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Posts posted by superdave13

  1. superdave, if your kids arent reaching there full potential at wrestling because someone posted that another kid was really good , then you have bigger problems than stupid posts. it is the parents job to help a kid reach there full potential and to teach them to believe in themselves no matter what others may say about them or there opponent. if your child gets on here and falls to pieces because everyone is talking about how good other kids are then you may need to seek some counseling for your child and yourself.

    floridafan, as for reaching full potential, my son took first place. he also finished the season with an overall record of 36-4. his team took the school team championship (3rd overall) with 5 first year wrestlers. yet, i never once read a post on this page even mentioning anything about him or his team. when i said we have kids not reaching their full potential, i did not necessarily mean my son or any of the kids on his team. i meant in general. and i totally agree with parents teaching their kids to reach their full potential and to believe in themselves no matter what others say. but as an adult, i know that sometimes it does not matter how hard we try to teach these things. our children have minds of their own and don't always form the best opinions of themselves, or others, no matter what you try to teach them. especially at this age. believe it or not, our kids are influenced more by their friends and classmates' opinions than anything we could ever say or do. if enough people call a duck a swan, eventually it becomes harder for them not to believe it. and as for saying that my child and i may need counseling, you just proved my point about not having a clue. the whole attitude of "it's not my fault they feel that way" is so unbelievably narrow-minded it almost makes me chuckle. the point i was simply trying to make was to remind everyone posting here that not only other adults read this page. obviously, you did not get the point.

  2. now, for starters, i'll admit i've only just recently found this website (3 months ago) but i've noticed a huge trend. none of you have a clue!!!!! what i feel the biggest surprise or shocker was @ 131. everyone had cox, or henning, or metts picked to win and neither of these boys even made it to the finals. schoerer and matthews had what i would say was the match of the day, a rematch of district 3 regional finals. matthews was down 6-4 with 40 sec. left in the 3rd period. matthews won 11-9. there was only 1 match that was closer. not bad for two boys (schoerer is a 2nd year, matthews is a 3rd year) who weren't even considered to be contenders. it seems to me that most of you are here to promote your district and your district only. district 3 had more first year wrestlers qualify for the state tournament than any other district (five of which were from campbell county). granted, none of them placed in the top 4, but none of them went 2 and out either. it really shows that absolutely no real thought is put into most of the posts on this web page. and the worst part of all is that our children get on here and read these posts and take them as fact. no wonder we have kids that never reach their full wrestling potential. they work hard everyday in practice, do well in competition, then come on this page and everyone is still talking about the same, overrated wrestlers every week. i don't post on here much, but i'll admit, i don't know much about the wrestlers in other districts. i only see them if they happen to compete at the same meets we do. so, i feel my OPINION is a bit jaded. just the same as a lot of the posts i read, jaded OPINIONS!!!!! so, next time you post, please remember that our kids read the posts on this page.

  3. I don't believe there are very many wrestlers out there that have made it to state that have not worked hard all year. No matter what decision is made, not everyone is going to happy. They will make the best decision possible, and there is nothing we can do about it.  We will have to deal with it. I feel that even though this is not ideal, that it is a life lesson and the way we handle it will reflect on how our children handle it. Lets keep that in mind. After all we are doing this for our children!!