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Everything posted by SuperDuck

  1. SuperDuck

    Region 7 Regional Tournament

    region 7 predictions; 103- whalen (h.clay) 112- hanley (laf) 119- bryant (laf) 125- lacey (laf)/ vanderpool (wc) 130- lopez (frank)\ 135- clay (frank) 140- mccall (wc) 145- whalen (h.clay) 152- white (wc) 160- graham (wc) 171- goodrich (wc) ??? 189-??? 215-??? hwt-???
  2. i saw cory mccall at 140 beat a couple tough ranked guys..waits (ch), jacobs (southern), rupp (east), and i believe lonkard from ryle. big improvements from south oldham.. caleb and brock ervin are pretty dominate, jj jude will be hard to beat at state, 119 is huge toss up, fahy definitly is the top dawg, 130 is a tough class (could go to anyone), 160 is going to be a battle (lampe, coyle, graham, oleery, bell). good ranking though ranger.
  3. SuperDuck


    119 is a weak weight out for dixie's 119. he looked tough.