consideration that the Athletes especially, may have sensitivities to their surrounding and could (not necessarily WILL) affect the outcome of their matches due to those sensitivities.

    I think that it should be put up for a vote of all involved as to where it should be held. I would definitely cast my vote for an 8 year rotation.

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